Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Self-inflicted Blindness

In a fictitious world very similar to our own (we might even think it is the same!), a strange thing happens. Some people, all of a sudden, go totally blind. There is no explanation, their is no cure for this weird, tragic happening. Finally someone understands what is going on: several individuals don't care about others, they don't want to see the wrong that surrounds them as long as they are okay. They feel no connection to their fellow human beings, they don't want to get involved, they are indifferent to what does not interest them directly. They can easily find excuses to their carelessness blaming it on their jobs ("I had to do it"), on their personal situation ("It's none of my business"), on their inexperience in the field ("I know nothing about it")etc. So this disease is created which reflects their deepest, unrecognized feelings  of guilt and becomes a sort of self-inflicted punishment. In our society there are three clearly divided kinds of people. Those who are totally involved in a so-called good cause, those who are not directly involved but are interested in knowing what is going on, and finally those who couldn't care less. They don't want to know because they say: "What could I do? It doesn't really concern me." Well... What is my position here? I wonder. What is yours? Do you care to find out?

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