Sunday, November 6, 2011

Live At All Costs

I remember hearing someone say that the most important thing is "to live at all costs". What could it mean? Don't we all "live"? Aren't we all "alive"? ARE  WE? I have often pondered on the actual meaning of this concept. It is undeniable that we are all alive, i.e. we breathe and physically function, to a certain extent. this all there is to life? How do we communicate with and relate to others? How well do we perform our duties? How committed are we to our principles? By the way, what are our principles? What are our priorities? How deep is our spiritual search? Do we ever question our own behavior? How much do we care for the feelings of others? Are quick to judge and slow to forgive? And the list of possible questions goes on.... Socrates said that an unexamined life is not worth living. Yes, yes, yes! If we don't become aware of the hidden patterns that rule our thoughts and behavior, we will carry on living in a sort of limbo where we definitely don't live up to our potential of human beings.

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