Tuesday, February 7, 2012


It seems that the topic of hoarding has become a "fashionable" one (if we can use such a word for such a subject!), as more than one TV channels dedicate plenty of time to broadcasting this kind of programs. And this makes me wonder. Let's first see the definition of hoarding or pathological collecting. It is a pattern of behavior that is characterized by the excessive acquisition and inability or unwillingness to discard large quantities of objects that would qualify as useless or without value. No need to go into a more detailed description of what the homes of the individuals affected by such a pathology look like. But this situation reminds me of the people who, nowadays, feel the need to acquire as many" friends" as possible, especially on Facebook. Why do they need to have hundreds of friends? Are they true friends? What intimate connection do they have with each of them? Do they really need all of them?  Or is this, too, a pattern of behavior that reveals an inner fear of being alone, of being deprived, is it the symptom of a lack of self-worth?

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