Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Saying "to look for peace" doesn't mean anything. Peace cannot be looked for because it was never hidden. It has always existed inside yourself, because this is your (and everybody else's) nature. The only task that you can - and should - carry out is to endeavor to "discover" it. How can you do that? First of all, you must believe it exists, in spite of circumstances. Then you have to be aware enough to recognize it. Finally, accept it! Life situations may contribute to let you down, to upset you, to deprive you from hope and serenity. Yes, usually life is not too easy. But - an any moment - you can withdraw into your personal private space where no-one and nothing can touch you. There (your inner self) you feel safe, you are at peace.

Sunday, December 27, 2015


The “new world” that is being created day by day appears inspired to the greatest selfishness and self-centeredness. Selfish is the person who lacks consideration for others and is mainly concerned with his (or her) personal profit or pleasure. Self-centered is the one who only thinks about his (or her) desires, needs or interests. These are therefore the people who, being so engrossed in themselves and in their businesses, totally disregard the feelings, the needs and even the rights of their fellow human beings. On a larger scale, look at how political figures, establishment leaders, “rich and famous” individuals behave. The “others” are seen either as enemies to be annihilated or as individuals to be totally ignored. Very, very few truly "care" for others.
Where do you place yourself?

Friday, December 25, 2015


You may be a person who, every now and then, thinks that maybe there is something else beside the daily work, food, sleep, entertainment. You hope there is something better awaiting you But how can you forecast when this will materialize? You don't want to really ponder upon how much time you still have to be in this world. But such thought exists, it is there, always, hidden in the deepest corners of your inner self. You know it but you don't want to think about it. Maybe you should. What is life, "your" life? Why are you here? Are you trying to live as well as you can, to be the best you can? A new year is drawing closer, just a few days left. Maybe this could be a good meditation to prepare yourself for the possible new challenges.

Thursday, December 24, 2015


Many people around the world celebrate Christmas. I wonder what this celebration means, beyond the religious aspect (which is widely overlooked anyway). Is there a practical message behind such festivities? People talk about love, family ties, forgiveness, generosity, peace etc. But how many do really believe in the meaning of these words and take action accordingly? 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


People think and act in a certain way, sure that they know the reasons behind their thinking and acting. Most times, they only "believe" they know. If you get an ailment, you immediately think of its physical cause. Some may go as far as trying to detect the "mental" cause, such as a negative thought or behavior. Both may be true. But there is something else that is very difficult to detect. It is the layer of beliefs and feelings that are deeply rooted "below" your conscious mind and of which you are totally unaware. Past experiences actually create a sort of foundation upon which your daily life is being built. Therefore, if you stop to look, you will only see the building (the way your life is, your health situation etc.) while being unaware of what lays underneath. But discovering such foundation is not easy. It takes strong motivation and serious commitment.   

Monday, December 21, 2015

Decision Making

At important crossroads in your life, you should follow your intuition and dare to step out of your old ways. If this possibility entered your mind, it means that you have to take it into consideration because it could mark a positive shift in your well-arranged existence. But, be careful. Making a choice does not mean that you are going to be chained to it forever. You step onto the new path and do your best to make it work. But if, at a certain point, you realize that it did not yield the result you had hoped for, you can still go back to the old road and... try to make it work better. Never forget that you are free to decide what you want to do with your life. But wisdom (not haste or unawareness) must be your guide. 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Be "Yourself"

As long as you believe that being like  others increases your value as a human being, you will keep being unaware of how important you "already" are. You deserve to be the "original" person that you are, without pettily imitating anybody else. Money, clothes and jewels don't make you an individual worth of admiration. A few might envy wealth, but many more will appreciate a shining personality, a welcoming attitude, generous availability. A wise actress said that she preferred to be a first-class "herself" rather than a second-class copy of someone else. Who admires the myriad starlets who desperately tried to look like Marilyn Monroe? Only those who chose to be "themselves" and displayed their true talents became as admired and appreciated as Marilyn had been.

Friday, December 18, 2015


Are habits useful or harmful? They can be both. The mindful repetition can help you improve your performance as to your physical skills are concerned, as well as your attitude and behavior. Excellence does not reside so much in the action itself as in the way you carry it out. On the other hand, a habit can be harmful when it makes you lazy, when it brings you to passively accept a mediocre lifestyle, depriving you of enthusiasm and initiative. Therefore, all you need is awareness, that means understanding when the "shoes" you are wearing on you "hike" are the right ones or when you need to replace them with a more suitable pair. After all, habits, too, can be changed, can't they?

Thursday, December 17, 2015

"Your" Meaning

In order to understand, decide, choose, you have two possibilities: either to think by yourself or you let someone else tell you (or at least "advise" you about) what to do.  The problem is that, if you prefer (or "allow") another person to give you an explanation or make a decision on your behalf, the explanation and the decision will be according to his or her own point of view, which may not necessarily be the one that suits you best. No-one can find your "meaning" for you. No-one knows who you really are and your true needs. You may prefer the second solution because you don't want to make the effort. But the first one is much more fulfilling.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


The weather is the same for everybody, yet some feel warm, some feel cold. It seems an additional proof that reality exists all in the mind. Whatever you believe to be true, it "is". You may be willing to think about this apparent contradiction ("I'm sweating and that guy is wearing a coat" / "I find this to be a rip-off and she says it's a bargain"). This reflection is greatly useful when you are dealing with someone who has a different opinion from yours on any matter. Be lenient, accept people and things as they are, without any negative judgment and without trying to impose your viewpoint. Each is entitled to their own.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Open Mindedness

People often open their mouths without having first opened their minds. Opening your mind means to be flexible, to take into consideration other possibilities, not to be stubborn and rigid on your positions. In a nutshell, it means not to have a "closed mind". If you reflect, you realize how important it is to be well aware of how things are - from both your point of view and the other's - in order to say something intelligent, logical, meaningful, useful. Unfortunately human beings often tend to blurt out anything that comes to their minds, thus allowing themselves to become prey of sudden emotions, without first thinking of the possible (negative) consequences of their words.

Saturday, December 12, 2015


A trait that is common to many (if not all) human beings is to compare themselves to someone else. It could be a sibling, a friend, a neighbor, a colleague... The outcome of a comparison doesn't usually yield a positive result. In fact, you will end up deciding that you are either better or worse than the other person. You may see yourself as definitely superior to a lesser skilled individual, and conceit is born, with a consequent condescending attitude. On the other hand, you may not perceive yourself as good as the other, and a complex of inferiority arises. The point here is to realize that you are "never" more or less than anybody else. You are "you" and they are "they": well distinct people, with different abilities, all useful in their own personal ways.

Friday, December 11, 2015


How do you feel when you do something that you believe to be useful to others and see your effort appreciated? It's a nice sensation, isn't it? On the other hand, how do you feel when the opposite happens, when you see that what you offered with all your heart is mostly ignored or overlooked? You may decide to give everything up. You say, "What's the use?". Nevertheless - when your service is given to a number of people - if even just one shows their appreciation or acknowledgement, be assured that it is worth it to keep doing what you are doing. Why? Because you might be giving that "one" fellow human being what they needed, at that precise moment. You are "helping".

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Wrong Change

Here is a possible scenario. The environment you live in may be trying to convince you that – as "yourself" – you are not enough. Therefore, in order to "fit in", you feel the need to change. You compare yourself to others and believe you can acquire what you think you are lacking by transforming your appearance and your habits. You allow yourself to be convinced that you do not have "enough" and that, therefore, you need to keep on buying any kind of (useless) stuff, altering your mentality, beliefs and habits, using items that you don't need. Do you honestly believe that changing what you are gives you luster, makes you better and happier?  

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Looking For Peace

According to writer and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson (and to many others), no one can give you peace except yourself. Do you remember the well-known story of the man who, looking everywhere for a treasure, ended up in his own garden? It is not easy to experience such truth because you are used to look for “things” outside yourself. In fact, you feel separated from the rest of the world and therefore tend to give others the responsibility of what happens to you. You - and most of us - don’t realize that everyone's life is tightly interwoven with the rest of mankind’s existence and that all human beings are responsible for their own personal choices (peace included).

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


You have almost certainly heard the expression “mind over matter”.  You might know its meaning or you might not. If you do, you may agree with it or you may not. But one thing is certain: your mind can perform actual "miracles" if you trust it enough and give it the chance to show its power. Just for once put your ego, your constant reasoning, your resisting, your judging aside for a while. Choose to just expect your determination to help you achieve your goal. Willpower walks along with faith. And, as you are the “master” of your mind, i.e. “you” decide what to think, it should not be an impossible enterprise.

Monday, December 7, 2015


When you are young you envision a certain path, you see it clearly in front of your eyes and you are sure you'll carry it out. Yet, many times things go differently. You thought your career would be such and such, but it wasn't. You were sure you would immediately pinpoint the perfect partner and, although at first you believed you had succeeded, you eventually realized that you hadn't. You were positive about being able to create the best family ever, but later you had to admit that the results were not up to your expectations. Why does all this happen? Could it be that planning is kind of useless and that all you can do is your best and then accept what comes along?

Sunday, December 6, 2015


Ask yourself: "What do I do when I want to achieve a goal?". Your answer will probably be: "I start working towards it". Unfortunately, working, doing is not enough. Action without a suitable preparation will not achieve the best result. First, you must have a clear goal in your mind. Many times people want to achieve a certain outcome without knowing "exactly" what it is. Another important element is motivation: your goal must be important to you because only in this way will you be able to find the energy and the resources to carry it out. Commitment is another element for success, because without application and dedication you won't go too far. If you don't continue steadily, your energy will decrease at a faster rate. Finally, you need to trust, to have faith in the positive outcome of your endeavor because you believe it is good, useful (to you and possibly to others) and that you deserve it. 

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Being "Informed"

I recently read this intriguing quote: "The advantage of modern means of communication is that they enable you to worry about things in all of the world". Most people, if not all, believe that the new technology, having created the so-called 'global village', has also made mankind a great favor. It certainly has, from certain points of view. But not all. Being able to communicate with far away places in a very short time is undeniably an advantage. But do you need to be told about all the worst happenings (big and small) that take place all over the planet - 24/7? Do you feel happier, after knowing about them? Can you do anything to help? Do you even care? Oh, I see, you just want to be "informed". Well, if this is your choice... enjoy!

Friday, December 4, 2015


Eternity is defined as timelessness, a state to which time has no application, a "situation" where time does not exist anymore, and upon which we have no control whatsoever. Time moves on inexorably, either you are happy (and wish it never passes) or you are sad (and wish it would go on quickly). Time flows like the water of a river, on and on and on... But, while in the distant future the river will stop flowing, time will never come to a halt. Even when all things exist no more, time will keep going on and on and on... Wait a minute: Einstein said that time and space must coexist, meaning that when matter is "created", time comes along with it. Without matter, time does not exist. Here is the good news, though: after the end of our Universe, we can wait for a new Big Bang, and then we shall be able to start counting seconds, minutes and hours once again!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Expanding Your Mind

No one knows where pursuing the still unknown parts of quantum mechanics will lead. It will possibly go beyond our wildest imagination. Believe it or not, in a (who knows how) distant future we, too, will be able to say, like Star Trek's Captain Kirk: "Beam me up, Scotty!" Experiments have already been carried out about teleportation, with positive results - although still at a quantum level. In conclusion, once you learn something about the quantum world, you will never be the same. Your mind will be eager to keep on expanding... Your traditional thinking and beliefs will be greatly challenged. It's just like Positive Thinking. Once you become aware that you can be whoever you choose to be and shape your life accordingly, a new "you" is born.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Different "Worlds"

If you are interested in knowing more about the reality you live in, about the Universe, you may be content just accepting the way they were described by Sir Isaac Newton first, and by Albert Einstein later. But if you are someone who - whenever the possibility arises to go deeper into things - does not miss the chance, you might like to investigate some more. Traditional physics says that reality is matter. Quantum mechanics says that it is not. It says it's possibility. The laws that stand in the former, do not exist in the latter. In one world you see matter as solid, liquid or gaseous, in a specific place, and it can be experienced as "it is" (as "you see it"). In quantum physics you don't see something that is there, but something that could be anywhere, and only when you decide to observe or measure it, it becomes something specific, in a precise form and located in a definite place. 

Reality or Possibility?

If the actual reality at an elementary (subatomic) level does not actually "exist", how come that we see ourselves - and the world - as we are, physically solid and standing right here? Some quantum physicists say that, although all possibilities exist, on their way up, particles (quanta) coincide in one only (who we are), while the rest of them disappear. Other physicists say that the remaining possibilities do not go away. They keep existing in parallel universes. Mind-blowing idea, isn't it? One physicist said that the beauty of science allows us to learn that  reality goes beyond the Universe we see and branches out... we don't now where ("yet", I'd like to add). 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Different Speed

Different places on Earth experience different manifestation of the nature cycles because their speed is not the same. Their pace can differ greatly. Warmer or colder, dry or wet climate, create distinct environments. But, in spite of all this, nature comes out from its winter slumber, flowers bloom, fruit ripe. The same happens to human beings. According to where they live, to their environment, family situation, intellectual, physical, or material conditions, they grow at different speed from a spiritual point of view. Nevertheless, if they are motivated and make the effort, they will all reach the same point, they will all cut the arrival line. If they want, they can all be winners. And what is greater victory than becoming a better person? If you, too, do that, you can become the "someone" you secretly want to be. And, then, you will be proud of yourself.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Measuring Time

Eternity is defined as timelessness, a state to which time has no application, a "situation" where time does not exist anymore. We have no control whatsoever upon it. Time moves on inexorably, either you are happy (and wish it never passes) or you are sad (and wish it would go on quickly). Time flows like the water of a river, on and on and on. However, while in the distant future the river will stop flowing, time will never come to a halt. Even when all things exist no more, time will keep going on and on and on. But, wait a minute: Einstein said that time and space must coexist, meaning that when matter is "created", time comes along with it. Without matter, time does not exist. Nevertheless ... here is the good news: after the end of our Universe, when a new Big Bang takes place, whoever is there will be able to start counting seconds, minutes and hours once again!

Saturday, November 28, 2015


I wonder how many are fully aware of the importance of their behavior of yesterday, of today and of tomorrow. The way you acted brought you to the present moment, to where you find yourself today and the way you act today is creating what your life will be in the future. Don't you often overlook the importance of being aware of the responsibility that each deed implies? Don't you often undermine the significance of each thought, word, action of yours? More often should you remember that nothing is without consequences, that everything leaves a track behind, a shade that will give color to your life to come.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Unthinkable Realities

Understanding something logically, with the reasoning, is easy. The difficult part comes when you try to actually "perceive" it, imagine it, feel it - in case it is something that goes beyond your normal way of thinking. If, for example, you try to imagine a non-space, you probably see a void with nothing in it. Well, we are told that this perception is wrong because, apparently, also the "void" is a space that happens to be empty. Can you envision no-thing? We are so proud of our minds, we believe that with our brains we can grasp anything but.... can we really? If there are truths that we are unable to seize in the scientific field, what about spiritual matters? To what extent are we aware of the realm of the spirit, of "our" spirit? What do we really know about it?

Thursday, November 26, 2015


A tree branch that is not flexible will break when the blows of the wind become too strong. The same might happen to you, if you persist in remaining where you don't want to be anymore, in accepting a state of being that fulfills you no longer. Are you willing to face depression and a possible nervous breakdown just to show that you are firm, unmovable like a rock in your choices? Or are you wise enough to walk away, let's say, from law or medical school to go on and become a... gardener or an artist, if this is what your heart keeps telling you? There are different paths that, according to what you will end up doing, lead to either resignation or achievement, to either boredom or excitement. It's up to you to choose.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Changing Direction

Imagine you made a (seemingly) life-changing choice. It took you courage, enthusiasm, trust. You enjoyed the change because you needed it. Later, you feel that you could change it again or even go back to your old location, circumstance, job, person... and be fine with it. Could you do this without hesitation, or would your decision be made difficult by doubts? You may be afraid that friends will judge you as indecisive. You might start doubting your capability of making up your mind once and for all. But nothing needs to be once and for all. This is just another conditioning human beings receive in the course of their lives. As everything changes in this world, also your mind should be allowed to shift towards other directions, according to different situations. It does not mean that you are weak-willed, it only indicates that you are able to look at circumstances with new eyes, with a greater awareness, and make your choices accordingly. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Appearance Matters

What do you think about the way you present yourself to the world? Do you believe that the image you are projecting is the best "yourself"? Could it be improved? If your answer is yes, what could be done? Some people have the skill, the ability to instinctively know what suits them and what doesn't.  Some don't. What about your physical appearance? Take a good look at yourself. Go to the mirror and observe. Is your hair in good condition? Decent haircut and grooming? What about your clothes? Are they simple but elegant or are they sloppy? Do they show that you care or do they show that your image is the last thing in your mind? Although it is usually said that appearance does not "make" the person, nevertheless it should neither be overlooked.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Money, Money, Money

Someone said that, in the business world, "they" don't see people, just money. Actually, this seems a rather accurate definition of modern society in general. Money has always been sought after but nowadays it seems that almost every human action is aimed at the acquisition of wealth and riches. The saddest thing is to even hear about members of so-called charity or non-profit organizations who don't comply with the primary goal of their quest, but take advantage of the situation for personal profit. It's an insane thirst, a real obsession with money encouraged by many "social" stimuli. Beware!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Denied Knowledge

I happened to read some stuff written by atheists and I couldn't help thinking, "How sad!". How sad that some so-called intelligent people can so easily - and in a somewhat despising way - discard all the spiritual richness that exists inside every human being. Independently from what you believe in, the mere fact that there is a "need" to believe in something, is the proof that "something" must exist. We are not talking about crazy creations of the imagination. We are talking about the inner knowing of our spirit having aspirations that go beyond the day-by-day material living. This "knowledge" cannot be denied (the well-known small voice that is inside of you, either you admit it or not). Could this atheistic attitude be a way of attracting attention, of wanting to feel and be perceived as "different"?

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Don't Interfere

The idea that a human being is capable of running somebody else's life is totally wrong. Nevertheless, many believe it. Even worse, some are convinced that they are entitled to do so. No-one has the right to interfere with the choices of another, to impose his/her own point of view. "Nothing new", you may say. True, it's an old story. But how often do you remember it and allow "the others" (at home, at work etc.) to act, behave, live in a totally independent way, without trying to make them act, behave, live otherwise (= according to you)? Briefly examine yourself and draw the conclusions. You might be surprised!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Fear vs. Love

You might have heard the definition that contraposes love to fear. At first the connection might not be too evident. But, if you take the time to reflect, you will see it more clearly. Fear manifests itself when you believe you can't get what you want or think that you might lose what you possess (not only materially). As a consequence, you become preponderantly selfish because you try to get or keep at all cost the object of your longing. On the other hand, when you succeed in freeing yourself from fear, the natural feeling that arises is love, i.e. a desire to help, to be there for others, to be available, to give. So your actions become selfless, altruistic, generous. What a difference!

Thursday, November 19, 2015


The desire for things is not intrinsically wrong. You find yourself in a world where this and that are necessary to carry on in a comfortable way. The problem arises when such desire becomes more of an obsessive yearning, when it starts to control you. You seem to be never satisfied, nothing is good enough, nothing "is" ever enough. Consequently, you start arranging your life in order to "get" stuff to just possess it, instead of having it serve you. You possibly have the wrong idea - so largely cherished nowadays - that "having" is all you need to "be" important. You mistake true value for possession. And when you don't succeed in "getting" what you want, you feel deprived, betrayed, unhappy.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Possible Change

We talk so much about the need for change. We say that the world, some people, goals, ideologies etc. need to be modified. And it is probably true. But where should such transformation start from? If you believe you are always right and it is just the rest of the world that needs to change, everything will stay the same. Why? Because every other human being is also convinced that they are right (and everybody else is wrong). But if one individual accepts the idea that, maybe, he/she could go deeper into him/herself and discover something that needs remodeling, remolding, others might be encouraged to do the same. In your environment, could that first "starter" be you?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Final Destination

Do you know what you want from life? Do you "really" know? Are you sure? If you are, good for you. There certainly are a few lucky ones who have found this great treasure and enjoy peaceful fulfillment. But... what about the rest of mankind? Many (most?) live their lives day by day with no precise goal, like travelers who ride on a train or bus without knowing its destination. Would you choose to be one of them? Certainly not. Why? Because you realize that, while traveling, you need to know where you are going. But you might not be similarly aware of your existential aim, of your spiritual desire for inner peace (the only "destination" worth pursuing).

Monday, November 16, 2015


Greek philosopher Socrates said that an unconscious life is not worth living. How can a life be "unconscious" if you believe you are totally conscious, i.e. aware of who you are and of what you do.? But... are you sure that you know your true nature - beyond what you "appear" to be - and that you also know the reason, the substance, the consequences of your daily actions? If you try to answer such fundamental questions, you will realize that - maybe - you should not be too "certain". A wise individual is full of doubts, never certitudes. Why? Because Life (who you truly are) is a mystery that needs to be discovered day by day. Only its understanding can provide you with the hope of a better existence.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

A Bad Adviser

In spite of the dreadful things that you (as every human being here on Earth) are witnessing, either personally or through media information, you must not give up on hope. The present moment is all you actually have at your disposal, so you should endeavor to live it in the best possible way or, at least, in the best way you can and know how. Try not to think about what has been or what might be. If you do, fear will prevent you from facing reality in a practical way, from acting logically. Fear is the worst adviser ever because it keeps reminding you of unpleasant past experiences or suggesting scary possibilities to your mind. Living fully in the present moment is the only safety net available in a world that could otherwise make you unable to think and act in a reasonably wise manner because it would deprive you of any positive expectation, i.e. "hope".

Friday, November 13, 2015


I had planned to begin my reflection of today with the quote "Love creates, hate destroys". Then, just before starting writing, I hear about the horrible happenings that took place in Paris a few hours ago. I can't help thinking about how appropriate such quote is. Looking around this world of ours, we can certainly see a lot of good, but we can also see so much evil going on! Yes, it has always happened and it will continue happening because this is the way things go on our planet. But the "size" of hate seems to be growing under our very eyes, day after day. Where will all this lead us to? Will ever come a day when the haters will realize that they are simply destroying, never creating anything beside hatred, fear and more hatred?

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Portraying Yourself

Take a good look at yourself. Go to the mirror and observe. Is your hair in good condition? Decent haircut and grooming? What about your clothes? Are they simple but elegant or are they sloppy? Do they show that you care or do they show that your image is the last thing on your mind? When you don't take care of the way you portray yourself, you are limiting your options for success. And, along with your physical appearance, you have to add attitude and body language. Not only the way you dress, but also the way you present yourself and deal with others have an impact upon the opinion people will form of you. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Wave and Ocean

Can you imagine yourself as a wave? A wave that rises up from the ocean with its own shape, size, speed, strength, "personality". You are your "self", you are different from any other wave, with your own will and goal. Yet, you are tightly connected to the whole ocean, you are a part of it, you could not exist without it, in a way you are "one" with it. Does this make any sense to you? It should, because this is your relationship with Life and mankind. You perceive yourself as separate, different, unique. And - from a certain perceptive - you are. But you are also an inseparable part of the whole. Therefore, feeling detached from it, alone and totally independent is a sad misperception of reality.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Going Up

Almost all human beings feel a desire to improve themselves, to become better and better, to evolve spiritually. Do "you", too? The process may be difficult but it is certainly worthwhile. If you don't accept to face the struggle to move "upwards", to reach the top, you will remain on the ground floor forever. You sometimes allow life's challenges to deter you, to scare you. If you are afraid of the effort necessary to give up unhealthy or dangerous habits, for example, think of how much better you will feel once you've won your battle. Improving who we are should be everybody's top priority because in this process we achieve the main goal of our own existence. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015


If you sit properly in front of the TV or computer screen, you have a clear, enjoyable vision. But, if you move the position of your eyes and/or shift sideways, you perceive improper images. You will consequently feel displeased because - most probably - you won't be able to understand the meaning of the program you are watching. Exactly the same happens in your life. When you look at the world from the right perspective, you are able to see the good there is, you succeed in dealing with others in the best way, you are kind, understanding, flexible. But if you start looking around with a "me, me" attitude, you will behave selfishly, you will interpret the world in a distorted way because your standpoint is wrong. You "see" according to where you stand, according to a correct or incorrect point of view.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


When you are angry, you feel better while pouring your anger out onto others. You experience a kind of relief when you express your frustrations out loud. What is important is to have someone there, in front of you, who would not dare to back answer. Later, after enjoying your tiny, petty satisfaction (just for a short time it makes you feel powerful, doesn’t it?), you honestly realize that, actually, you do not feel better at all. After releasing your anger in this unfair way, you cannot feel satisfied and freed from your burden. Taking advantage of someone else (any kind of advantage, be it material, physical, psychological etc.) cannot provide you with the fulfillment you initially expected. Aggressive, overbearing, controlling, domineering, arrogant human beings will never experience a moment of true peace. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Useful Analysis

Have you ever tried to analyze the reasons that make you behave in a certain way or choose a reaction rather than a different one? If you haven’t, it is time that you did. You are used to doing things or uttering words in a particular way and you don’t really pay too much attention to them. This is the way you are – you believe – these are your habits and… it’s okay with you. The question is: Is it okay also for the people you are usually dealing with, i.e. your family, friends, colleagues, neighbors? Ask yourself: Is the way I treat people determined by what, in my opinion, is truly fair or is it rather conditioned by their attitude, especially when “their” attitude tends to affect me, when it tries to make me modify my behavior? If you give yourself an honest answer, you might get an interesting insight.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Wasting Time

I can’t help observing how our modern society is widely slipping into petty, useless habits, wasting  precious time in gossip – a time that could be better spent in more fruitful ways. But, in the end, everybody is free to spend their time they way they prefer. Thus, for example, if they choose to devout themselves to thinking, reading and talking about other people’s (famous or not) affairs, they are free to do so. Still, I wonder: Were they aware of the fact that the precious instants they are wasting in such frivolous way will never come back, wouldn't they choose to do something more useful, more constructive, with the aim of doing something “good”, of improving the quality of their lives? Probably they wouldn’t.  Or they would. Who knows? 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Tuning In

It is possible that infinite paths delivering information exist. But our brain is wired to only perceive one, so far. We have a single "cable" that connects us to the infinite field that is out there, the one which, every now and then, a "special" mind, a genius succeeds in tapping into. So a new idea is born, a revolutionary theory is presented, a daring hypothesis is brought forwards. And usually - at first - they are all categorically refused or made fun of. Only later are they taken into consideration and eventually proven to be right. Do you accept the possibility that you, too, have the capability of tuning in, of adjusting your brain to receiving a different  kind of frequency? A frequency that can help you improve yourself, overcome your limits and live a happier life?

Monday, October 26, 2015

Useful Make-up

Worry is a real killer. It stems from fear (the origin of all evil) and –  if you let it –  it can literally destroy your life. When you worry in a “normal” way, no harm is done. But some people either over-worry or never stop worrying. When you over-worry, you give too great an importance to something that is not dangerously significant. For example, a pimple on a teenager's forehead can become a real tragedy - so she won't go to a party she was looking forward to - or it can be just accepted. She simply hides the pimple with  make-up and... off she goes to the party! What kind of "teenager" are you?

Saturday, October 24, 2015

True Beauty

Ladies, as well as men, have to look after their physical appearance, because looking nice is a natural desire that most human beings share. The problem arises when this desire becomes overwhelming and the individual considers it as the main (if not the only) tool to present themselves to the world in order to receive love and admiration. If they believe this, they are wrong. After having appreciated their beauty at first sight, their true nature, their character and personality are what will make such admiration continue or disappear. If inside the beautiful shell there is no consistency, the admiration will fade away. People like to deal with true, interesting, dedicated human beings rather than with a deceiving façade.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


There exist certain values which should never be given up, no matter the reason. If you succeed in finding the path to your own heart, you will find it easy to re-mold your life. It is enough for you to listen to the voice of your intuition, that always tells you the right thing to do. In such way you will see how your negative thoughts drift away and disappear from your mind. As a consequence, your motivations and spiritual goals will change. Your behavior is  transformed for the better and one fine day you will see that you have become the positive individual you have always wanted to be. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Soul Needs

In order to live a more serene and peaceful life, you do not need to abandon your business, forget your activities, neglect your friends. Not at all. Whatever your life has been endowed with must be appreciated and cherished. Your family, your job, your friends, your skills are gifts for which you must be grateful. What you need to do, though, is not to forget that your soul needs a fair amount of spiritual nourishment as well. Therefore, feed it with elevated thoughts, use meditations on fruitful ideas (such as those suggested by a good book, an interesting article, an inspired lecturer) in order to dig deeper into yourself and understand better what your true nature is. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Don't Fret

If you tend to fret… please don’t. Don't be a worrier. Take life easier. Don't forget to think about others beside yourself. Being generous, available, dedicated can greatly help you to see your problems under a less dramatic light. As a consequence, you will feel less stressed out, you will experience serenity and well being. You must finally accept the idea that there are certain things that will "never" go the way you want. That's why it's better to smile in spite of the challenges and try to make the best out of them. Life is made of never-ending ups and downs and there is absolutely nothing you can do about them. All you can do is change your attitude towards them. But - if you do it - your general mood will improve consistently.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Easy Fulfillment

The deepest part of your "self" knows what a fair thought, word or action is, what should be said and done, what should be avoided. Unfortunately you are often lured away by other considerations, by elusive desires and foggy goals. A quick, easily achievable fulfillment is often pursued instead of looking higher, instead of nursing more elevated aspirations. Don’t we all know the old saying “ It is easy to know what we should do, but it is difficult to actually do it”? Why is it so difficult? Because, when talking about making progress or mending flaws, you start by wishing to do something on the matter, but then you end up forgetting your good intentions.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Useful Curiosity

Something that is really important in life is the desire, the will to engage oneself in the acquisition of knowledge. If you remain in your shell, content with what surrounds you and do not wish to learn more, you will keep on leading a very repetitive life, with no wider horizons in sight. On the other hand, being curious can encourage you to read more, to find out about things that can excite your interest. You might discover that you like to know more and your enthusiasm will grow while you  keep exploring new fields or delving deeper into old ones. If Einstein believed that his only special talent was curiosity, what about "you"?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Try it!

At times you can't help feeling depressed. It could be that life seems too big a burden to stand, or you feel that your efforts are useless, or that no one is paying attention or appreciating what you do, or... or... Such feelings are totally normal, and all human beings have to face them, one time or another. The important thing is not to give in to them. If you do, you lose hope. This is the worst that could happen to you, and it must be avoided at all cost. How? Unfortunately, there is no "treatment". Each must find their own way to deal with such a predicament. Just as an example, dedicating yourself to your favorite hobby might help you to get out of a dark mood, at least temporarily. As the mind cannot experience two feelings at the same time, passionate attention drives away sadness. Try it, it might work.

Saturday, October 10, 2015


Don't you think that it would be worthwhile to manage your own life in a way that, beside making yourself (hopefully) happy - as you deserve - it could also be an example for somebody else? Imagine the fulfillment you will experience when a relative, a friend or a simple acquaintance tells you : "You inspired my life" or "You gave me the courage to go on" or "You provided me with the strength I needed to dare". Our main goal in life should be to do good to ourselves and, as immediate consequence, to do good to our fellow human beings. If we think only of ourselves we become selfish. But the perfect love of ourselves cannot be separated from the love towards others. Don't forget that we are all connected to each other. The good must be shared, because it belongs to all. And those who have a greater awareness are the ones more directly responsible for the sharing.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


How do you deal with worry?  You can accept worry as a natural state, a human feeling that must be endured. So you keep on worrying because you don’t know what else to do. This attitude keeps you in a rut and your life ends up remaining in a miserable state most of the time. You can also fret, which means you feel vexed or troubled and lead your life in a state of continuous nervousness, you never relax. To complain is another way to deal with worry, which -  beside non solving your problem - makes it even bigger because you keep focusing on it. This solution turns you into a nag, hardly cherished by your family and friends. You can also decide to resist it, to be the “though guy” and not allow worry to put you down. So you act as nothing happened, as if everything was fine. But what is going on inside yourself is another story. The “act” that you put up is just a mask that hides your true feelings. Is there a good way to deal with worry? "Release" is the magic word. Find your own way to do it.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Thinking Thoughts

What is the mind? We usually define it as the tool through which we are able to think. But what is "thinking"? The typical definition says that it is the process through which you create thoughts. And if you look up the meaning of "thought", you'll be informed that it is the product of thinking. It sounds like the proverbial dog chasing its own tail, doesn't it? So, what is the conclusion? The conclusion is that you think, i.e. you create thoughts - but you can explain neither what the process actually is, nor how it is carried out. Why am I wondering about such topic? Is it a simple mental exercise or a deep philosophical question? It could be either, neither or both.

Monday, October 5, 2015


Since childhood, I’ve always been a Disney fan. I love his movies because, beside the beautiful animation, there is usually a deep wisdom behind the stories narrated. I have also noticed that in most of the theme songs the word “dream” is mentioned. They encourage you to have dreams, they exhort you to believe that dreams can come true. It’s a wonderful message for human beings of every age. When you stop dreaming, you stop living. You may still be “alive” but - without a dream in your heart - your life becomes dull, boring, possibly useless. When you are young, your dreams are aimed at creating your own happiness. When you grow older, you may become more interested in creating happiness around you. But the important thing is for you to keep…. “wishing upon a star”! 

Friday, October 2, 2015


How sure are you that what you see is really the way you see it? And how can you be sure that the way you see people is how they truly are? You will answer that, because you see things and people in a certain way, this is "how" they are. Actually... they are not. This is the way "you" see them. Can they be perceived differently? Absolutely...Yes! As a matter of fact, every human being has his/her own way of seeing and interpreting things. That is why one single "interpretation" of the world is impossible. There are as many interpretations as the number of human beings. Absurd, you will certainly say. Reality is one. Is it really? Ponder a moment upon this point. You are sure of who you are, aren't you? Yes, you are - because this is the way "you" see yourself. But be assured that the way others see you is totally different. And each has their own personal opinion about you. Do you disagree? It's your right (but you are wrong!). Ask them, if you dare (lol).

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Usefulness of Art

Italian poet/novelist/playwright/philosopher Luigi Pirandello (Nobel Prize for Literature 1934) said that life is a buffoonery that can be dealt with only through writing. He said that because he was a writer (and I tend to agree with him). But it can be said the same about any kind of art or skill. Life is difficult and it always provides human beings with many challenges. It is up to each individual to choose how to face such challenges. Most think that only practical actions can be useful. But in many cases an intellectual outlet can be greatly beneficial as well (if not more). Not all problems can be solved through physical action because actual deeds cannot always provide the psychological/emotional relief that one wishes for.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


I wonder if the crisis between the hypocrisy of social life and the need to realize an authentic individual existence always existed or if it is a problem specially relevant to "our" society. Some might say that such crisis does not exist because - nowadays - everybody is free to be whoever one is. But... is it so? Do "you" honestly feel you are being who you truly are, in any circumstance? Or do you rather accept to comply with what you believe is expected from you? Neither criticism nor blame, here - whatever you do or don't do. The fact is that every human being has a deeply rooted desire to express their true nature but often society does not allow them to do so. It only "seems" it does because - nowadays - the greatest permissiveness is allowed. But this does not mean real "freedom". Actually, it might encourage people to act in extremely controversial ways just because... it's the new fashion!

Monday, September 28, 2015


Do you ever wonder about your "relationship" with others? You certainly know many people, you have relatives, colleagues and so on. You meet with them, talk to them, share "stuff" with them, therefore you feel you are not alone. Wonderful, isn't it? Besides, quantum physics has proven that everything that exists, either material or non-material, is connected on a sub-atomic level. This makes it even more wonderful, doesn't it?  At this point a disturbing question might arise: how truly aware are you of such "connectedness"? (different from "connection" or "connectivity") Can you really experience it at a deeper level? Reason says you should, feelings may sometimes show you differently.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

An Interesting "Meeting"

Imagine that "your life" asks to meet you. It wants to ask you how you are doing, how you are carrying on. What would you say? Actually, another question comes first: Would you willingly accept such a "meeting"? Would you feel comfortable to face your Life, the way you are conducting your existence, how you behave on a daily basis? In a nutshell: to be totally honest about who and what you are? If you are willing to tackle such issue and if you feel like honestly answering such questions, you may discover something vital to better understand  a lot of "stuff" regarding your true self. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

A Difficult Task

Some people seem to be in your life just to annoy you, don't they? They are not pleasant to be with and they don't provide you with any kind of support (whatever it might be and whenever you might need it). They are seldom available, they are never funny, they are usually self-centered... and so on. Question: Why are they in your life? Possible answers: I found just one, i.e. to test your patience. Patience is a wonderful virtue that, sometimes, is not easy to be put into practice. Therefore... what to do when you are compelled - certainly against your will - to face the challenges created by the annoying person in your life? Try to deal with them? Hopelessly useless. Try to bear them? Hide your feelings? Unfair to yourself. Ignore them? Whenever possible, this might be the best way out. No guarantee, though.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A Tragedy

I recently watched a documentary about the "stress" that human beings (both males and females) are presently undergoing. It was said that everybody is facing huge psychological challenges in order to meet all the requirements they believe they have to meet, such as: being a success in society, being able to provide for their families, being good partners/parents etc. All this - "now" - is creating an awful lot of pressure that, in turn, makes life difficult and complicated. Well, while listening to what the psychologists were saying, I couldn't help thinking that my own parents (a long-gone generation) were providing for their family, were excellent partners/parents and, in spite of the "normal" daily challenges, had been able to create a good life - without all the stress that modern society seems to be plagued by. Is this the price to be paid for "progress"? And, most of all, is it worth it?

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Your Body

Do you care for your body? If you say (as you certainly will) "Yes", also answer another question: "How do you take care of it?". You most likely believe you do, but it is possible that you may be mistaken. Do a little test. Ask yourself how healthy what you eat and drink is, how you keep your body "active", how much you "nurture" it with enough rest and beneficial habits. If you are totally honest with yourself, you will have a good idea about the actual situation. Don't forget that many times you unknowingly bring yourself to believe that something is "right" just because you "like" it. Think better!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Life Challenges

Life challenges are hard to face and overcome. When one appears out of the blue, what can you do? First step: accept it. You must keep telling yourself that if you don't accept it, you are heading for trouble. What kind of trouble? Simply hopelessness, despair, possibly depression. But once you accept what happened, you can slowly come to term with it and, eventually, move on. More than once have I written that "Life is what it is" but I feel like repeating it again. Why? Because it seems that saying it is much easier than actually understanding what it means. And "understanding" is a must!

Monday, September 14, 2015

1,000 posts

This is the 1,000th blog article I have written, since I started some four years ago. I wonder what the result has been. My intent in doing this was to invite people to "think". Our mind is the most precious tool we were given in order to use our brain in a positive and beneficial way. Only if we utilize it constantly can we truly be an active part of mankind and participate in the progress of our planet. You might ask, "But don't we all make use of our mind constantly?". Yes, we do. But... "how" do we use it? What kind of thoughts do people usually entertain? My dream is to effectively encourage my fellow human beings to wonder about... everything - with the aim of understanding the world a little more and thus create a better Life.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Music & Art

I was wondering if Music has a real value in the life of human beings. Some believe that music has a great value, some don't, others don't even care about it. So... what do "you" think? When music is true art, it should be able - like every other form of art - to touch a chord in the deepest part of yourself and make you experience... something. If you are dealing with authentic art, whether reading a poem, looking at a painting or listening to a melody, you cannot remain indifferent. The artist has been able to reach such a depth of feeling that you are simply compelled to identify yourself with it. But this only happens if you are emotionally mature enough to adjust yourself to that  particular "wavelength". Many are not. How sad! They have no idea of what they are missing out!

Saturday, September 12, 2015


When you believe in something, don't ever give up! Life, situations, people may disappoint you but, if your know yourself, if you know what your skills are and - most of all - if you know what your goals are, keep moving on, belly in, back straight, chin up! No matter what disappointment you might be challenged by, "do not give up". Your faith is stronger than any challenge and, if you keep holding on to it, it can literally make you... "move mountains" (clearly, not my words!)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Satisfying Answer

Another interesting question might be: "Where" do you come from? This is probably even more difficult that the previous one, "Who" are you? If you think hard enough, you might come up with an explanation about the nature of your being, either from a material or spiritual point of view. It might be harder to explain in a logical way what could be the "place" you are coming from. The answer might be possible if you take your beliefs into consideration. So, it might be a religious, a philosophical, a materialistic answer. Does it totally satisfy you? If it does, you are a truly lucky human being.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Who are you? I mean, "Who" are you? If you answer: John Smith, Mario Rossi, Ivan Ivanovich or... whatever your name is... sorry - your answer is wrong. That is just your name, it's not "who" you are. This question, although it seems very simple, may actually be much more difficult than you think. Would you like to spend a few moments thinking about what your real nature, your true essence might be? No one can answer such question but you, if you care enough. If you don't, it means that you are not interested in understanding one of the deepest mysteries of Life. It's still ok.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Have you ever realized that being alive is a gift that you have been granted without even asking for it? You have accepted it willingly and now you are enjoying it. But... are you really? Are you aware of the opportunities, the possibilities, the "responsibilities" that such a gift has endowed you with? Besides, don't forget that such a gift might be  taken away from you at any moment. Therefore enjoy it, truly and thoroughly. Be grateful for it and, most of all, make good use of it. This is the only chance you've got. (At least in "this" lifetime!)

Monday, September 7, 2015


A witty person once said, "God didn't create anything useless, but with houseflies He almost did". I can't help thinking of this joke when I am compelled to hear about people whose only goal in life is to be on the media. They have no talents. They have nothing (at least, it seems so) to contribute to the planet's progress. Therefore, as everything and everybody is supposed to have a sort of "usefulness" on Earth, what is theirs? We are not judging them here. Far from it. They are who they are and it's ok. But... "Why" are they here? What for? To create "news"? What kind of news? Interesting? (how?) Exciting? (about what?) Amusing? (in what way?)  Or is it just gossip (talking for the sake of talking)? If this is the case, what a waste of ... Life!

Sunday, September 6, 2015


"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— 
I took the one less traveled by, 
And that has made all the difference." (Robert Frost)

How many times, in your life, have you chosen the road that everybody else was walking on because it was “easier”? Remember the situations when you chose to act selfishly because you were only thinking of your own benefit. Remember the situations when you couldn’t resist feeling superior to someone weaker, when you followed the shove of pride, of anger, envy, blame, resentment… That was certainly the easiest way to behave because you were pleasing your “ego” - and this is what you usually prefer doing. Besides, you also have big company! Choosing the other “road”, the one where you act selflessly, where you are humble, patient, understanding is certainly more difficult. As usual, the choice is all yours!

Saturday, September 5, 2015


When water stops running, it loses all its characteristics, such as purity, clarity, the capability to give life. It stands still and, in a way, it “dies”. The same happens to people who stop acting, who choose a life without challenges - because it is “easy”. When you stop asking questions and give up searching for creative stimuli inside yourself, you slowly die without even realizing it. Only a dream to look forward to, a goal to aim at, a desire to move forward can provide you with the energy to live a fulfilling life. If  you choose otherwise, you simply “stagnate”.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Unlikely Change

Almost every human being wishes for the ability to change another human being. Wishing is ok because it costs nothing. Trying to actually do it, though, can entail some serious consequences. If you endeavor to change  “someone” who you believe should be different, you will almost certainly be faced by disappointment. Why? Because he or she are they way they are and, unless “they” themselves decide to make some changes, the only result of your attempt will be additional contrast and unhappiness. What to do? The only possible thing. If you love them, accept them as they are. Otherwise… let them go. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Most people have the impression that time is passing more quickly than before. Is it just an impression or is it a reality? Some scientists say it is a reality, although it is probably not easy to demonstrate. In any case, even an impression can seem absolutely real. Are you among those who see their days, weeks, months and years slip by faster and faster? If you are, here are some questions for you: What do you do with your time? How do spend it? Are you aware of its importance? Do you realize that it won't come back? Do you believe that any missed opportunity to do "good" will be lost forever? Finally, do you think that these questions are important?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Changed Priorities

As time goes by, you realize how much your priorities have changed. What once was so very important to you has slowly but steadily lost its charm. You might not have perceived it while it was happening. Then, suddenly, you can clearly see  that your priorities do not concern your own life any more, but the lives of those your love. You feel that you have had enough, that your expectations have been reasonably met, so you have started to look forward for "their" goals to be fulfilled. Such discovery may not seem too exciting to your mind, but it certainly is soothing to your heart.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Garlic and Onions

It often happens that you see a certain situation quite clearly and try to explain it to you partner or colleague. You perceive what is the only logical path to follow in order to achieve a successful result. You intend to follow the best way to reach a specific goal. Yet, you are compelled to realize that some "others" are unable to share your vision, they cannot discern the situation through logical reasoning. You are moving on different tracks, often even in different directions. As an Italian saying warns you: "You ask about garlic and they answer you about onions"!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Give In

Although I often write about the necessity of commitment and perseverance, at times you may also be faced by the need to give in, to surrender to a situation when you realize that you are unable to get it your way. It is not weakness, it is wisdom. Learn how to distinguish between what is worth pursuing at all cost and what will end up by simply being a waste of time. A hilarious personal example? I uselessly tried to get numberless hairdressers to give me the haircut I had in mind. I never succeeded. Now I try no more and accept - with a smile - what I get. Such attitude can be used for "big" problems as well. The procedure is the same: willingly accept what you cannot change.

Friday, August 28, 2015


A cute photo shows a cup of cappuccino with - on its surface - the caption, "Life is short, enjoy the coffee". That's really good advice! Life - either short or long - is what it is. But it's thoroughly up to you to make it good or bad, i.e. to enjoy it or suffer all the way through. Problems and challenges exist and you can't avoid them. But what you "can" avoid is to make your existence revolve around them. They are there, and you should do your best to face and, possibly, solve them. But you must also find the time to enjoy the little joys that every day offers you. A cappuccino, espresso, American / Turkish / Arabian / black /coffee?  A moka? A cup of tea? Yes! Whatever little "joy" is presented to you, don't just gulp it down. Savor it, appreciate it, be thankful for it. This is one of the ways to make your life more pleasant and (why not?) worth living.

Thursday, August 27, 2015


One of the greatest blessings in life is to be able to do what you love. You love painting and you paint. You love teaching and you teach. You love writing and you write. And so on. Sometimes you are lucky enough to carry out your passion as an actual job. Other times this is not possible, but you can still use your skill as a hobby. In case you feel you were not given any such opportunity, do as witty Irish writer George Bernard Shaw suggests: Go out and "create" the opportunity. Many a times you wait for things to happen, for chances to materialize, for little baskets to come down from Heaven with a ready-made gift. It doesn't usually happen. You must look around, search, try, "make the effort". The final result will be thrilling!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


To be inconsistent means to say you will do something and then not do it, or  do something else, or start several projects without completing any. Your mind needs order, a well-defined plan and, most of all, it needs focus. This means that you should concentrate your attention on your goal and give it all your energy, either physical or intellectual (or both). When you are truly motivated, your capabilities are enhanced and you become able to make the best use of any talent you are endowed with, may it be writing or speaking, drawing or fixing stuff, teaching or just listening.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Stubbornness is never a positive trait because it prevents you from seeing your mistakes and it therefore encourages you to persevere in a wrong behavior or judgement. You may persist in being stubborn because you erroneously believe that, by accepting another possibility, you might appear as weak. The opposite is true. Whoever is capable of admitting their own mistakes shows courage, open-mindedness and flexibility.

Monday, August 24, 2015


Perseverance is necessary when you are pursuing a result that you believe you are capable of achieving. Even if you don’t obtain it right away, you must not give up because success is often just behind the corner. But you need to “will” it with all your might, without ever doubting the positive outcome. Failure means that something was missing in your action. As no-one is born to lose, success is always possible, provided the mind is set in the right direction.

Saturday, August 22, 2015


In every day’s life everyone needs a source of inspiration. You believe you are self-sufficient and you are, but not totally. You know how to think and act in the way you reckon to be the best one, but the opinion of someone you trust and appreciate can help you clarify things about yourself. Besides, as you continuously receive different kinds of stimuli and solicitations from the external world (many of which are definitely non-positive), it is advisable to listen to, read or watch something uplifting on a daily basis, to counteract the effect of all the negative stuff that affects your psyche and, consequently, your mood and behavior.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Old Stuff

There are those who, when they hear someone speak about the so-called Positive Thinking, smile with commiseration and say, "It's old stuff". Totally true. It's old stuff, everybody has heard it, there is nothing new. The point is: how many are applying such principles in their lives? How many have been able to make beneficial changes in their existence? Are you one of those who say, "I know it!" but do nothing about it? Knowing is useful only if such knowledge is acted upon in order to achieve a good result. If it remains a simple thought, it is completely useless.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


There are two expressions that you should erase from your vocabulary: "I can't" and "I'll try". Both, in reality, mean "I don't want to do it". Do you disagree? Do you say that, at times, you really cannot do this or that (because you are too busy, because you don't have the necessary skill, because....). Even worse, you affirm that you will try (to lose weight, to start exercising, to change that bad habit, to...) while, deep inside, you know very well that it is just a pitiful attempt to hide your lack of commitment.  But, after all... why not? You  are free to choose how to lay out your own life.

Monday, August 17, 2015


I have often wondered about the actual value of "beliefs". I mean the value that someone's beliefs should have for others. Beliefs are something totally personal, therefore it seems logical that, if your belief does not sound true to me, I don't have to accept it or feel compelled to do so. But in real life things go differently. "They" (whoever they may be: congregations, any kind of groups and affiliations, even your best friend or your neighbor...) have the ability to make you feel guilty if you don't share their certitudes, if you dare think differently. What to do? Difficult to say. You can refuse them, and you will create enemies. You can ignore them, and you will be considered careless and conceited. You can be bold and clearly explain your thought, and you will probably be looked upon with pity (even contempt). Now... choose!

Sunday, August 16, 2015


Do you agree on the famous saying, "You only live once"? We all usually do, probably because we don't really reflect upon the meaning of the word "live". If you consider it as the length of the period you walk on this Earth, the quote is true. But to live is something else. It consists in what you do every day, every hour, every instant of your existence. Living is a moment-by-moment experience that can be had and felt by every human being, as it extends and spreads throughout.... till the very end.

Saturday, August 15, 2015


Benjamin Franklin said: "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing". I love it. It seems we have no choice. Whatever we do, it must be something "worthy", i.e. deserving. Deserving what? Definitely... consideration. A life, in whatever way it is lived, has to be meaningful, for both yourself and others. You cannot simply vegetate, living in a dull, inactive way, without producing anything beneficial. The "products" of life can be dissimilar, but it's ok, as long as they aren't useless. Don't waste your talents, either artistic, intellectual or practical. Anything can be useful, "worth". It's up to you to make it so. 

Friday, August 14, 2015

A List

Here is a quote I want to share. I believe it needs no comments. Just read it carefully and think about it. Too often do we forget how lucky we are.

1. Roof over my head
2. A favorite TV show
3. Someone who cares about me
4. Access to clean air and water
5. Food in the fridge
6. Music I love
7. Online inspiration
What's on your list?

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Walking In The Rain

Have you ever been caught by a rainfall without an umbrella or raincoat? If you have, what happened? Did you simply get wet? At this point you might wonder what the point of such question is. "I certainly got wet, you will say, What else could I have done?". As strange as it might seem, there is an alternative. While still getting wet, you might have "walked and enjoyed" walking in the rain. I have, and I can tell you that it is a wonderful experience. Can we connect this with our daily life? Certainly. Whenever something sudden and possibly upsetting happens, you can choose to hate it, complain about it, try to avoid it and then... get disappointed. Or you can accept it willingly and... make the best of it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Late Knowledge

Knowledge is something totally personal. No matter how much you try, you will never to able to actually "teach" anyone anything. All you can do is to present a notion, explain a rule, give a piece of information. But the act of really "learning" can be only carried out by the learner him/herself. Besides, there are certain things (I'm not referring to school subjects) that not everybody can learn at the same time or in the same way. A true knowledge of how to carry on in life, deal with people, face challenges - in a nutshell: on how to be a better human being - depends on the individuals themselves, on their natural disposition and on their physical and emotional environment. Therefore no-one should be blamed for their lateness in "learning". But a certain amount of willpower is required.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Planning and organizing are great activities. Any wise individual likes to know what they are going to do and where they are going to go. Therefore their greatest wish is to always have everything under control. Sometimes it is possible, other times it just isn't. And when you realize that there are certain things that cannot be planned and organized "perfectly" according to your wishes, you should accept such reality willingly and...just trust! Trust what? Trust that, if you are honest to yourself, you will always be guided in the right direction, no matter what. Easier said than done, you may say. True, but it can also save you from a lot of disappointment.

Monday, August 10, 2015


On your Birth-Day, do you usually make a sort of sum-up, a summary of your life? It might be interesting to remember your past challenges and assess the way you dealt with them, to bring back to memory the decisions you made that had a huge impact on your life. You may also specifically think about the last year and decide if you made use of it in the best way or if you missed out on several opportunities to fix things or to behave in a more beneficial or productive way. Last but not least: have you felt and expressed gratitude for another year that has been granted to you? 
P.S. Any positive, creative plans for the "new" year that is ahead of you?

Sunday, August 9, 2015


Would you like to live forever? At first, you might tend to answer "yes". Then, on second thought, you will probably say "no". Why? Because as much as you love to live, deep inside you know that eternal life is not natural. What you should endeavor to do, though, is to create "something" that may last forever. If you are an artist, paint a picture, compose a song, write a book, sculpt a statue.... But even if you don't have any actual "skill", you can leave a positive legacy behind by simply being a good person, someone who - by their positive example - has contributed to create a better humankind. Do you believe this to be possible? I do.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Words vs. Actions

People have the tendency to talk more than to actually act. They love words more than actions. The prefer to listen to themselves rather than pull their sleeves up and ... get to work. Why is it so? Because talking is easier. Because it gets you some attention. Because it gives you a feeling of importance. Because it doesn't take a lot of effort. In conclusion, is it good or bad? Who knows? As usual, it is up to you to decide if you want to throw some seeds that will be dispersed in the air or plant them in the soil where they will yield a crop. Although talking can be useful, it must be followed by action, as a promise should be kept or an example should be given.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Managing Time

Are you a good "time manager"? What I mean is, can you make a truly profitable use of your time? Mind you, by profitable I'm not referring to money. I'm rather thinking about what is beneficial to your "self". Time is an asset we have all been granted, but so many make a bad use of it. Just reflect for an instant: when you spend several minutes (or hours or even longer) being angry, what is your emotional/spiritual gain? Aren't you depriving yourself of the serenity (maybe even the happiness) you could be enjoying instead? And simply because your so-called pride or self-righteousness make you believe that being angry is the correct way to elaborate your feelings. But your inner voice keeps whispering that time is too precious to be wasted in negativity. Make the right choice!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Staying or Moving

Do you like where you presently are? If you do, good for you. Stay there, continue doing what you have been doing and... enjoy your life! But, if you are not happy with your present situation, you have two choices: keep on staying there and complain, or decide to make a change. If you decide to stay where you are, then you can't blame anybody for your unhappiness. It is "your" choice. On the other hand, if you feel that you really want to be somewhere else, you have to take the drastic decision to "move". At first, it's not going to be easy, it's probably going to feel uncomfortable, but eventually you will know that it was the right decision.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A Dream

Imagine that you are dreaming of a holiday on an exotic island of the South Pacific (or any other place that you like). You may linger on the idea for some time. Then, if you are really serious about it, you start making definite plans. You check the possible routes, flights, fares, hotel reservation availability and so on. Finally, you make your bookings and relax, waiting for the date of departure. What is the wisdom behind all this? Simple. If you want to achieve a goal, you have to do something about it. You don't simply talk about it and wish for it to happen. Bounty baskets don't come down from the sky for you to grasp. You take action, you endeavor to make your dream come true. Decision, determination and action is what you need. And now ... have a nice journey!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Lemony Taste

Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said: "If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place". What does "correct your mind" mean? Is there something wrong with your mind? Not exactly. Your mind is fine, what is wrong might sometimes be the way you use it. We often said that things (i.e. Life) are the way they are and most times you are unable to actually change them. In such case, in order to live well, you need to change your way of interpreting such things. If, as they say, whenever you have lemons you can only make lemonade, whenever you are facing a situation that you are judging negatively, you can try to modify your judgment about it. Also a sour, lemony taste can be acceptable.