Wednesday, September 28, 2016

What For?

In my opinion, the most important feature of the human mind is the need to know what its own "nature" is. Of course not all people are aware of such inner need and prefer to just live one day at the time, without wondering, for instance, where their thoughts come from or what is the final goal of their existence. But some feel such necessity because they cannot accept to carry on with their lives without knowing what are they living for. A materialistic answer is not enough for them. Working, gaining money, having a family, looking for worldly happiness are all good things but... are they enough to justify all the troubles, the setbacks, the problems that each human being must suffer as well? Believing in the "Hereafter" proposed by religion can satisfy many, but not all. Others need a more rational explanation that, till now, seems ever more elusive.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Great Expectations

While reading a commentary on Dickens's novel "Great Expectations", I was struck by the following words:
"We hate to break it to you dreamers, this is kind of what life is for most people. At some point, most of us realize that we're just going to live life like the vast majority of people: "working hard for a sufficient living", no matter which ending you get." Wow.
Does this mean that Life is disappointing, no matter what? In spite of the usual happy ending in novels, we can't deny that Life usually turns out quite differently from what we expected and had hoped for. Should we therefore agree with the above critic and give up our dreams? (Hopefully not.)

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Being "Humane"

Are you aware of the importance of words? Do you know that what you say can either make a person happy or unhappy? Sure you know. Everybody knows. But... do you care to remember it when you actually speak to someone (and even to yourself)? Do you realize the impact of negative expressions upon the spirit of another individual? Using harsh words is like rubbing a wound with salt. You can still convey a message in a gentler manner. Instead of rudely saying "You are a loser", you can say instead, "Next time you can do better". You are still conveying the idea that "this" time the other failed while showing trust in their capability of improving. This is what "being humane" should mean.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Desirable Transformation

Tampering with the human DNA to change the color of the eyes? What about caring more about changing people's attitude towards each other? Why so much interest in making the body "better" and neglect what is truly important in life? Outside beauty can certainly be a desirable goal (no blame in trying to enhance it with acceptable means) but much more desirable should be an inner kind of beauty that makes you a kinder, more generous, less selfish, more caring and giving person. An inside transformation for the better gives you - along with authentic fulfillment - a longer-lasting satisfaction than a Greek nose or the appearance of a Hollywood starlet.

Thursday, September 15, 2016


A street vendor cuts up and displays several fire-red watermelons for passers-by to purchase. You would believe ALL the watermelons to be as red. It is not so. You might find a pale-pink one. Life is as unpredictable. In spite of the premises, you can never be sure of the results. Therefore…. get ready to face, accept and deal with the “color” you are being presented with.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Your Role

People - the rich and the poor, the handsome and the ugly, the healthy and the sick...- seem to have each been assigned a "role" in life. Every character has his/her own "specifications" (It's what we call Fate) and must deal with them. But they still have the choice to play  them in different ways (and this is Destiny).
What role have you been assigned?
How are you playing your part?

Sunday, September 11, 2016

A Paper Life

In the near future, according to proud scientists, we'll wear "Internet contact lenses" and so, with a simple blink, we'll be able to create a completely virtual reality around us. Eventually even the sense of touch will be perfectly simulated for us to feel what we are imagining to touch. Incredibly interesting, mind-blowing...Wow! It seems that several virtual worlds already exist on the Internet, with millions of subscribers, who can choose and create an “ideal” life, totally different from their own. A scary image indeed, where human beings will be less and less who they are and, instead of trying to improve themselves, they will just wear a cap or lenses and live a fake life in a fake world. Author Anthony de Mello spoke of  "a paper life in a paper world" more than thirty years ago. Prophecy? Now it is not paper but the concept still stands.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Virtual Reality

Why do we need to have a virtual reality? Why do scientists want to create it? "Pro bono publico" (For the public good), as the ancient Romans would have said? I don't think so! Spending tons of money for research, experiments, tests? And, once we can blink and believe that we are hiking on the Himalayas, then what? Okay, you may say that you will have a wonderful experience, otherwise impossible. I accept that. But then, what will you do with your real life? Do you think that once you can choose to live in a perfect, fictitious world, you will be ready to “willingly” go back and “stay” in your daily routine... work, house, worries about money, family fights, etc.? Fake versus Real. So?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

No Waste

I am still wondering about the meaning of Life. Doesn't it sometimes seem that you understand it, while other times it appears like a complete mystery? When you do stuff that you love and enjoy doing, it all seems clear. You feel fulfilled as your achievements make living worthwhile because it is meaningful. But when you have nothing to do or when you have to do stuff you are not interested in or that you consider unproductive, you have that sensation that it's all a great waste of time. You feel dissatisfied, useless. What to do? A way out may be to convince yourself that any given instant and action are never totally unfruitful because there is always a 'consequence'. Shall we therefore endeavor to make such outcome (no matter how tiny) as positive as possible?

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Trust Your Judgement

A proverb says, “The one who searches, will find” and it is true if you refer it to something you have “lost”. It’s not true when you apply it to something that you “believe” you don’t have simply because you are unaware. Looking for approval in order to feel gratified means that you feel you don’t have great value unless someone else says you do. If the one you love doesn’t love you back, you believe that you are unworthy of being loved. But if you persist in such conviction, you are programming your mental computer negatively, and you will consequently continue having the same disappointing experiences. Start by nursing your self-esteem and convince yourself that your judgement about yourself is the only one that counts because it is the only one that can make you able to express yourself in the best possible way.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Steering Wheel

Your thoughts are your responsibility. As long as you keep believing that your mind determines how you live, independently from your wishes, you must accept the consequences. If you start your car but you don’t take hold of the steering wheel, the car will not move in a steady, co-ordinate way because it lacks guidance. The same happens to your mind when you are prey of negative thoughts that make you feel angry, resentful, vindictive. The same happens when things don’t go the way you want and  you become either the victim of an "evil" destiny or a rebel who would like to set the whole world on fire. When the mind is left free to wander here and there, it tends to create negative thoughts because the superficial ego’s nature is to always see life from a selfish point of view. It’s up to you to decide to hold the wheel of your life and stir it in the right direction.