Thursday, June 29, 2017

No Regrets

Regrets are a huge waste of energy. They don't add any positive factor to your life because all they do is make you complain. Constantly remembering the past only conditions your present actions, because it makes you forget that today's situations are not the same as yesterday's. Furthermore, when you keep making reference to the past, citing "the good old days", you minimize today's experience, you overlook all that is worthwhile in your life, "now". Looking back can be beneficial if it makes you aware of the obstacles you have overcome so far, thus encouraging you to go on with the self-assurance you gained from the lessons you learned. Therefore, avoid regrets and addiction to old memories because they neutralize the excitement for the present as well as the joyful expectation of the future.


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Alluring Parking Spots

When you start on a journey, you begin driving with the greatest enthusiasm and, as you are eager to arrive, you decide not to make any stops. The desire to reach your destination fills you with energy and will-power. After a little while, though, you see a beautiful glade and decide to stop just for a moment to lay under a tree and get some fresh air. "I still have plenty of time", you think while drifting off into slumber. Later, you resume driving till you feel you need a cup of coffee, then some dinner, eventually go online to check a few things. When you decide to stay at the motel for the night, your destination gets further and further away. Do you have the same initial enthusiasm when you work on a new project, when you make a plan? Starting enthusiasm, slowing down after some time, inertia towards the end? It seems that the road to success is scattered with alluring parking spots. Beware!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Of Branches And Birds

A Chinese proverb says, "If I keep a green branch in my heart, a singing bird will sit on it." It perhaps means that life can be truly beautiful, if you only decide to make it so. The green branch may be interpreted as good will and perseverance. If you allow them to grow inside yourself, the "bird" of serenity will land on it and may even make its nest there while singing a lovely song. The bird represents the realization of your wishes - in every aspects of your life. If the green branch symbolizes a relationship, for example, in order to prevent it from withering, you must give it all the elements necessary to its survival: air (understanding), sun (caring), water (sharing). Without them the singing bird (love) neither will stay long not will it sing its song. It will fly away, looking for another tree, for another branch.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Quickly, Now

According to Nature, everything takes place slowly, at the right time. Modern life, however, seems to follow the opposite principle. Everything must be done 'quick'y, 'now'. Everybody seems to always be in a hurry: people speak fast - continuously - to avoid silence, drive anywhere rather than walk, eat fast food standing not to waste time. It's a lifestyle based on speed and efficiency in order to reach a greater productivity. The rule is, "Do more things in a shorter time". But... what things? What kind of goals are they that need to be achieved in such hurry?

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Today is officially the first day of summer. We can say that nature has reached its full potential. After bare branches and soil in winter, flowers and tiny leaves in spring, now all is verdant and trees are covered with luscious foliage and bear fruit. Doesn't this natural cycle seem similar to human life? First, a latent kind of existence; second, the beginning and blooming of possibilities, then the maturity with full expression of potentiality and manifestation of results. Eventually, a fourth stage will follow: the preparation for a new cycle. And so... Life goes on.

Monday, June 19, 2017


If you think about how things were in the past, you can't help feeling extremely amazed at how everything has changed. Technology has transformed the world we live in as well as the actual way we live our lives. Means of communication, of transportation, electrical appliances, entertainment, special effects, digital ... whatever: all this has revolutionized mankind's existence. Only on a physical/material level, though. On an emotional/spiritual plane not much seems to have changed. Greed, yearning for power, selfishness, aggressiveness are all still here (maybe even more than before, thanks to the many abundantly provided stimuli). So? How thankful should we be for this kind of progress? Life is certainly easier. But... are we happier?

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Life Can Be Good

Life can be good if you decide to accept it as it is. Fighting what you don't like, refusing to acknowledge what happens, ignoring, despising, resenting etc. are attitudes that make you feel bad, unlucky, deprived, treated unfairly, overwhelmed. In a word, "unhappy". Think for a moment: how beneficial are they? They aren't. They only deprive you of serenity. How useful are they? They aren't. On the contrary. They make you waste your energy in a lost cause because nothing changes. So? How smart is it to fight, refuse, regret, resent, ignore, despise etc.? Not at all. 

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Cat On A Stove Top

Past experiences are your teachers, therefore it's important to take them into consideration and learn from them. This is the way you become able to discriminate between positive and negative behaviors. But remembering the past is useful only to a certain extent. It becomes dangerous when you use it as a recurring reference point. In doing this, you give up the courage to try something new, to live in a creative way. If the cat who got burned by sitting on a stove top decides never to sit again, it is not judging the past experience properly. The actual lesson is that it is safe "not" to sit on a stove top. And even a stove top can be safe if it's not hot. Therefore, try to learn something from the deep meaning of the experience, not from its superficial appearance.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Just for a moment, think about all the things that annoy you during the day. They can be big things or small things. The point is: how much are you bothered by them? How great - or how slight - is your capability to accept what comes along? Considering such question superficially, you may answer that you have no problem in carrying on, untouched by the recurring irritating daily happenings. But... are you really? Take the time to analyze your immediate feelings when you are confronted by an unpleasant utterance, an unkind remark, the unexpectedly negative outcome of your action, bad weather on the day of a planned picnic, a friend breaking their word, a computer malfunction etc. If you can really glide through all this with an authentic smile on your face, a serene mind and a happy heart, congratulations! 

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Play Out Your Life

Many times have I wondered what the meaning of life is. I still believe there isn't just one answer. I believe every single human being would answer in a different way or... not answer at all. Regardless of your own reply, what is really important here is to check whether you are actually "living" your life. How could you not? By simply not fulfilling your "call". What call? Whatever your deepest self suggests to you. If you feel that you might have a role in the play of Life, discover what it is and act it out. You are the scriptwriter and the director as well as the protagonist. Keep up the good work!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Curiosity Versus Certitude

Human beings often tend to be extremely assertive in their opinions. They think that what they believe in is the absolute "Truth" and that there should be no doubts about it. But... is it so? How can you be sure that what you are certain of is really correct, when there are others who believe differently, even the opposite? As no-one is perfect, no-one can be sure to be always right. Your belief may be just "one" way of interpreting reality. Therefore... why not be curious about other people's viewpoints? Why not welcome different assumptions? You could even benefit from perspectives you have never taken into consideration.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Each human being has their own moral code. In spite of the fact that there are precise definitions and laws concerning the issue, everyone feels deep inside what is right and what is not. Everyone makes - or should make - a distinction between good or bad behavior. But not everyone acts accordingly. You may know what a fair action is and yet choose not to carry it out. Next to the knowledge of the right, lies the willingness to do wrong thanks to free will. It is always up to you to make any decision related to your behavior. No-one can advise, compel or convince you to do otherwise. Only your own 'conscience' can eventually make you feel either happy with or regretful of your action.

Monday, June 5, 2017


Almost all human beings spend the greatest part of their lives thinking and being preoccupied about material stuff. They strive to get better wealth, more friends, a higher social status etc. They don't dedicate so much time pondering about spirituality. They feel that there will be time to tackle this subject when they are older, when they have succeeded in their career and been successful in the eyes of the world. They probably feel that being spiritual means to forget about physicality, to  detach from material affairs and devote oneself to higher thoughts, to religion, to prayer, to meditation, to devotional interests only. It might be thus, but not necessarily. Spirituality may also mean to always stay alert, to be aware, to find a deeper meaning in all that is happening. In this instance, it can be considered the opposite of superficiality.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Enjoy Life

Are you one of the (few) lucky ones who  can say they truly enjoy life? It's easy to answer 'yes' but... is it totally true? To enjoy life means to be able to savor every experience, no matter what it is; it means to be aware at all times of what is going on without being distracted by 'side' thoughts; it means to appreciate and be grateful for what you have or don't have; it means not to judge what is going on and label it as good or bad or insignificant or... Finally, it means to be able to smile at the people, at the weather, at the whole world and accept them all as they are - because this is the way they are supposed to be.

Thursday, June 1, 2017


Being ethical means conforming to certain moral principles. What moral principles? Logically, they should be principles of conduct of universal nature accepted forever. But it seems it is not what actually happens. Morality has greatly changed throughout the ages. What was vastly accepted at a certain time in history, was refused years later. What was scandalous yesterday is welcomed today. We don't know what will happen tomorrow. But, if history teaches anything, there may be a "moral revolution", as it happened in the Middle Ages in Europe as a reaction to the excessive freedom of customs. Or maybe not. Who knows? Time will tell if history really repeats itself.