Sunday, June 28, 2020

Here Is Your Map

Each of us has the capability to be 'extraordinary', to raise our eyes and look at the stars. If you discover your own ‘star', you will see it evolve from tiny to larger and larger. Your goal will become clearer and clearer and the way to achieve it will materialize. In order to reach your star, some precise steps are necessary:
* clarity: know exactly what you want to achieve. If you don’t know where you want to go, you can’t reach any suitable destination.
motivation: be aware of the reason for wanting to reach such goal. 
* how to reach your goal: learn more, get all useful information.
action: make a plan and follow it.
Now... Sail away!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Introduction to Trust

Trust implies total confidence without any tangible proof. How does a human being experience this kind of trust? Babies trust their mothers because they instinctively know that Moms will always be available to supply all their needs. Pilots fly their planes in the certitude that the engines are perfectly efficient and will provide passengers and crews with the services expected. Teachers firmly believe in both their capability to teach students and the availability of the students to learn. You, yourself, go to work being certain that you will receive your fair remuneration. This is the faith that each of us usually has in every moment of the day. If we didn’t believe that things will turn out all right, we wouldn’t even leave home every morning. Interesting topic. We'll continue later.

Monday, June 22, 2020

What Do You Expect?

If you go on expecting to live a mediocre life, this is what you will have. Even if you are aware that you are using a tiny part of your potential, but do nothing about it, such potential is totally useless. If you were to lift a heavy box and don’t even try because you believe that your muscles are weak, you will never know the amount of  strength you possess. On the other hand, if you try to lift the box, you might discover that you are stronger than you thought, or you might realize that, with some exercise, you can succeed in doing it. And… more! Your strength and capabilities go far beyond your expectations. 

Friday, June 19, 2020

Attitude Shift

When you get upset or angry, it's usually because someone says  to you something that you don’t like. So you react in an aggressive or defensive way. Nevertheless, if you don’t take it personal, if you choose not to prove your point at all costs, if you realize that it’s not really worth it, things will improve. If you are motivated enough, make the decision to try, and you will see that you can remain calm and not react aggressively. With perseverance and through the realization that it’s better for you - and, consequently, for others as well - your attitude will change. As this works with any negative trait that you wish to change in yourself, it's definitely possible for you to achieve more relaxation, assertiveness, patience, focus, self-awareness. Care to try?

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Good Mood / Sad Mood

One day your spirits are high, the next day they are low. A little while ago you felt happy, now you don't. Mood swings are among the most common "situations" of the human existence. People usually believe that there is nothing to do about them. They are right, but only to a certain extent. If your mood changes, there must certainly be a reason. Imagine that you are feeling blue. What can you do to go back to your previous pleasant state of mind? First, accept it. If you fight it, try to deny it, endeavor to distract yourself in order to avoid the experience, getting rid if it will not be easy. Why? Simply because you should not try to "get rid of it"! Your present mood has the right to be! (Remember: there is a reason.) If you cannot understand what caused your sadness, don't think about it. Tell yourself that it will pass - just as everything else. After all, each experience is beneficial, even if you don't understand it.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Beliefs About Yourself

When you believe that the way you are is the "only" way you can be, you are not right. Why? Because you have "become" the way you are. How? Through all the conditioning you have received since you were born. What kind of conditioning? Different kinds, some good, other not so good. There are things you were told in the past which have become beliefs that are "wrong"! You failed an exam and your Dad told you that you were not smart enough. You sometimes bumped into the furniture and they told you were clumsy. You heard someone say that you were not as clever as your brother or as pretty as your sister. A parent, a relative or even a friend might have told you that – if you did not do what they wanted from you – they would not love you any more. Wow! Can you see where some beliefs about yourself came from?

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Gold or Not Gold?

Is your personality who you are? Not really. Your personality shows only how you "appear" to the world, not what is inside of you. When you say that someone you know has a nice personality, you mean that such person is friendly, kind, has a positive attitude, is helpful, etc. What about their real 'self'? You see only what appears, which may reflect their true essence, but not always it does. Often times it reflects just the opposite of what one really is. The word personality derives from the ancient Greek word 'persona', that meant 'mask'. What is to be learned from this reflection? Not all that glitters is gold, says a proverb. Not all outside loveliness is authentic. Luckily, also the contrary is true: not every less than pleasant behavior indicates an ugly spirit. Your (and everybody else's) job is to perceive the truth.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Your View

You hear - and use - the word "me" all the time. Have you ever wondered what does it means? What is it, really? I/ME is your  mind, your thoughts, your beliefs. Your mind thinks, your thoughts generate ideas, your beliefs are your convictions. What beliefs?  What convictions? Mainly, your opinions about all kinds of stuff, such as the world, other people but, most of all, about yourself. You may tell yourself either:
* I am good. / I’m not good enough. 
* I am capable. / I’m not up to the job. 
* I can be successful / I’m usually a failure. 
* People like me. / People are against me. 
* The world is basically good. / The world is an ugly mess.
Logical consequence: your "view" will be determined by what your beliefs accept as true. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Past? Future? Present?

Are you here, now? Sure, you will answer. Where else could I be? Actually, you could be - as you often are - in other places and times. You are not in the 'present' when you spend a lengthy time lost in your mind, remembering events that make you relive happy moments or happenings whose memory makes you feel sad. You are in the past, so you are not living the present moment. The same happens when you lose yourself in reveries about what will happen, what might happen, what you would like to happen. Again, you are missing out on the present moment. Does this mean that you should not remember the past or plan for the future? Absolutely not. It means that it would be better to use your time more wisely. Both a memory or careful planning can be useful. But without "clinging".