Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Do you care about how you will be remembered after you pass away? If you don't, it's ok. Go on living your life the way you want and forget all the rest. On the other hand, if you would like to leave a good memory behind, if you wish your children and friends to keep thinking of you fondly, there is only one way: to live how you wish to be remembered. Do you want to leave a good mark? Do you hope that people will think of you as a kind, loving, caring person? You need to be kind, loving, caring right now. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fix Your Life

Don't you sometimes wish you had a key to press in order to erase a bad memory? Imagine your mind like a computer that you can manipulate the way you want. You can delete, go back, edit .... You can make all the changes you like to things you have previously done. Unfortunately, it is not possible. Actually, it is "not always" possible. At times, you can do it. But it is not as easy as pressing a computer key. In order to make changes, you need to work at them, you must make an effort, you have to have willpower and commitment. What is done can be undone, provided you know how to do it. As you learned how to use the computer, you can also learn how to "fix" your life.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Que Sera, Sera!

Admit it: you worry about the future. You can't help thinking about what will be going on in your life, if anything would have changed, where will your children be, if things will be better or worse... But you tend to ignore the fact that every instant you spend "worrying" about the future (and anything in general) is totally lost. It is a negative and useless activity you too often indulge in. An old, famous song says "Que Sera, Sera...What will be, will be. The future is not ours to see". It is so true. Why do you forget it?

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Be "Yourself"

When you lack self-confidence, you might tend to imitate someone else. Teenagers do this all the time: in order to fit in, to belong to a group, to be accepted, they often "disguise" themselves and turn into individuals totally different from who they really are. Such behavior can be allowed, even accepted, because they are still searching for their true identity, because they still need someone else's approval to feel any kind of self-worth. But you are an adult. You only need your own approval in order to be who you really are. And it is also up to you to be the best you can be.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Life Like a Camera

I like this analogy: "Life is like a camera. Focus on what is important. Capture the good times. Develop from the negatives. And... if things don't work out, just take another shot." A wise piece of advice, indeed. Why do you often do the opposite? You focus of what is "not" really important, you easily forget the good times and stay in the negatives. And, most of all, you tend to remain stuck on the same "image" of what you have decided your life to be. This happens when you refuse to believe that your existence can be different, that "you" can change it, that you can make it better.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

An Example

I still keep on wondering why we are here on Earth, why we are alive, why we continue living as long as our fate allows us. Then I read an article about a woman who, having had serious treatment during pregnancy, was advised to abort the baby because it would be born with a handicap. She refused. The baby was born and became one of the most famous, loved, appreciated singers in the world, in spite of his blindness. His name is Andrea Bocelli. Now I think I understand why we are here: to offer others any talent we have been endowed with. Whatever it is. None is useless. There is always someone who might benefit from it. Therefore... discover it and make good use of it. This is your task.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Our Sad "Reality"

Although in reality (according to quantum physics, therefore scientifically proven) we are all connected, and therefore we are all "one", we can't help feeling detached, separated, intimately lonely. Reason tells us something, feelings tell us the opposite. Which one is correct? Or, better, which one is worth listening to?

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Being OK

The education you received (and all the advertisements you are continuously bombarded with) brought you to believe that you are not ok and that you need others to make you feel ok. You also allowed yourself to be convinced that you need "things" to be happy. But... is it really so?

Friday, March 13, 2015

True Happiness

What is  happiness? Here is my own definition.
Imagine that, by chance, you see the photo of people you used to know. They are still handsome, rich, they are still spending their lives traveling the world, they own a few elegant houses here and there. The perfect image of success. You have always thought that they must be much happier than you, because you don't have what they do. Suddenly, looking at their smiling images, you realize that, actually, there is one thing that you have and they don't: The opportunity to "give" to others. You may be a doctor, a teacher, a therapist, a volunteer (any occupation that allows you to do something useful to others). The realization that you are "doing" something good (rather than just "having") should be enough to make you feel fulfilled, and therefore happy.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Negative Feelings

When we talk about negative feelings, many believe that one should either suppress them or express them in an often "explosive" way. According to the results, it seems that neither is the best choice. It might be better to first restrain oneself, then observe the feeling, understand it and finally act upon it. When you don't accept it, you react (usually badly). When you calmly accept and observe it, you are then capable of taking the most suitable action.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Don't Be Stubborn

The source of human problems partly lies in continuously and stubbornly believing in pre-conceived ideas such as: I am this / I am that - I can't do this - I can't live without... - I am right, while they are... Deeply-rooted beliefs are hard to eradicate. They are the cause of defeatist behaviors because they establish "facts" that are not true. You are not "this" or "that", period. You are what you decide to be. It is never sure that you just "can't" do whatever it is you are dealing with. It depends on how much you trust yourself. You can certainly live without... and you may be wrong while others may be... Don't close your mind to possible alternatives. If you persist in your stubbornness, you condemn yourself to a life "in a box". 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Action and Feeling

In order to make any positive change in your life, you must be willing to change something in yourself. First, you need to observe the action you are carrying out. "Observe" means to become aware of its origin, of what caused it. Without knowing "why" you are behaving in such a way, you cannot make any change. Observing also means becoming aware of the physical results that such action creates in your body. You can understand if it is positive or negative by the way it makes you "feel". Being kind? It makes you feel good. Being rude? It might make you temporarily feel strong, powerful, in control - but certainly not "good".

Thursday, March 5, 2015

A Different Universe

Have you noticed - lately - that strange things are happening? Things such as items that disappear and either re-appear later or never appear again? Some human beings feel they are living in a way that seems to take place in a "different" universe where reality is altered, where stuff is happening in a way that is not the same as the one they are used to. Quantum physics talks about a different kind of universe, where reality follows rules that are different from the ones we are familiar with. Newton's "world" was right, but there is also another world that is right as well. A world that is totally different - that, actually, is the "opposite". Can this be possible?

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Natural Nature

When you watch a documentary about Nature (animals, flowers, mountains, rivers, oceans etc.) you can't help feeling overwhelmed by the beauty of what you see. Everything appears so natural, so beautiful, so "balanced".
When you watch it with awareness, don't you realize how "unbalanced" our human world is, instead? Carnivorous animals kill only for survival. What about humans? What excuse do they have for killing? Rage? Hate? Envy? Jealousy? Resentment? Greed? Honor? "Religion"????
In a comparison between the "human" nature and the "natural" nature, what will the score be?

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Why do so many people indulge in dangerous habits? They have the illusion that such habits give them happiness because they provide a temporary satisfaction. But... how can they not realize that the pleasure of a moment is fleeting and will only cause disappointment (possibly leading to depression) as soon as it is over? How can the willpower of so many be so weak? The mere fact of being aware of the danger should make them run away from the temptation of addiction. But, instead, such awareness seems to trigger a sort of defiance in them, like the kamikaze who knowingly plunges into deadly action.