Sunday, July 31, 2016

Behaving Rightly

In order to know and understand who you really are, you must first discover how you authentically "judge" yourself, independently of what others think. Ask yourself if you feel able to face the world and if you are doing it in the right way. Also ask yourself if your relationships with others are based on a serene attitude or if they reflect negative feelings such as intolerance, envy, jealousy, resentment. Should this be the case, analyze the reasons for such feeling. Every human being is capable of knowing how to behave well when they become aware of their true value. Nevertheless, being aware of their value does not mean they are "superior". The world is already overflowing with arrogant people who believe they are, and this may be the reason for so much misunderstanding, separation, conflict.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Different Opinions

Can you describe your physical appearance? Of course you can. What about your character? Again, you answer affirmatively. Now I ask you: Are you sure? Let's just say that the way you see yourself is "your opinion". In fact, should you ask someone else to describe you, especially as to your personality, you will probably be shocked by how different their opinion might be. For instance, what you define as self-confidence could be perceived by others as arrogance instead. When you talk about people, what for you is a simple description may be judged as gossip of criticism. When you believe you are being helpful in pointing out someone else's mistake, your action (= the way you act) may be perceived as condescending, even haughty. What to do, in order to avoid such errors? Simple: become "aware".

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The "Meaning"

You have surely thought, one time or another, about the actual meaning of life. People are born, grow up, exist for a certain number of years and then... they simply disappear. Why? What for? Do they (do we?) have a specific mission to carry out, a goal to fulfill, or are they just occurrences that might or might not have been here, with no real consequences? Such questions can be extremely bothersome because no-one can give an absolutely credible answer. We simply "don't know". What can you do not to fall into either despair or carelessness? Just try to find a sensible answer, one that sounds true to you. And that you "do" have a meaning because in the huge puzzle of the Universe every tiny piece must necessarily be indispensable for the wholeness of the Whole.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Talker or Doer?

A housewife considered herself an expert in cookery because she watched cook shows, read cook books, knew all the ingredients to prepare such and such dish. But, in reality, she rarely entered the kitchen and she never treated her guests with anything more exciting than a salad  or a sandwich. She considered herself a “chef” without realizing that she could really become one, had she just tried to put her knowledge into practice. What about you? Are you just a “talker” or are you also a “doer”?

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Today vs Tomorrow

You will never know what might happen tomorrow because the future materializes day by day, moment by moment. That's why only "today" can you take action, do something useful, beneficial for yourself and for others. Things go and will always go they way they must, because creation follows its own rhythm and has its own breath that allows it to exist, to move, to progress, that makes it beat like a never resting heart. It's up to you to be aware, to stay constantly alert not to miss the "road signs" that show you the correct direction, the "light posts" that brighten your path.


Friday, July 22, 2016

The Best Moment

Were you asked, "What is the best moment of your life?", would you be able or willing to answer, "Right now."? Now is the key word to a meaningful and fulfilling life. Right now is the best time to do something to improve your life. It's living in the present that creates the circumstances for a better existence. Stop thinking about the past, stop regretting, stop blaming. Stop looking at the future consuming yourself with doubt, uncertainty and, most of all, with the fear of what might happen. You don't know. You can't know. So, why worry "now"?

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


I'd like to post a reflection that I wrote a year ago. As things haven't changed a bit (at least this is my opinion), here it is:

An interesting, well-known quote by Eleanor Roosevelt: 
"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."
Think for a moment about the way the world appears to be nowadays. How would you arrange these three things in a list according to their importance? (By importance, I mean the amount of publicity they are given by the media).
From what I personally see, 'small minds' come first because what I am mostly shown on a daily basis is gossip about the so-called rich and famous. Second on the list, I would put 'average minds', as some events are made a rather remarkable fuss about. Ideas sadly come last. Where are the 'great minds' hiding? Actually, they aren't hiding. They are simply ignored.

Monday, July 18, 2016


Life  is strange. You think that your mood is what determines how you feel. And you believe that it's circumstances that determine your mood. Apparently it is so. We all (or most of us) have this conviction. But it seems that it is not so. It seems that it is our mood that creates circumstances. If you feel cheerful, the world cheers, if you feel mournful, the world mourns. What to do? How can you experience the "happy mood" that can give your day, and consequently your experiences, a positive head start, a favorable, promising beginning? It's up to you to find a way. An optimistic attitude as soon as you wake up? Nursing positive thoughts? Being more relaxed? Trusting Life more? Any might help!

Saturday, July 16, 2016


All goes smoothly in your life until you start asking questions, until you realize that inside yourself, in the deepest part of your being, there is something mysterious, deeply hidden, which can nevertheless be brought up to the surface. As the oyster creates a pearl with patience and perseverance, starting from the tiny speck that crept into its shell and disturbed it, thus can you take inspiration from a situation you don't like, a negative thought, a moment of depression, a fight with your partner, a problem at work, to start reflecting about what is really going on, then revise it carefully and finally create a new reality by transforming the old one, that you falsely believed to be the "only" reality.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


If you feel like examining your life, analyzing things and situations, if you ask why so many things trouble you, you will also perceive the possibility of improving what in your present moment you don't like, what does not satisfy you, what does not meet your expectations or what makes you even suffer. All is needed is attention to what is not working in your life in order to find the best way to correct "the course" and start walking on the right path, in the right direction.

Sunday, July 10, 2016


If you start wondering what your priorities, your truest wishes, your real needs are, you discover the actual perspective from which you perceive the reality of your existence. When things begin to be clearer, you will also realize that creating a greater life is not too difficult. You will know what to say and do in order to live better because you will have transformed your "flaws" (=negative thoughts) into something beautiful, beneficial and fulfilling.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Mind

You have an incredibly strong tool at your disposal, a tool that can literally mold the way you live your life. Such tool is your mind. It can be used in either a creative or destructive way. The mind can be used to paint a masterpiece, to compose a symphony, to build a house, to teach moral principles. But it can also be used to assemble a bomb, to destroy a skyscraper, to hurt an innocent, to teach immoral and unethical principles. Your mind can be used the way "you" want. You are the master who has the responsibility of steering it in the direction you choose. What kind of "captain" are you? What is your choice?

Monday, July 4, 2016


A rather idle question, "What is love?". Everybody knows it, has experienced it. Numberless are the definitions that have been given, such as a strong feeling of affection, interest and pleasure in something, passion etc. All of them are probably right, according to the situation. The different definitions refer to different circumstances. What about adding another one? On a wider meaning, love can also mean the simple desire to "be good", to "do good". You love when you feel the need to express the best part of yourself, when you want to use your skills for the benefit of others. In this case, "whom" are actually loving? You don't need a specific recipient. It could be yourself, another human being, the whole mankind, Nature. Love might start as a tiny dot inside your spirit and then expand to... infinity.

Friday, July 1, 2016

The Rapids

Life is often like rapids, the part of a river where the water flows very fast and that can be dangerous. When this happens, you have to deal with it, either you like it or not. When you find yourself in such a situation, you just can't avoid it. If you are able to accept it and try to find the best way to move along with it (never against it!), you will sooner or later reach a tranquil spot, where the "water" has calmed down, where it allows you to float serenely. No matter how hectic life is at times, it always grants you a subsequent serenity, the proverbial quiet after the storm.