Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Alluring Parking Spots

When you start on a journey, you begin driving with the greatest enthusiasm and, as you are eager to arrive, you decide not to make any stops. The desire to reach your destination fills you with energy and will-power. After a little while, though, you see a beautiful glade and decide to stop just for a moment to lay under a tree and get some fresh air. "I still have plenty of time", you think while drifting off into slumber. Later, you resume driving till you feel you need a cup of coffee, then some dinner, eventually go online to check a few things. When you decide to stay at the motel for the night, your destination gets further and further away. Do you have the same initial enthusiasm when you work on a new project, when you make a plan? Starting enthusiasm, slowing down after some time, inertia towards the end? It seems that the road to success is scattered with alluring parking spots. Beware!

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