Monday, October 31, 2011

What Color Is Real?

I am still musing upon the possibility that life as we conceive it might be an illusion.
With autumn, the color of leaves is changing from green to yellow, brown, red: all beautiful shades indeed. But I noticed that, as pretty as they appear to the naked eye, these colors seem to be much brighter - as if more lively - if I look at them through my sunglasses. Now I wonder: are the colors I see with my naked eye the rel ones, or are those perceived through the sunglasses the real ones that the naked eye is unable to see? Interesting puzzle! I haven't reached a conclusion, of course, and I probably never will. No big deal. But I would certainly like to know  what is actually going on!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Shakespeare Or Elvis?

Most of us know Shakespeare's famous words "The world is a stage" (some may believe they are Elvis's!!). What if it is true? In an old "Twilight Zone" episode, an actor has identified so much with his character that he refuses to accept "reality". In order to escape his unhappy family life, his mind has switched to a new "frame" and he intends to stick to it at all costs. He doesn't want to believe that he is playing a role in a movie. He chooses the illusion of a fake existence because he doesn't want to face his actual situation. Do we do the same, but in the opposite direction? Do we live a "difficult" life because we don't want to accept the possibility that a better, more serene and fulfilling one is possible, simply by changing a "negative" belief?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Release Your Inner Winner

I've just  read these words on a billboard: "Release You Inner Winner". Good, I thought, they are starting to spread positive advice on a wider scale. Then, when I got nearer and read the words below, I realized that it was the ad for a casino. Ah, they were talking about THAT kind of winner. Encouraging you to gamble, hoping to be a winner while you already know that you will almost surely be a loser. Parallel with life? When we embark ourselves in a situation (train of thoughts, conversation, action) that we "hope" will make us able to prove our point, to "win" over another, while deep deep inside we already know that it's not the best, the fairest, the most loving or caring choice of behavior.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Life Should Be = Joy

What would happen if we suddenly (or finally?) realized that the ONLY reason to be alive is to enjoy life? Would our attitude change? Let's think about this for a moment. If you reached the inner conviction that all the upset your experience is useless, that all the judgments you express are unfair, that all the resentment you harbor is groundless, how would you feel? Probably you are still convinced that you have the right to be upset when things don't go the way you want, that how you judge others is fair as you have good reasons to do so, that your resentment has ground because others have treated you badly. And you are absolutely right. You are entitled to believe all this. BUT.... are you happy because you believe you are right? Do you enjoy feeling this way? Is your life better, more pleasant and serene because of your "righteousness"?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ask...And Be Quiet!

I recently asked a friend for a ride someplace, but when I started telling her why I needed to go there, she told me: "You don't need to explain." I was dumbfounded. I had always thought that, when we ask something from somebody, we NEED to give explanations for our request, at least out of courtesy. It seems it is not so." Ask and you shall receive" probably means that the simple act of asking someone willing to give is enough to be granted our wish. Now I can't help wondering how many extra, not-needed words do we utter every day, just because we believe we have to go on, and on, and on in order to tell, explain, recount, justify, try to convince, prove a point etc... Never had I seen this truth so clearly, and understood why silence instead of words can often make life easier (and more appreciated by others!).

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This Life Is All You Have

Sometimes your life is exactly what you want it to be, other times it is not, and you have to bear with it. Nevertheless, it is "always" ALL you have. But whatever your situation looks like, you have the power to make it positive or negative. Some people are capable of changing a pleasant conversation into something nasty with just one word or facial expression! Others can transform a simple discussion into an argument and even a fight. But there also those who, on the other hand, can play it down, remove any "drama" from difficult occurrences. Each moment of your life can become what you actually "want" (accept) if you can convince yourself that it's up to you to choose your attitude. And attitude it what determines your mood, your feelings, even your well-being. Not always easy to believe, but true.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"What" Am I?

Italian Renaissance despot Cesare Borgia (yes, Lucretia's brother and... what else!) is said to have wondered: "What kind of man am I?" Intriguing question, isn't it? We dont' know what conclusion HE reached, if he did, about his own crimes. Did he feel guilty? Was he proud? Did he find his behavior rewarding, amusing, fulfilling? What about us? Do we ever wonder what kind of people WE are? Do you dare to examine your motivations, do you take the time to at least try to understand why you do certain things, behave in a certain way? As nothing happens by chance, so nothing we do is done without a deeper, mostly hidden reason. Knowing ourselves implies finding out these reasons.

Monday, October 24, 2011

To Change Or Not to Change

Is it OK to allow yourself to change your mind? Or are you one of those people who believe that - once you've made up your mind about something or someone- you are not going to change it for any reason? I, personally, have just had an interesting experience. I love quotes and I was going to jot down my comment on an interesting, simple one, whose meaning was extremely clear (or so it seemed). But... oh, my! When I actually started writing, I realized that the meaning those words had "for me", was exactly the opposite of what it had seemed at first. I was astonished for a few seconds ....then I happily went on to write down my changed interpretation. Too often are we rather superficial and prefer to stick to appearances rather than dig more deeply into our beliefs and "certitudes". But it's worth trying, whenever the opportunity arises.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Power of Words

Someone said: "I feel responsible only for what I say, not for what you understand". Interesting isn't it? But, probably, not totally true, though. How come that I say something and you may understand something else? Don't words have the same meaning for everyone? Actually, they don't. The same word, phrase or sentence may be interpreted in different ways, according to how they are uttered, the intonation they are accompanied by, the context in which they are used. It also depends on the situation, the mood, the  expression and body language. Can you see how important it is to be aware of how you speak? Of what you say? Of how you say it? Instead of simply speaking your mind out, you should also wonder about who is listening and, if necessary, make some adjustments. In this way many misunderstandings could be  avoided.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Broken Dish

A famous Italian song, "Perdere l'Amore" (Losing Love) says: "Pick up the broken pieces of an (=your) imaginary life". It makes me think about how often our lives are lived in a way that is all in our minds instead of in truth. Then - when we are faced with reality - we tend to refuse to see situations as they are. If were wiser, we would accept the fact that our dream was unreal  and would pick up the shards. What then? We could try to glue the pieces back together (but the cracks will always show) or simply accept that the "dish" is not there any longer. How to react? Cry and mope? Do without it with a smile? Get a new "dish"? You decide.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Things Happen

The telephone rings (it's an important call) just two minutes before you leave the house; an unexpected bus materializes and you are able to catch your connection with an only thirty-second wait (instead of half an hour). Do these coincidences suggest anything? I believe they tell us that sometimes things happen without our participation. What does it mean? That we should be grateful and appreciative when they are pleasant and patient and accepting when they are not. Things will go on happening in a way or another; what we have control upon is only our reaction (and consequent mood).

Thursday, October 20, 2011

One Wild Precious Life

While checking something online, an unexpected quote popped out, by contemporary American poet Mary Oliver:
                            "What do you do with your one wild precious life?"

It made me stop and think. Yes, what do we do? We have one life to live right now, so it is our duty to make the best out of it, without neglecting any chance or opportunity. Is it also a "wild" life? According to the dictionary, one of the definitions of wild is : "Living in a state of nature". What nature? Certainly "our own". Do we live according to what our true self suggests, if we only take the time to listen? Is our life "precious"? Definition = of great value. How much do we value our life? What do we do to preserve it in a sound, healthy way (physically, emotionally and spiritually)?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Excuses, As Usual!

Why don't you do more of the things that you want to do and less of the things you don't want to do? You have several justifications ready, I know. You are too busy, you have responsibilities, you can't find the time, it would be too expensive, you don't have anybody to go with you, you feel you are not up to it, you are too old, you are not fit, you ... Wow! An overwhelming amount of excuses for not doing and not being what you would like to!  Do you believe you could make a little effort in order to find whatever you need to do to fulfill your wish or do you rather prefer to complain and be miserable? Think this over carefully. You might be surprised with what you discover.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Edison Knew Better!

Two interesting quotes:

"No one knows what he can do until he tries." (Publilius Syrus, writer of maxims, 1st century BC)
"If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." (Thomas A. Edison)

Do you believe THIS to be true? Do you believe that your potential is greater than you think, that you could do much more, if you only tried? Examine your attitude towards your daily chores, honestly look at how you perform your tasks, how you do your job, how you treat yourself and others, how much or how little you appreciate what you have. You are capable of improving whatever situation you find yourself in, you are capable of "re-creating your life". It's a fact that only needs to be acknowledged and then put into practice.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Of Choices and Prices

Once upon a time there was a woman who was considered "different", and who therefore was judged mostly negatively. She nevertheless chose how to carry on her existence. When she was older, she said: "I lived the life I wanted to live, and I paid the price." Doesn't this make you think about your own life? About the way you are living it? About what you do about it? About your awareness or un-awareness of the capability you have of changing what you need to change? Most of all, would you be ready to pay the price to achieve the freedom of choice you are secretly longing for?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Thanks, Evita!

Last night I watched a movie: Argentina's own image of Eva Peron. Independently from any political or judgmental considerations, my only comment was :"What a woman!" If each of us had half the passion, conviction, strength, will power, determination, courage that she had, our own lives wouldn't be the same, the whole world would be different, believe me. Seeing such an unstoppable faith, such a strong belief in what she was pursuing - in spite of the many obstacles she was facing - can be taken as an example of what the human mind and will power can do.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

On Attitude, Again!

                                                            Johann Wolfgang von  Goethe
"Enjoy when you can and endure when you must" wrote the German author, poet and philosopher Goethe. Who is able to do that all the time, raise your hand. Now, examine your usual attitude and see how much are you able to enjoy the little things  which everybody's life is rich in: a kind word, a smile, a job well done, a beautiful sunset, a listening ear, a comfortable chair, a good book....On the other hand, how do you face unpleasant situations? Are you able to "endure" them? How? With acceptance or with resistance, with patience or with a scowl? The way you end up feeling totally depends on your attitude. Worth giving it a little thought, isn't it?

Friday, October 14, 2011

Words To Remember

It is a funny thing about life. If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.
(W. Somerset Maugham)
Aren't these comforting words to remember when we feel discouraged, ready to give up? We start a project, we make a plan, we undertake a treatment and, when we don't see the results we wish for, we give up and accept whatever comes along, which is usually well below our expectations. What to do? Persevere, try again, try in a different way, don't lose hope. Believe you are a winner, never a loser.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Superficial Knowledge

If you decide to learn a foreign language but you only learn the expressions in a tourist phrase-book, you'll be only able to order dinner or ask for directions to a museum. You won't honestly believe that you KNOW the language. The chemistry you studied in school won't make a scientist out of you or knowing how to float won't allow you to participate in a swimming competition. A superficial knowledge of anything doesn't make you a well learned person. The same happens when you BELIEVE you know your true nature without examining your behavior in depth. The greatness of your spirit is a universe that you can and should discover in order to live a more fulfilling life.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Treasure Hunt

You are like a traveler who, because he studied the map of  the new city he is about to visit , believes he already knows the place. Actually, he knows nothing. He has only learned the names of streets and avenues marked on the map As to your knowledge of yourself, you are in exactly the same situation: you believe you know who you are by simply taking notice of your feelings, actions and reactions.  Your true self is something different, something much "more". The visible surface hides a huge  array of treasures, talents, possibilities and LOVE you haven't the slightest idea of, of whose existence you are totally unaware. All you need to do is start the "treasure hunt".

Sunday, October 9, 2011


A very interesting question came up today on my Facebook homepage. A definition of intelligence was requested. I defined it as the capability  to deal with problems. A friend talked about "social" intelligence. I am now intrigued. I had never thought of making a distinction between possible different kinds of intelligence. Are there? Let's see. "Personal" intelligence helps us to face and eventually solve our challenges in a logic way, after considering the possible outcome of the possible actions available. "Social" intelligence might refer to our capability of perceiving a wider interpretation of our environment, i.e. not being restricted by purely personal needs and considerations. Is there also a "spiritual" intelligence? Ummm.... I leave you with this question. It might be interesting to see what we all come up with.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

New Music

Now you know that you can choose another direction so...dare to dance to a never-heard-before tune! You are able to start new behaviors, you can leave behind aggressiveness, jealousy, procrastination, indifference, fear. You can forget the rude words you have been using towards others as well as towards yourself. If you follow the path that your inner self is suggesting, you will be able to actually create a new world. Fantasy? Try and you'll see.

Friday, October 7, 2011

You Are at a Crossroad

You are at a crossroad: if you continue to behave as you have always done, i.e. reacting in the usual old way, getting upset when facing any problem, judging others negatively, hiding your true motivations to others and to yourself, the quality of your life will never improve. Your life will stay stuck in the same old rut, in spite of your trying to change circumstances and people. Nothing will ever change, until YOU change.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Time To Wake Up

Imagine your life as a long slumber: while you are sleeping, you carry on with your life without being really aware of what you are doing and why you are doing it. Earlier in life you have been guided by what you were taught, now you are guided by what society and the media tell you. The result is the same: you tend to live a life that is not of your choice, that is subtly influenced without you realizing it. When you were little it was okay to have a guiding hand to lead you on the (hopefully) right path. Now it's time to wake up, stand tall, look ahead and make your own decisions with your own head and heart.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Look up at the stars!

If you are used to looking down, you will never see the beauty of snow-covered mountain tops or a star-studded sky. You will be content with the usual daily routine and will go on believing that most of your dreams cannot come true. On the other hand, if you raise your head your view will broaden, you will be able to perceive possibilities otherwise overlooked or undetected. Express you gratitude for whatever you have now, but don't stop there. Dare to look "beyond", nurse the belief that you are more, that you can do more, that you "deserve" more!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Peace Celebration

Today, October 4th, St Francis of Assisi - the Patron of World Peace - is remembered.
What does "PEACE" really mean for each of us?
What do WE do to create peace in ourselves, in our lives, in our environment, in society?
Are we actually doing something?
Do we even believe that creating peace is also OUR responsibility?

Monday, October 3, 2011

I Believe

Situations sometimes have a way of seeming difficult,
But things have a way of working out, if I only keep believing.

Believing in my dreams, in what I really want,
And not settling for anything less than what I know is right for me.

Believing in my strength, in the faith of my convictions,
In the courage to go on even when it would be so much easier to quit.

Believing in myself, in the person I am, and in all I can be.

Believing in life, in how  much it has to offer, in how much I have to give,
And in how life can be everything I want it to be, if I only keep BELIEVING.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Today I want to quote the words of another famous song, Edith Piaf's "Je Ne Regrette Rien" (= I don't regret anything). She sings:
"No... je ne regrette rien. Ni le bien, ni le mal, tout ca m'est egal" (sorry, no suitable accents on my keyboard).
No, she says, I regret nothing, neither the good nor the bad. I don't mind any of it.

Strong words, aren't they?
How do you feel about your own past? Any guilt? Any resentment? Remorse? Gloom? Peaceful acceptance?
What about a little self-examination?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

From "Pinocchio"

Don't we all need a little magic in our lives?
Sing along:
"When you wish (upon a star)
it makes no difference who you are.
Anything your heart desires
will come to you.
no request is too extreme,
when you wish (upon a star)
as dreamers do."
Is YOUR HEART in your dreams?
Isn't it what also Positive Thinking says?