Saturday, January 30, 2021

Your Legacy

What kind of legacy people, us, "you", want to leave behind at the moment of passing away? And by 'legacy' I don't mean "the amount of money  or property left to someone in a will", as the dictionary defines it. I mean, how do you want to be remembered? What are the memories you want people to have of you? There are some who wish to be remembered for their wealth, power, beauty, success. Each of these reasons could be an acceptable 'legacy' but, unfortunately, such features are often accompanied by negative ones that make them selfish, overbearing, vain, conceited. It's not a rule, but it's rather common. Ask yourself if there is a trait in your character that may affect the people you are interacting with on a regular basis. Can you identify it? Do you perceive it as mainly positive or negative? Are there more than one?  *

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

New vs. Old

 Some people don't like new things infiltrating their lives. They don't appreciate having to change their routines or having to deal with innovation in their environment. You, too, may be one of those who prefer to keep treading on the same path day after day, because you are used to it and feel comfortable on it. New ways of performing certain actions, of interpreting the world, of perceiving people, can be threatening to your 'ego'. On the other hand, accepting all that is new indiscriminately can cause a lot of confusion, disorder, even disappointment. Not all that is "new" is to be praised, exactly as not all that is "old" is to be treasured. When you need to solve this conundrum, it's up to your ability to make a good judgement. Keeping an open mind, as well as being firm in your principles, can  help  you to make the right decision.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Same View, Different Perceptions

 Look around and give details of what you see. Then ask a friend to do the same. Their description will not be exactly the same as yours. Why? Because you both look at the same scene, but you "focus" on different things. Loving gardening, you are attracted by the beautiful trees, so you describe them in detail. Your friend, on the other hand, likes sailing, therefore their attention is drawn towards the boats in the small harbor. A third person may first mention the warm sandy beach... and so on. Three (or more) onlookers, three or more 'accurate' descriptions of the same view. They will be roughly similar, but never identical. Although this may be a problem for the police interviewing witnesses to an accident, it is perfectly normal if you consider the multiplicity of the human nature. This consideration should definitely make you more tolerant and understanding towards the opinions of other people.

Thursday, January 21, 2021


A quote says: Your life ends when you stop dreaming. Do you have a dream that can inspire the way you live your life? What kind of dream is it? Hopefully a worthy one. Dreams, either experienced while you are asleep or as a fruit of your imagination, can be of different kinds, but they are all able to inspire you. Not having a dream does not mean that your life literally ends. It only means that your existence, without a purpose to pursue, is most probably empty or unfulfilling. No matter how rich, handsome or powerful you are, if you don't have a higher goal, such "gifts" will keep your spirit tied down to mere materiality.

Monday, January 18, 2021


It has been said that there are three different kinds of time: the physics time, the biological time and the inner time. The first concerns the parameters of physics (scientific point of view), the second takes into consideration how bodies work at a molecular level (life), the third refers to your personal perception. If you are trying to learn more about yourself, the inner time is certainly the most intriguing. One question might be interesting: is time circular or linear? If you think about the alternation of day and night or about the seasons, it's clear that time is circular, recurring, cyclical. But in your personal experience, time is going only in one direction, like an arrow: from past to present to future (it cannot go back as it may happen at the subatomic level). In reality, though, only the present is real because it is the only instant you can experience. Both past and future are either a memory of what has been or an anticipation of what you expect to happen. And even "now" does not really exist because its flow is relentless. Therefore, it's all in your mind!

Friday, January 15, 2021

Understanding = Forgiveness

There was a Zen master who always answered “Very  well, very well” - whenever he was either falsely accused or asked for forgiveness. Even if their action was hurtful, you, too, can do it, by understanding the reason why someone behaved the way they did. You can acknowledge their right to be who they are and to act according to their own convictions. At the same time, you also acknowledge the feeling of hurt that such action caused you. You suffer, you don’t deny or try to hide pain, but you are also able to see the wider picture. Say, “You hurt me and I accept to feel the pain, but I forgive you because I know that you acted according to your own view of the situation. I cannot blame you for being who you are, I can only try to understand.” With understanding, forgiveness is born.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Let Go

 If you hold some sand in your fist, you wan't be able to 'seal' it all inside. Some will stay there, but some will slip down. If you replace sand with water, none of it will stay in your fist. It will all escape and leave your hand empty. This is how your power is: at times you have some control over your life (sand you can keep in your fist), other times you have no control (water that flows out). There are situations you simply cannot do anything about. They just are, no matter how upset or angry or unhappy or sorry they make you. If you try to fix them, change them, avoid them, ignore them, they still keep haunting you. So, instead of obsessing over your lack of power, convince yourself that it's better - "for you" - to let go, to release the need to lead the situation towards the direction you want. Admit that you may not be in control. For your own peace of mind.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Body & Memories

One thought to ponder upon (from English philosopher John Locke): If the memories of a prince are transferred into a shoemaker and the memories of the shoemaker are transferred into the prince, "who" are they? Who is the individual with the body of the prince and the memories of the shoemaker? Is it the prince or is it the shoemaker? (and viceversa). 

Question: Is your body that determines who you are, or are your memories? (Or both? Or neither?)

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Beneficial or Harmful?

It is common knowledge that thoughts and actions make life the way it is. It could not be differently, as everybody thinks and acts all the time, or most of the time. many ask themselves this very important question: "Is this thought (or this action) beneficial to me or is it harmful?". The fact is that human beings, and possibly you as well, tend to entertain thoughts without wondering about their impact on the deepest part of themselves. Remind yourself of the last thought that was in your mind  before you started reading this. Try to pinpoint the topic, the memory, the plan, the wish, or the craving that fills your mind regularly. Is it beneficial or harmful to your mood, to your feelings, to your behavior? And the way you act habitually? And the words you use in addressing others and yourself? It seems a very simple question, but it isn't. Awareness is not the same as wisdom (as addiction shows).

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Desire to Know

People who have had spiritual experiences say they sensed a different way of existing, something “supernatural”, which means beyond their nature of human beings. All the others - the majority - who are still wondering and searching and trying to understand with their intelligence what cannot be grasped… what do they do? Should they keep on asking questions whose answers cannot be proved, or should they just give up, and struggle to accept without understanding? Is  the desire to know the greatest curse? Probably it is, for those who have it. Are you one of them?