Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Don't Quit

Let's love ourselves because we do the best we can. Our life mainly consists of continuous striving to achieve what we feel we are lacking. This the reason why we can be so creative. We need to be more lenient towards our efforts, although often fruitless, to attain improvement and progress. We know that we are not perfect and we know that we never will. At the same time we also know that our potential is much greater than it appears at first sight. If we try to overcome what we believe to be our limits, we can  do more than we thought. But, while doing this, we need to be patient, kind and understanding towards ourselves. It is only natural to feel discouraged at times, but it's the non-quitter, the persistent person who reaches (at least partially) their goal. And let's not forget to appreciate ourselves in the process.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sophie's World

I have just finished re-reading the well-known book "Sophie's World".
The first two questions that Sophie is asked are quite interesting:
"Who are you?"
"Where does the world come from?"
Yes, who are we? Why are we here? I wonder if many people care to ask this question, if they care to try to find out what is the reason for their being in this world. I also wonder how many believe that knowing where we come from is really that important.
Mine are simple philosophical elucubrations that probably don't change anything in everyday life. But one thing is sure: "I" would definitely like to know, I would love to find some answers so that I could see more clearly what the past has been and why the present is the way it is.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dreadful Doubt

I have recently watched a documentary about the rise of the Third Reich (all original footage and documents). Now a doubt is bothering me: Had I lived in those days, had I been bombarded with that propaganda, would I have believed in those ideas, followed those ideals? I can't help wondering: To what extent is our mind receptive and susceptible to conditioning? When certain thoughts are instilled since childhood, how "free" is a human being to judge with clarity? Some individuals are certainly able to oppose what they do not believe to be true or fair but, probably, this happens only if they are confronted by such ideas as adults. On the other hand, what chances does a child have? At this point, it's worth pondering about the importance of education, i.e. influence of society (mainly the media), school system and parents' way of relating to their offspring.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Lowly Listening

One of my favorite thinkers, Ralph Waldo Emerson, wrote: "There is guidance for each of us, and by LOWLY listening, we shall hear the right word." The adverb "lowly" means humbly, in an unassuming, in a non pretentious, in a non arrogant way. Are you - every now and then - arrogant? Do you have an exaggerated sense of your own importance and abilities? As long as you believe you know it all, as long as you are convinced that you are always right, you won't be able to hear "the right word" that your inner wisdom is whispering to you. "This does not concern me. I am not arrogant", you will most probably say at this point. Aren't you? Honestly? I dare you to remind yourself of your own thoughts when someone else is expressing a different opinion than yours, to remember your attitude when another behaves in a way you disapprove of... I dare you to deny that you often feel superior, that you believe you know more and better than others. This is the feeling that does not allow you to actually listen to the voice of your inner guidance, and this is what makes you go on creating contrast and uneasiness in your life.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Successful Outcome

William James (American psychologist and philosopher) said that our belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is one thing that insures the successful outcome of our venture. Therefore we need to believe in ourselves, believe that we can make things happen. It's not always easy to nurture a deep trust in what you are about to undertake. The awareness of the problems you are going to face tries to scare you (It's going to be very difficult!). Self-doubt creeps in (Will I be able to do it?). Uncertainty about the wisdom of your decision worries you (Is it really worth it?). It all depends on how you "feel" about it. If the motivation is strong enough, you'll find the courage to pursue your goal. If, on the other hand, you prefer to tread on the old path, it's also okay. No decision is right or wrong. Whatever you believe is right for you, at a certain moment, it probably is. But trust, confidence, courage, "guts", definitely play an important role in the outcome of whatever you decide to do (or not to do).

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Democracy Or Stubbornness?

"Parliament must have the guarantee of an opposition," Maroni told Italy's Sky TG24 TV. "Otherwise it won't be a democratic parliament." This statement (relevant to Italy's economic/political crisis) makes me think about how something true can become false, how something good can become bad. Maroni's words, taken out of context, are sacrosanct truth. "Democracy" literally means "government of the people" (through their representatives). Fair enough. But what happens when the so-called representatives do not do their job well? And, most of all, what happens when blind supporters keep supporting a situation, an idea, a behavior that is clearly wrong? Even we, in our own lives, at times persist in holding on to old ideas and refuse to acknowledge the changed circumstances. Stubbornness is the word, i.e. the need to be and/or feel right at all times, firmly resolved to never give in, even when the seriousness of a situation clearly requires yielding. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Iron Ball

Not being able to release the past is like allowing an iron ball to be tied to your ankle and accepting to keep it there. Are you okay with having to drag it wherever you go? Do you enjoy the stress you experience because of the extra weight? What about the blisters the friction of the chain around your ankle causes you? Oh, well! Most probably you are not even aware of such iron ball. You just go on living your life - complaining about the "heavy stuff" you have to face daily, about your upsets, your dis-eases and you never wonder if another possibility does exist. Which one? To simply become AWARE, have the courage to look at yourself in the eye (mirror work?) and recognize your addiction. Addiction to what?  To... feeling a victim, enjoying being pitied, remembering the wrongs done to you. In a word, addiction to twisting the knife in the wound, over and over again! Is this an acceptable way of living or would it be worthwhile to try to remove the chain? It might take a little time, some work and also a certain amount of effort, that's for sure. The decision, as usual, is yours!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Mirror Mirror On The Wall...

We spend most of our lives in front of a mirror. We only see ourselves, we are totally self-engrossed, we can't help thinking of ourselves...all the time. Carlos Castaneda said: "You take yourself too seriously." Is this what we really do? Why? Our human nature leads us towards self-preservation, towards the acquisition of happiness, towards experiencing pleasure and avoiding pain. All this is right, fair, natural. It's only when we forget the needs of others, or when we expect others to live in order to fulfill our needs that we become "selfish". Mirror, mirror on the wall.... We want to be told that we are the most beautiful, the smartest, the most admired of all. We have this irresistible desire to be "the most" something in order to feel reassured that we count, that we are important, that the world wouldn't be the same without us. And, in fact, it wouldn' be the same, because we DO count, we Do have importance, our presence here IS necessary. But not to the extent of making us believe that we are the center of the universe.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Inner Voice

Is it true that each of us has an interior voice that knows what we want? Some believe we do. And you? Do you believe that such voice exists and, if you do, can you actually hear it? On a superficial level, everybody thinks they know what they want from life, what they wish to obtain in different fields such as love, success, wealth etc.. Admitting that they really "know", what do they do to achieve their goals? Let's consider love: do they always detect which relationship is best for them, or do they often plunge themselves into situations that will clearly lead them towards disappointment? As to wealth or success, do they always behave in the right, correct way in order to carry out their plan? Will achievements obtained in a less than honest way bring true fulfillment? Maybe we should we make a distinction between what we really want and what we "think" we want. Some may still believe that serenity of mind and inner peace are less important than other "gifts" the world (and advertising) continue to lure them with - every single day, hour, minute of their lives.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Today Is "The Day"

Take a moment to think about how you are living each day. Check your usual attitude, your behavior, your way of dealing with yourself and with others. Does what you "do" make you feel satisfied, contended, fulfilled? Can you honestly say that you are living "well", i.e. according to your principles and convictions? If this is the case, enjoy your life and don't worry about tomorrow. As the saying goes, "Tomorrow will take care of itself". A well-spent today makes you trust that there will be a good tomorrow. But if, at the end of the day, you regret having said or done certain things, if you feel you have lacked compassion or missed a chance to do good, then you might be worried about facing another day. But...don't despair! Each day is a new beginning, a birth to new experiences and possibilities, if you only make up your mind to grasp the opportunity, to make the leap, to start re-creating your life.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Don’t you feel  that you are always looking for something, that the circumstances in  your life are never favourable enough, that your needs are not met as much as you would like to? You are often anxious, suspicious, it seems that you never learned how to relax and you keep complaining that things are not going your way - at least not all the time!
Why don’t you try to look at situations from a different perspective? Abandon once and for all the hill of dissatisfaction and move up, to the mountain of contentment. The view is wonderful, the horizon is larger, your eye can see in all directions and is able to perceive things in a different way. The problems that seemed like insurmountable  boulders have become like pebbles that your foot can easily throw  aside. They do not bother you any more, because more interesting things attract now you attention. Dimensions have been altered. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Inner Wars

I remember reading that peace begins with the resolution of our inner wars. Puzzling statement, isn't it? What wars? You most probably believe that, apart from some easily detectable small daily problems, you are fine with yourself. But... are you? If you decide to be totally honest and take the time to examine your own self in depth, you might be surprised to find stuff that you had either forgotten about, or thought you had released, or decided to ignore. Everything you have experienced so far has left a mark in your spirit that will never be erased, no matter what. If it's negative stuff that is creating hidden "wars" inside of you, it's up to you to dig it up, re-examine it, process it and, possibly, release it. They say that the brain is the most complicated thing ever, more complicated than the most advanced computer. But the inner self is the most mysterious part of our being because - while the brain can be checked, tried, even measured - nothing can give us secure tools for "spiritual examination". All we need is true commitment, sincere desire, a positive attitude and TRUST that we'll find what we are looking for.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Live At All Costs

I remember hearing someone say that the most important thing is "to live at all costs". What could it mean? Don't we all "live"? Aren't we all "alive"? ARE  WE? I have often pondered on the actual meaning of this concept. It is undeniable that we are all alive, i.e. we breathe and physically function, to a certain extent. But...it this all there is to life? How do we communicate with and relate to others? How well do we perform our duties? How committed are we to our principles? By the way, what are our principles? What are our priorities? How deep is our spiritual search? Do we ever question our own behavior? How much do we care for the feelings of others? Are quick to judge and slow to forgive? And the list of possible questions goes on.... Socrates said that an unexamined life is not worth living. Yes, yes, yes! If we don't become aware of the hidden patterns that rule our thoughts and behavior, we will carry on living in a sort of limbo where we definitely don't live up to our potential of human beings.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Are You "Centered"?

Living a good life is a matter of "centeredness". Being "centered" means being self-confident, goal-oriented, well balanced. Difficult to achieve? Let's first see what these adjectives actually mean. The first one indicates confidence in one's powers and abilities. Do you believe in yourself and in what you are capable of doing? To explain goal-orientation, I found this statement: "Achievement doesn't usually happen by accident, and it's not the result of luck. Instead, it's the culmination of planning and hard work". How well do you plan, i.e. do you actually have a plan to improve yourself and your life? And finally..."well balanced". Synonyms could be mentally stable, sensible and sound. Do you see yourself as such? If you want to follow the path of Positive Thinking, these suggestions could provide useful guidelines.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Environment And Attitude

Changing jobs, neighborhoods, cities, even countries or partners can't change what you are: if you want something different in your life, you must decide to change something inside yourself first. A well-known tale speaks of two travelers who decided to move to the same city. The one with a positive attitude found a friendly environment, while the one with a negative personality met with unpleasant people and circumstances. The same city with the same inhabitants, but  two different approaches to the new life. Have you tried to avoid, ignore, deny, run  away from something that you did not want in your own life? Did you succeed? Were you able to improve your circumstances and your psychological state simply by changing environment? You might have, but usually it's not that easy. The first change must happen "inside" before being mirrored, reflected "outside".

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Life And Chocolate

Some might believe that life is a sort of race to be won by the fastest, or at all costs. But living to the fullest doesn't mean living in the fast lane. On the contrary, it means taking a "slow" route, a beautiful, scenic one where you take the time to stop and admire the view, to appreciate the beautiful sunset, to enjoy the company of your fellow riders. Why this maddening desire to be first, to have more than others, to prove one's self to be  "the best"? Why this crazy need for competition? Life should be savored like a piece of chocolate cake, a small bite at the time, cherishing all the feelings  that such an experience creates. Try doing this, and then - later - gobble your treat down as quickly as possible because you have to eat something else, or because you are in hurry to finish your meal. Compare the two ways of doing the same thing. Which one is more sensible? How many do actually know?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Stop sign or guideline?

Today, on my Facebook page, I found this quote: "Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines." Ummm, interesting! Let's see.When you are faced with a problem, how do you feel? If you feel powerless and give in to victimism, you become a voluntary victim. If you live in a state of anxiety, you become a worrier. If you feel defeated, you become a self-created loser. In any case, you are depressed and believe that "destiny" is treating you unfairly. As a consequence, either you throw your hands up and surrender, or you try to find a solution without believing that you will find a suitable one. What about flipping the coin and looking at the other side? A problem might just be what you need to experience this very moment, and you are facing it because there is something for you to learn, to adjust, to change in yourself and, consequently, in your life.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Take A ChanceToday

Today you will be given many chances to be the person you want to be. Don't miss them.
Keep your eyes open (metaphorically) so that you will actually SEE them. Be "aware", i.e. be alert to what is going on around you and respond accordingly.  Behave as you would like others to behave towards you if you were in their situation. A friend is silent? A good opportunity to show your caring. Someone did you wrong and you feel like retaliating? A good opportunity to forgive. You are upset and want to express yourself in a way that you later might regret? A good opportunity to forbear. A dear one is suffering? A good opportunity to show your love. A stranger looks at you? A good opportunity to smile. And so on.....