Monday, June 30, 2014

Reality or Illusion?

The relation between time, space and perception (all tightly connected to each other) is interesting. Is it possible that a shift in time could be happening? Have you ever observed that things seem to be moving at a different pace and that you displace personal belongings more often and to a greater extent than in the past?  You know exactly where you put a certain object but, when you look for it… you simply cannot find it. Eventually it reappears somewhat in the same area of the displacement. Is your mind “making up” things? Are these created by a mysterious imaginative force? Are they illusions? Or is it possible that time and space have started moving in a different way? According to quantum physics, you can legitimately say: “Why not”?

Saturday, June 28, 2014

A Baffling Habit: Lateness

Imagine you are participating in a business meeting that is supposed to start at 4:30 pm. People begin to arrive well after 5:00. The actual meeting won't start till 6:00. Do you think this situation to be either absurd or impossible? Well, it isn't. It happens and it seems that "those" people consider it as a normal behavior. You are the only one who is surprised. How come that you value punctuality highly while others totally overlook it? Does such "irresponsible" (for you!) behavior have a consequence? If it does, is it for the better or for the worse? To a logical mind, it might appear to be for the worse. On the other hand, couldn't it be that those who don't care about time are more relaxed (and therefore less stressed) than those who "do" care? 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Stop Thinking

You know that the mind cannot stop thinking because thought is its main attribute. Yet, a times, it is mandatory to stop thinking in order to preserve your sanity. When worries and bothersome images keep filling your brain, you simply have to stop them. As it is almost impossible to actually "stop" thinking (although a few, lucky ones can do it during meditation) the only way to escape such predicament is to "change" your thinking. You therefore, by means of willpower, can erase the unwanted thought, dismiss it, release it, cancel it, dump it, hurl it away... and replace it with something else. What? Anything capable of catching your attention, anything that interests you, that you find pleasant, amusing or uplifting. Can this be done? It certainly can. If you are willing to try and rid your mind of the nagging "stuff" that burdens it, you will see that it is feasible.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Molehill vs Mountain

An old saying talks about making a mountain out of a molehill, meaning that some people give too great an importance to something that is not really important, or that they make an easy thing difficult. It might happen, though, that sometimes circumstances - independently from people's will - gather to conspire in order to actually make difficult something that should be extremely easy to carry out. As you "know" that it is easy, as you "see" that it is easy, you are also ready to take action. But unexpected difficulties seem to arise out of nothing. What to do when this happens? If you find the answer, please let the world know!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sincerity, A Virtue?

Sincerity is a virtue that can become a double-bladed knife. According to logic - and ethic - people should always be sincere when they express their thoughts and feelings. When they do, the response can be dual: either the recipient accepts what he (or she) is told, or he rejects it. If he accepts, all is well because, although he might disagree, he is at least willing to compromise. In case of non-acceptance, though, an argument - even a fight - might arise. This is why often people prefer to hide the truth when they believe it might cause a problem. Therefore: tell or not tell the truth "all the time"? The answer can only be strictly personal. Therefore... you decide  (wisely!) for yourself.

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Dam

Imagine you are the person responsible for the maintenance of a dam. One day you see a little crack but you don't give it any importance. Later, another crack appears but you still don't pay much attention. You tell yourself, "They are small, they are not dangerous." Other cracks keep appearing here and there, but you still believe that the dam is strong and it will go on holding back the water forever. One day disaster breaks out: the dam collapses and the water floods and destroys the surrounding fields and villages. The same happens to your life when you overlook any recurring situation that you feel is not "right" but that you make yourself believe it is not "important". A day comes when you will regret not having done what you should have,"when" you should have.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Puzzle of Life

Life is really a puzzle. Logically, all the pieces you need to arrange a pattern are always available to you. But you are often unable to see them. Or, even if you see them, you can't detect where to place them. You take one "piece" (belief, behavior,word, action etc.) and you try to fit it in the wrong place and then complain that things don't work. If you pay more attention, if you are more careful, you will have a better chance to find the right spot for each piece. You will therefore understand when to say (or not say) that word, when to take (or not take) such an action, when to speak and when to keep silent. It is all a matter of doing the right thing at the right time. Impossible? Difficult, perhaps, but it can be done.

Monday, June 16, 2014


One of the greatest gifts a human being may be endowed with is a passion, a skill, a true hobby. If you have something you deeply like doing, you are never bored, you are never alone. If you want to, you can always spend your free time in a positive, fulfilling, even uplifting way. Do you like reading? A book is your best friend, always available and faithful. Do you like writing? Carry a notebook and a pen with you and you will enjoy jotting down thoughts and observations that come to your mind from time to time. Do you love drawing, gardening, playing a sport? Do it every time you have the opportunity. Your mind will calm down, your body will relax, your attention will be focused, your skill will manifest. Isn't this wonderful?

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Enchaining Love

Well-known American-Lebanese poet Kahlil Gibran wrote: "If you love a person, let her (him) go. If she comes back, it means that she has always been yours. If she does not, it means she has never been yours." If you reflect on these words, you realize that it is illogical to think that a person can actually "belong" to you. You have the illusion that your love creates a tie that will prevent your beloved to break away. You believe that your love is capable of fulfilling all her/his needs. It's just an illusion, because you can only provide what "you" think she (or he) wishes for. No-one is able of really knowing what another human being's deepest needs are because everyone is different, in spite of the closeness that might have been established. Therefore, what each individual can do is simply do their best, without expecting love to become an unbreakable "chain". It (fortunately) won't.


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Time Management

Time management can be easy to some and impossible to achieve to others. The same as organization. You know how to arrange your work and your life and cannot understand how so many people lead chaotic existences. They are never punctual, have a hard time meeting deadlines, are overwhelmed by their tasks. They end up stressed (often, depressed). It seems there is an internal clock inside every human being that tells him (or her) how to proceed. If the clock works well, life is balanced. If it is too slow or too fast, life is a mess. Is it possible to fix a clock that is not working properly? Willpower and commitment are the only tools that can do the job. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

When In Doubt.....

Author O.W. Holmes wrote, "When in doubt, do it." On the other hand, Benjamin Franklin said: "When in doubt, don't do it". Which one rings more true to your ears?  Although you often prefer not to take action for fear of making a mistake, sometimes you need to decide to "do it" even if you are doubtful, because daring could make you overcome your fears and show your real potential. The choice should be deeply and honestly thought over. If you are a skilled mountain climber and wish to go up Mount Everest but you are afraid of the difficulties, you need a clear view of your skill and, if you believe you are good enough, you should "dare". On the other hand if you are thinking of marrying someone but you are uncertain about all the consequent responsibilities, it might be better to avoid making a choice that you feel is already doomed.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Multiple "Realities"

In mildly warm weather some people may be wearing sleeveless tops, others T-shirts,  jackets or even winter coats! There is always a difference in perception as to how human beings experience reality. Just think about it. The weather is the same for everybody, same temperature, same sunshine. Yet, some feel hot, some feel warm, others  feel almost ... freezing. Isn't it intriguing? Isn't this an additional proof that reality exists all in the mind? Whatever we believe to be true, it "is". Think about this apparent contradiction. Someone says, "Hey, I'm sweating and that guy is in a windbreaker!" or "I find this to be a rip-off and she says it's a bargain!". Don't try to impose your opinion. Each is entitled to their own.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Music and Happiness

Do you have a favorite kind  or piece of music, composer, song? Classical, jazz, pop, folk... whatever it is, what do you feel when you listen to it? Analyze the emotions that listening evokes in your deeper "self". As to me, the music of Russian composer Tchaikovsky is the epitome of perfection, it expresses a sweet kind of melancholy that makes you willing to be alone and let your mind and heart float into infinity, with no aim, just experiencing and absorbing the beauty of the melody. His music can raise your soul to the highest places imaginable, in a sort of spiritual heaven. I am not an expert, but I know that this music can offer moments of pure bliss. Do you have a piece or a song able to give you a few minutes of happiness? Elation of the spirit cannot be measured. It's the feeling and the emotion that count.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Learn From the Snail

A snail is an interesting little creature. It  moves  along its path with perseverance - it doesn't matter how slowly - according to its capability, without worrying about anyone else's speed. This suggests two observations. The first is about trust. When you know where you are aiming, you must go on without being prey of doubts about your final success. The second concerns your ability to reach your goal. These two "virtues" are both indispensable because if just one of them is missing, you won't succeed. Believing that your dream is impossible or that you are unable to carry it out, you are doomed to failure. If the snail allowed itself to be influenced by the speed of other animals, it would never reach its destination. But it always does! What about you?

Monday, June 2, 2014

No Basket From Above

When you don't succeed in a certain endeavor, ask yourself how strongly you had wanted to succeed. If your "desire" is big enough, you will be motivated to do your very best, to use all your capabilities to reach your goal. On the other hand, if you limit yourself to just "wishing" to get a positive result, you won't probably make much progress. It's interesting to see how often people complain about failure without having tried enough. They expect a basket to come down from above with all the goodies they long for. But no basket will be lowered, no free victory is granted. Whatever you want, you have to deserve it. How? But working for it.