Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Your Presence

While watching an old documentary, I saw some men walking in a wood. I started wondering about them. Where are they now? Are they still alive? What were their stories, their lives like? Were they aware that their images might have been seen after a long time, in other countries, by people they would never know? What does all this wondering mean? Where does it bring me? It leads me to simply consider the fact that each of us is someone who actually exists, who has a specific place here on Earth, someone who can still have a "presence" after a long time, who can be remembered, or acknowledged, or thought about. Each of us means something not only to ourselves, but also to others. Think that, just by looking at you, people can be affected positively or negatively, they can be either inspired or depressed or uplifted by the aura that surrounds you. Your being here, now, means a great deal, so do not waste the opportunity to make your existence a beautiful example of a life well lived.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sci-Fi And Free Will

I am well aware that many people don't like science fiction. Even most of my friends don't. They believe that it's non-reality, useless fantasy, impossible creazy stuff all together. My opinion is that most of the unbelievable subjects are unbelievable "now", for the time being. If you are familiar with Jules Verne's world-famous novels, you cannot be unaware that almost all the creations of his imagination (absurd in his time, to say the least) have become reality. More recently, extremely evolved computers, laser beams, holography etc. are the materialization of stuff imagined much earlier by someone who could foresee the capacity of the human mind. But this capacity can also be exploited in a negative way. I remember watching a short sci-fi movie about a cult being introduced in our world by aliens in order to create a new race of slaves. The cult was freely accepted by many, with no coercion whatsoever, because they had been sweetly convinced that they were following the true faith and that they were voluntarily willing to offer their services. When finally the alien discards his human appearance, he says something like: "It's easier to subdue humans by convincing them through faith in a cause, because in this way they believe they are exercising their free will." 
Do you think that this is a technique that "only" aliens would use or have thought of using?

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Mirror Is Wrong

Some topics totally fascinate me, such as the way the human brain works and how it sometimes reasons in a definitely illogical way. As logic is supposed to involve a kind of reasoning that makes sense, that accepts certain truths, I believe that it should be an easy path to follow. But it isn't. It seems that logic is not the same for everyone. If I say that this color is blue and you say it's green, there is no way (neither for you nor for me) to convince the other. An even better illustration. Why do people tend to consider it a lie when they are told something they don't want to hear, they don't like, they refuse to accept? It's easier to close your ears and shut your eyes than to have the courage to face the reality of a particular situation. She doesn't love you, he has decided to take a different path, they believe something different from you.... They try to explain, but you are not ready do open your mind to accept the possibility that things might be different from what you thought they were, or from what you would like them to be. Is this arrogance? To a certain extent. I would rather call it close-mindedness, an incapacity to open up to a different perspective, to another point of view, to an unexpected turn of the events that you never fathomed.
Is this another example of  "I am right and you are wrong" ?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Different Or Similar?

Peace is defined as a state of tranquility, freedom from quarrels and disagreement. In two words: harmonious relationships. Can relationships be truly harmonious? We overlook the political implications in this question because, at least for the time being, they are out of our direct influence. But what IS under our direct influence are our relationships. Think about your personal life, your family, your friends, your coworkers. How do you deal with them? How do they deal with you? Do you believe you have a lot in common with them or do you feel you are different? Do you see yourself as fully integrated in your environment, a part of the community, or do you tend to see yourself as an outsider, someone who has different ideas, who is not understood? Do you perceive more differences than similarities between yourself and the others? Quarrels and disagreements between you and your partner, your parents, your siblings, your coworkers, your friends always start from your belief that you are right and they are wrong. As long as you will keep focusing on what divides you from your fellow humans rather that paying attention to what you share with them, to what you have in common (which is a lot, believe me!), a real peace will never be established.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mood Changes

Have you noticed how sometimes your mood changes "suddenly"? You feel fine, everything (or almost everything) seems to be okay, nevertheless a feeling of sadness, of unfulfillment, of lacking (but you don't know what) dawns on you and you can't understand why. This must be another proof of the mysterious happenings that take place in your deepest self, of which you are totally unaware. What to do? Just allow, accept the way you feel, don't resist it, don't fight it. But you might try to understand it, going over the most recent events of your life to see if a certain situation caused you distress, although you thought you had already got over it. It's possible that you haven't. So, become aware of your relevant feelings, don't deny them, just acknowledge them. You will see that, after a little while, your sadness melts in the light of acceptance and you will understand that examining and getting to know yourself - better and better, day after day - is the key to a greater inner peace.

Friday, February 24, 2012

A Lesson About Pride

Pride can be a feeling of pleasure for one's own achievements, as well as arrogance or haughtiness. It can be positive or it can be negative. It is positive when it makes you feel good about yourself, when it makes you aware and appreciative of your qualities and skills. It is negative when it makes you full of yourself, when it gives you a feeling of superiority that prevents you from accepting a helping hand in case of need. And, remember, everybody needs a helping hand one day or another. If you have seen the movie "The Artist" you understand what I am talking about. I believe that there are quite a few people who would refuse a kind gesture from another because they think that this might show weakness, or it might make them feel humiliated. No one is perfect, no one is successful, no one is right all the time. You have your great moments and you have your not-so-great moments. It's okay. It's human. Don't be afraid to ask for help: a shoulder to cry on, a piece of advice, a listening ear, a special hug. I still remember the beautiful feeling I experienced when a friend, just out of the blue, said to me: "Elsa, please give me hug, I need one". Wonderful, indeed. Its memory still warms my heart.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wisdom From Your Past

We have already talked about the past, but I believe that the topic is among those worthy of further discussion. How do you feel about your own past? If you think that you made some mistakes (as probably everyone does), do you also believe that you could do something about them? What? you may ask. Well, there are two things that could be done. If it's something you can make amend for, or that you can change, go ahead and do what you have to do. Forgive or ask for forgiveness, compensate the recipient of your wrong,  forget the hurts, or change your previous choice. It's all possible, if you really want to. If there is nothing that can be done, do you think you could learn from your past mistakes, i.e. discern the faults in your decisions, in your behavior, that brought you to make the wrong choice? If you look at the world history, at the wars that never stop existing, at dictators, corrupted politicians, greedy business people who continue to plague our  world, you might be brought to believe that  past actions are destined to repeat themselves. Maybe they are. But you can break this vicious circle, at least as far as you are concerned. You have the power to learn from your past and make your life a better one, right now - while paving the way to a more fulfilling future -  if you trust yourself and believe you can. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mind Over Matter

I have made an interesting observation about the impact of mind over matter, in this case body. We have all heard about this, it's a well known statement, but experiencing it personally is something quite exciting. During my daily workout, I am used to doing a particularly tiring exercise but, in spite of its difficulty, I keep persisting because I am not a quitter. Nevertheless, I can be a "sufferer", when it is the case! So I decided to try a little trick. For the whole duration of the stressful stretch, I brought myself to focus on a specific thought, such as planning a trip or deciding the menu for a dinner party. Incredible but true! When the exercise was over, I realized that I had felt neither the passing of time not the discomfort that I usually have to bear. What do you think? Why don't you try it when you have to face an unpleasant situation or while listening to an annoying interlocutor? Our mind can perform actual "miracles" if we trust it enough and give it the chance. Let's put our ego, our constant reasoning, our resisting, our judging aside for a while. And let's just expect our willpower to help us achieve our goal. It may be able to do just that, over and over again.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Free Or Enslaved?

How aware are people of the great amount of freedom they enjoy? Do "you" feel really free? Don't you sometimes complain about the many responsibilities you feel burdened with, i.e. family ties, work tasks, friends expectations, etc.? Just think for a moment about the past, when actual slavery existed. What do you think of that? Do you know that in many places (including your own country) slavery, in different forms, still exists? I believe there is not need to go into details. Slaves have always existed and will always exist as long there are overpowering, selfish, greedy individuals, and weak, meek, powerless ones. So, do you really believe that in your present situation, you actually have the right to complain? It is enough for you to be able of going out for a walk, of expressing your opinion, of choosing your partner, of saying "no"... to make you the most grateful person in the world. But...wait a minute. Maybe you could also be considered "enslaved" after all. It's when you allow  yourself to be conditioned, brainwashed by the media, by deceitful "speakers", by harmful habits and you give up your right to be YOU - the real you, the born-free you.

Monday, February 20, 2012

An Ethical Conundrum

One of the definitions of conundrum is "a confusing and difficult problem or question".
Ethical is defined as "a logical reasoning that has concern or empathy for a person or persons or creatures' well being". 
Here is a story that might make you think, delve deeper into yourself and find something that you haven't been aware of. 
It is a science fiction situation where a man is sent back to the past to eliminate a woman who would later cause a world-wide plague epidemic. The man, right after reaching the past, has an accident. The woman he is supposed to do away with saves him and helps him to recover in the most kind way.

What would you do?

Could you find a creative, ethical solution? 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Body & Mind Fitness

A funny thing happened to me. I have recently started a wonderful exercise program (thank you, Jane Fonda) and I was happy to see how easy the workout was, "all" of it. After a few weeks I started to realize that some of the exercises were a little more difficult than before. They were the ones that concerned my weakest area (arms). This puzzled me. Shouldn't I become fitter day after day, regularly? Why this kind of setback? 
As I always endeavor to find explanations to seemingly illogical stuff that happens every now and then, I  thought about it and came up with a consideration. This could possibly mean that - during exercise as well as in life - when we believe that everything comes easily to us and we start to feel all powerful, we are - sometimes kindly, other times not so kindly - reminded that we are not as strong as we believe we are. What to do? Persist. We, actually, "are" as strong as we think (we can be), but reaching the highest point takes some effort, takes facing challenges, takes overcoming disappointment, takes defeating doubts about who we are.  The key words are commitment and persistence. Try and you will experience it,too.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Thoughts = Being

A Facebook friend posted a quote from Buddha that I appreciate very much and that I'd like to briefly comment. Here is the quote: "Be careful with your mind. Be vigilant; guard your mid against negative thoughts." How important is this? Extremely important. It's actually the the most important thing ever! What many thinkers and philosophers agree upon is that You are what you think you are. You have created an image of yourself that you have accepted as true, so you continue behaving in a certain way because you keep thinking the same things over and over. But, if you want to go a little deeper into this matter, you realize that actually YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK, period. What does this mean? It means that it's your thoughts that literally create what and who you are. You are "not" the way you think you are, and that's it. Your thoughts are the building blocks of your personality and, consequently, of your life. Negative thoughts = most certainly a negative kind of life. Positive thoughts = a better way of facing life's challenges and, consequently, a more positive attitude with a more serene kind of life. Does this make sense to you?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Personal Message

Although I know that my little blog is read by a good number of people (in the hundreds), I have sometimes wondered if what I write is really useful to those who live far away and to those I do not know. Then, as an answer to my doubt, I receive this message: 

I have been reading your articles on Positive Thinking and they are very important to me as they keep me regaining my strength, confidence and faith to live this life to its best. I have sometimes not listened to my inner voice, and later I have regretted it. But on the whole I am thankful for all the good things in my life.

Thanks, S.B., for making me feel that I am doing something meaningful. Even if what I write were useful to you only, it would be worthwhile. But my deepest wish is that my reflections, observations and suggestions might actually encourage others towards the wonderful inner discoveries, towards the hidden treasures that lay inside each of us.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

An ABBA's Song

A beautiful ABBA's song says: "I believe in angels / Something good in everything I see / I believe in angels / When I know the time is right for me / I'll cross the stream / I have a dream". Do you have a Dream (with capital D)? If you do (and I hope you do!) your life cannot be dull or disappointing. If you have a goal, you are also able to see good in everything you see because you believe that you are guided towards the achievement of what you are searching for. In order to proceed with confidence in yourself, you also need to trust your capability to draw additional energy from a more powerful source to which you are always connected. See yourself as a socket linked up to the central powerhouse. The stronger the draw, the more powerful the energy you receive. You can do whatever you want, provided you can keep the connection open. If you do it constantly and consistently, you will be able to recognize when the time is right for you to cross the stream, to start making changes in yourself and, consequently, in your life.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Life Is A Flame

I enjoy watching a burning candle because it makes me think of life. Its flame is never still: although one moment it seems motionless, the next it suddenly leaps up, then it bends down, then up again and so on. Sometimes it burns straight, other times it swings left and right, even if there is no draft, with no apparent pattern. Isn't your life something similar? "Up" moments followed by "down" moments, first you feel happy, then a feeling of sadness and dissatisfaction creeps in. Things go well, then they take a negative turn, but later they switch back to being favorable. You never know what to expect because life means facing the unknown, day after day. What do you need? Just trust, confidence and enthusiasm. A last observation. Have you  noticed that a candle unexpectedly regains strength and brightness just before it is exhausted and goes out? Could that mean that growing older brings along greater capabilities, wisdom and understanding? Does the modern world believe it and behaves accordingly?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Vanity Fair

Last night I decided to watch - for the first time - the Grammy Awards red carpet show. I divided my attention between two TV channels to increase the fun, or so I thought. I know some of the singers just by name, but the impression I got was that a lot of fake conversations and dubious compliments were floating around, along with plenty of stereotyped smiles.  I saw blue hair, underwear hardly covered by a transparent sheath, Sicilian peasant caps (the so-called "coppole") worn with formal dinner jackets and bow ties. I refuse to acknowledge a few outfits only suitable for a masquerade but I couldn't help noticing a lady (was she one?) wearing a machine gun over her shoulder. Was she trying to state a point? Deliver a message? Support or advertise for war? I don't know what happened during the actual ceremony, and who the winners were. I am sure it must have been interesting for the fans. But the red carpet, which I expect will be talked about  for quite some time, honestly meant, at least for me, two wasted hours of my time. An experience certainly not worth repeating. But at least now... I feel more up-to-date!!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Star Went Out

Another shining star went out in the musical firmament. Too many stars suddenly burn out while it seemed that their light was still strong, bright, shining. How come? I believe it's worth wondering about the mystery we call happiness. It seems that exceptionally gifted people who apparently have everything anyone might wish for, such as talent, beauty, fame, admiration, riches, are in fact not truly "happy". In spite of the sparkling images we are used to seeing of them - all smiles and cheerfulness - we often realize that it's just appearance, a mask that they put on to keep an image alive, to convince the world that they are blessed, that they are the lucky ones, which they actually "are". So, then, where comes the untimely end from? Why are we brought to realize that the gold was only superficial, a thin layer that covered a mystery of unhappiness, of dissatisfaction, of longing for what cannot by acquired with money. How sad! Shouldn't such a reflection bring us to be more contented with what we have, to be more grateful for the blessings in our lives, that we sometimes tend to overlook?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Perfect Number

There are 3 kinds of people.
There are those who:
* work
* don't work
* make others work
* think
* don't think
* accept what others tell them to think
* hear / see
* don't hear  /  see
* don't want to hear  /see

What kind are you?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Let's Laugh

Here below are the original descriptions/comments by a fashion expert on red carpet dresses worn by famous singers. They are worth a good laugh:

She ended up looking like an undone mummy.
The infamous green Versace "jungle dress".
Neon parachute and bedazzled jean jacket.
Canary-colored catastrophe, with her head featuring a Bride of Frankenstein-like hairdo.
Discolored wig, tattered screen door panels, approximately 14 crumpled trash bags.
We can't forgive her for attempting to wear her grandma's curtains on the red carpet.
Were they dressed like wizards? jesters? Renaissance festival goers?
If this is the fashion of the future, we are doomed.

I wonder: don't these people have at least one full-length mirror in their mansions?

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Have you ever written a letter, an essay, a poem that didn't need any corrections? Probably not. Have you ever drawn a picture without erasing here and there to improve your drawing? Certainly not. No one (or almost no one - I don't like to generalize!) makes or does something that it immediately perfect. To make mistakes is only human, but the good news is that we can fix them. Consider mistakes as simple modifications to either improve your work or make changes in the original plans. Corrections triggered by mistakes may be responsible for better outcomes. No one is perfect, we all need to learn, to modify, to change something in ourselves every now and then. If even Einstein made mistakes (such as not accepting quantum physics theory), who are we to believe that we know it all - as we often tend to do? A little self-examination is required here, along with the acceptance of the idea that we, too, are fallible.  

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Distorted Thinking

I have just read on the news a couple of disturbing facts: one regards a teenager who strangled, stabbed and sliced a little neighbor for the thrill of it, to experience how it felt to kill someone. The other fact regards the rape accusation against a well-known person: the charges were dropped because "the allegations did not meet the standard of criminal prosecution" which, in my opinion, means that his smart lawyers found a cavil that allowed an easy way out. Once again, I am sitting here, wondering about what's going on, how things have reached this point. I know that anything is never new under the sun, and this kind of things have always happened and probably - and unfortunately - will continue to happen. Yet I can't prevent myself from sadly making the observation that mankind hasn't really progressed too much since ancient times. There is still distorted thinking, perverted curiosity, there is still the capability to deceive, to alter reality with a dishonest purpose, usually for greed. Well, it's not a pretty picture, the one we are shown on a daily basis. It seems that the worst sides of the human nature are almost glorified, by bringing them to everybody's attention day after day, after day...No wonder that some are encouraged to try those behaviors themselves! It seems so easy!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


It seems that the topic of hoarding has become a "fashionable" one (if we can use such a word for such a subject!), as more than one TV channels dedicate plenty of time to broadcasting this kind of programs. And this makes me wonder. Let's first see the definition of hoarding or pathological collecting. It is a pattern of behavior that is characterized by the excessive acquisition and inability or unwillingness to discard large quantities of objects that would qualify as useless or without value. No need to go into a more detailed description of what the homes of the individuals affected by such a pathology look like. But this situation reminds me of the people who, nowadays, feel the need to acquire as many" friends" as possible, especially on Facebook. Why do they need to have hundreds of friends? Are they true friends? What intimate connection do they have with each of them? Do they really need all of them?  Or is this, too, a pattern of behavior that reveals an inner fear of being alone, of being deprived, is it the symptom of a lack of self-worth?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Man In The Mirror

I'm Gonna Make A Change,
For Once In My Life
It's Gonna Feel Real Good,
Gonna Make A Difference
Gonna Make It Right . . .

As I Turn Up The Collar On My
Favourite Winter Coat
This Wind Is Blowin' My Mind
I See The Kids In The Street,
With Not Enough To Eat
Who Am I, To Be Blind?
Pretending Not To See
Their Needs.......
I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make A Change.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Yesterday's Story

Today I would like to briefly comment on the de Mello's story I posted yesterday.
Two key words were mentioned: Growth and Enlightenment. The first is a slow process that takes patience, commitment and time. It may go on throughout our entire life.The second needs an act of supreme desire, of total surrender, of blind faith in what is beyond our understanding. Instead of keeping wondering, pondering, asking questions (my personal problem, sigh!), it is necessary to reach a point where there is no more need for questions. What is required is the total openness of our spirit, the acceptance of the deep knowing that has always been there but that we were unaware of, of afraid of. 
"Jumping" means complete, unconditional surrender to the unknown Force that we cannot see or hear, but that we  can feel in our heart, if we have the courage to pay attention.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


A story by Anthony de Mello, SJ:

"Make a clean break with your past and you will be Enlightened," said the Master.

"I am doing that by degrees," said the pupil.

"Growth is achieved by degrees. Enlightenment is instantaneous."

Later, the Master said, "Take the leap! You cannot cross a chasm in little jumps."

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Value Of Art

I have often wondered  about art, about its real value. Is it objective, or is it subjective? What I mean is: has art, in any of its forms (music, poetry, painting, sculpture etc..) the same meaning for everybody? Should it have it? Or is its value independent from people's judgment? And if it is so, is this value really meaningful? What for? If art is supposed to arouse feelings of admiration, of awe, of appreciation, sometimes even of identification, what if the effect it has on some is totally different, maybe even the opposite of the effect it has on others? If, for example, I look at a world-famous painting, let's say Picasso's "Guernica", and not only doesn't it arouse in me that special feeling intended by its author, but I actually dislike it, would you say that it's me who doesn't understand the intrinsic artistic worth of the painting, which really is a masterpiece, independently from my opinion? And whose opinion is superior to mine, anyway? The "critics"? I don't think so!!! Whose, then? In conclusion, is art  a universal or a personal matter?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Focused Work

You have no scoreboard to measure your progress other than the way we feel. If you feel restless, edgy, anxious or unhappy, you have got some more work to do, and you can begin right now. There is no time to lose. This moment will never come back and you can't afford to waste it. On the other hand, if you are content, serene and peaceful, you need to continue the work you are doing. But, as you can never be sure of the final outcome, you can only be sure of your efforts. The good news is that honest focused work will allow you to always achieve a measurable improvement in your life, no matter the stage you are presently at. Try and prove it. You won't be disappointed.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Big Question

One of the thoughts that keep recurring in my mind is a question about the meaning of life. People start out their existence by wishing to be "somebody". One wants to become a pilot, another's dream is to build bridges, or be a teacher, or live in the wilderness, or be a mother... You want to pursue a career and someone else wants to be a homemaker. You want an exciting life and he/she prefers a quiet, well-regulated existence. We are all so different and therefore we have all diverse aspirations. My question is: when people achieve their goals, are they totally fulfilled? ARE YOU? I can't help wondering if doing what we wanted to do is enough to make our life complete, if material achievements are really fulfilling our life mission -  if we have one. And this is now the BIG question: is it possible that we might have a mission other than working, having fun, maybe raising a family, keeping healthy and having friends?