Friday, July 31, 2020

Imagination *

Have you ever reflected upon the meaning - and the importance - of your 'imagination'? First of all, what is imagination? Here is the official definition (from a dictionary):"the faculty of forming new ideas, images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses". You possibly believe that imagination only makes you create in your mind things that you consider impossible. But, if you really think about it, you realize that, actually, whatever you do, every action you cary out, every project you complete etc. was first 'created' in your mind. You thought about it, willed it, and then did it. So...isn't this imagination? And why is such concept important? Simply because, once you are truly convinced of the power of such mental tool, you can start using it more intentionally. You might discover that something that you reckoned to be "impossible", with enough attention and focus can become reality.  *

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Changing Love

Have you ever wondered why feelings can sometimes change radically? You start by experiencing a specific emotion towards a person, which later becomes something totally different. Some people might say that, when they met their future partner, they did not like him/her at all, actually they couldn't stand him/her. On the other hand, someone else says that, under similar circumstances, they experienced the classic love at first sight and happily got together. Unfortunately, later feelings changed drastically and were transformed into their opposite. Why? How can such transformation happen? Is it only due to worldly situations or is there a deeper, possibly self-created reason behind this kind of metamorphosis?

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Is There An Answer?

Here are some questions which you might be interested in asking yourself and, possibly, find an answer to.
- Does total free will exist? Or are human beings free in their       choices only between well-defined boundaries?
- Are human beings "free" at all?
- Could the world as you know it be a precisely planned itinerary
   towards a mysterious (or, maybe, even non-existent) goal?
- Could "Reality" be a dream which is dreamed in another reality?
- Could the Matrix really exist?
- Could the virtual worlds created by computers mirror the
   actual essence of your own world?

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Chosen Path

On a theoretical basis, most people "know" that there is a better way to live their lives, yet they don't feel like investigating such possibility. They are well mirrored in the little story about the butcher who could not find the time to sharpen his blunt knife because he was too busy cutting (with great difficulty) the meat he was selling. Similarly, it seems that many prefer to choose the hard path of anger, resentment, blame etc. because they believe it makes them look stronger, tougher, "in charge" or "in control". It is their choice - to which they have the right - therefore they deserve to be acknowledged (and, just a bit, sympathized with).

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Real or Fake?

When you love someone, you want to see them happy. But, in order to contribute to their happiness, you will be asked to do or not do certain things such as being available and supportive, refraining from being controlling or abusive etc. If you say you love another, yet you do nothing to prove it with your actions (i.e. you are unavailable or unsupportive, you are controlling or abusive etc.), your so-called love is like a plastic flower that seems to be the real thing while it is not. It "only" looks like a flower but it has none of the attributes it should have. Its petals are not soft and velvety, it has no fragrance, its beauty is fake. If you look closely, you will realize it. Therefore...check out how you love your beloved, but check also how your beloved loves you. It goes both ways!
P.S. This can apply to any kind of close relationships.

Thursday, July 16, 2020


Throughout your life you meet different kinds of people. They all have a place, a collocation, but their impact is quite different.
*Some, you meet just briefly. No impact whatsoever.
*Some, you interact with for a certain time, then they disappear from your life without leaving a trace. Just a tiny impact.
*Others stay in your life for quite some time, and you consider more than an acquaintance, but  then they disappoint you. A remarkable impact.
*Some exit your life without a word, and you never discover what happened. Big impact.
*A few "real" friends who either betray you, do not support you, or who exploit you. Huge impact.
*Fortunately, there are those who behaved like friends, still behave like friends, who "are" your friends. 
Be thankful even if you have just one. Many don't.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Another Kind of Trust

What is the kind of trust that can improve the quality of your life and make you achieve your goals? It’s the most important kind of trust, and it has two sides, like a coin. On one side, there is the Force that sustains and regulates all creation according to perfect, immutable rules. On the other side is the trust of human beings in their potentiality. If you observe the structure of the Universe, you see that all bodies move in perfect harmony, according to laws they are unaware of, but which they follow because it is their “nature”. Why don't people follow the same harmonious path? Because they “think”. By using their intellect, they have forgotten their deepest “self”. They have become accustomed to only believing in what they perceive with their senses. Therefore, their reality has become essentially materialistic. 

Friday, July 10, 2020

All Is Included

You know that energy exists all around you because you see the never-ending movement of the planets, the cycles of Nature, the birth of new living creatures. But it seems that many – maybe you, too – forgot that such energy is also inside themselves. It’s like an infinite sea of energy that you can tap in, provided you become aware of it. If you sit near a fire, you perceive the heat even with your eyes closed. Similarly, if you focus in stillness, you feel an inner “knowing” of universal existence that does not come from your physical senses. Its consequence is the awareness that this “something beyond yourself”, is also inside yourself. The energy that moves the stars and makes the seasons alternate with regularity exists in every element of creation, including you.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Considering the nature of the mind, a few main categories can be identified. The creative mind belongs to artists, who use their fervid imagination to create works of art in painting, composing music, writing and so on. Then comes the rational mind, that belongs prevalently to mathematicians, scientists and researchers in general. They want to understand how the world works. Next comes the thinking mind (pun possibly intended!), which belongs to philosophers and 'thinkers' in general, who look for abstract answers and pursue knowledge for the sake of knowledge, even if there are no practical goals. A highly appreciated kind, though, is the materialistic mind, that belongs to the business-wired people. They look for profit, for success. Last but certainly not least is the 'uniform' mind of those who only use it for their normal daily activities, ignoring any skill that could enhance their emotional, spiritual, deeper side. Can you identify your kind?

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Too Little, Too Much (Reflection 2)

The toothpaste you are using yields very little foam and you feel it doesn't really clean your teeth. You try another brand, but it yields too much foam. This doesn't feel good either. Can you find the perfect toothpaste? You probably would, if you had the patience to look for it. Out of the metaphor. In the past it was not too easy to communicate or get information. You had to wait for letters to arrive from far away or for the newspaper to be issued. You needed books to consult. Nowadays you can communicate in a fraction of a second with any friend or get any information from the Internet. The past way was like the toothpaste with too little foam. Isn't the present way a bit like the toothpaste with too much foam? Waiting for a letter was not so good, but neither is having your brain constantly bombarded by text messages, often exchanged for no real need? No judging, here. Just a suggestion to reflect.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Faster Track, Busier Life (Reflection 1)

Life used to go slowly or, you could say, at a normal pace. Then it started to go a little faster. And a little faster. Then it started to go really fast. Now it seems it is running. Where to? In older times people would take the time to sit with a friend over a cup of tea, chatting amiably, just to enjoy some leisure time together. With no distractions, just a friendly conversation. Now the omnipresent smartphone keeps you busy, non stop. Back then people had to go through books to get information. If you looked up a word in the encyclopedia, you were lured into a world of wider knowledge. You had the time to keep looking at pictures and make use of your imagination... Now a mere click lets you know what you need in an instant - or communicate with someone - with no "waste" of time, because you have to check another app, right now. It's a fast world that, regardless of the undeniable progress, has also taken away something that used to be an important part of human life.