Tuesday, August 30, 2016


I've recently seen a 2-years old child throw an object and spit at an older person she had just met. I couldn't help thinking, "Wow, what a disgraceful behavior in such a young person!". Then I wondered, "Why did she behave like that? Where did she learn to throw things at people and spit at them?". Yes, because children learn how to behave from adults. They imitate and comply with the way of acting they are usually exposed to. How many people realize the importance of the example they set to others, especially to their juniors? Many believe that "they" are entitled to disrespect another, if they feel like it, while demanding to be respected by them. How absurd such a belief is. And how wrong. "You" have the responsibility to set the good example, if you want others to treat you accordingly. 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Be Brave

When things seem to go wrong for quite some time, it is difficult to keep on being positive. You feel that an adverse destiny is your lot, that you will never have a lucky break again. It is so easy to give in to discomfort, isn't it? It is a sort of relief to complain, to nurse sadness, isn't it? But you won't get better unless you are brave, your good fortune will not come your way unless you face adversity with an accepting attitude. Things will change, it's a law of nature. Therefore... stay strong, hang in there and be always ready to grasp any chance that might conceal your good opportunity. Believe that such chance exists. Never be afraid. Dare! After all, fortune favors the bold, doesn't it?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Most human beings believe that things in life should go according to their wishes. They think they are entitled to find a smooth path to walk on, to meet the right people, to get the perfect job. It's a beautiful wish. But it's more like a dream. Why? Because no-one is "entitled" to anything and "things" simply go the way....they are supposed to go. Although we have to stick to our belief in Positive Thinking, we must also realize - and accept - that we cannot "fully" create the reality we want. With a positive attitude and the right kind of thoughts we can certainly improve the quality of our life, we can live better because we learn to minimize the value of problems, we become more resilient and, consequently, more serene. But things (at least most of them) do not change! They may, but there is no guarantee. You may find the perfect job and the love of your life, or you may not. Situations have a way to be interconnected so that we are constantly led in a direction, the wisdom of which we are rarely able to detect.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Strong Beliefs

Picture two people with very strong opposite beliefs having a discussion. Do you think they will be able to come to a reasonable understanding? Never! There is no deafest deaf than the one who doesn't want to hear. "Strong" beliefs are very dangerous, as they prevent you from listening to and, possibly, understanding someone else's opinion because of your conviction that only "your" viewpoint is correct. It may be so but, nevertheless, you should give also your interlocutor the possibility to express him/herself and not dismiss their standpoint without even listening to it. If you give them the chance to be heard, you will most probably keep sticking to your own perspective (after all, it is your right!) but you will also have given them the satisfaction of speaking up and feel that they, too - just like you -  have the right to "their" own opinion.

Saturday, August 20, 2016


One definition of the word 'support' is "give assistance". And the definition of 'assistance' is "the action of helping someone by sharing (work)". Are you in a situation where you should support another? Are you doing it? On the other hand, you might be the one who needs to be supported. Are you?
What kind of support should you give or receive? Maybe it's just financial, the simplest one. More difficult to deal with is emotional or spiritual support. It may be somewhat easy to give money, not so easy to show someone that you care for them, that you are willing to listen to their sorrows, ready to understand their feelings.
If providing this kind of support is your "duty" (as a parent, spouse, sibling, friend etc.), don't neglect to do it. If you don't, you will cause much unhappiness on the "other side".

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Illusory Boss

You sometimes see yourself as the victim of your thoughts, especially the unpleasant, negative ones, the ones generated by fear, worry, resentment. You believe that such thoughts rule and you are unable to free yourself from them. You believe that your mind chooses a certain direction and you are not allowed to change its course. Here is a different idea: the mind is not the ruler! It is just a tool that wanders here and there, like a wild horse, until you stop it and harness it. The true "boss" is your deep self who, if you give it credit, trust and opportunity, knows how to guide you, teaching you how to say, "Stop!" to the negative thoughts that embitter your life. And the good news is that such negative thoughts can be replaced by the positive ones that can make you enjoy more serenity and true inner peace.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Concentrate on Your Potential

If you try to evaluate your life, you will probably start by thinking of your failures. Thus, focusing on what you are not excellent at, you reinforce you weak self-esteem. On the contrary, try to forget failures (every human being fails one time or another) and concentrate your attention upon what you are good at, what you love and enjoy doing. Give yourself credit for every small achievement, look at yourself in the mirror and express your appreciation with a smile or a wink. If you go on appreciating yourself and repeating that you are capable of obtaining better and better results, you will. Never say again, "I won't succeed. I can't. It's too difficult". Nothing is impossible to the individual who is determined to reach his or her goal and is convinced that it is worth the effort.

Sunday, August 14, 2016


A statement uttered by a woman during an interview about her physical appearance struck me. She said, "Visual interest is what is important to me". I wonder, How "important" is it? Looking good, OK. Being fashionable, OK. But... to what extent? To what expenses? Would you take your "visual interest" (clothes, plastic surgery, jewelry etc.) to the point of making it the main concern of your life? to the point of forgetting or neglecting any other matter you should be taking care of? You will probably answer no to both questions. Think again to be absolutely sure. The fact is that nowadays the media have become so powerful that they condition people in a way that the latter don't even realize it. They end up considering any extreme behavior as natural because... "Thus Do They All" (or so they believe)!!! Fortunately there are still some who don't.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Too Much

There was a woman (but it could have been a man as well) who had too much activity in her life: too much work to carry out, too many responsibilities to take care of, too much noise to bear with a smile. Understandably, she was longing for some peace and quiet. Then time came when all activities and noise disappeared from her daily life and she found herself surrounded by total peace and quiet. The was left with only the silence she had wished for. Was she happy? Her dream had come true. But she wasn't. Why? Because "too much" of anything is never good. Neither too much activity nor too much stillness are desirable because, as an old wise Latin saying states, "In the middle stands virtue". Never go to the extremes of anything.  

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

So... What?

One of the greatest intuitions is the reality of "relativity". I'm not referring to Einstein's theories, but to our every-day life. If you really think about it, you realize that not only time but absolutely everything is "relative", i.e. it doesn't have an absolute value. Let's say that you want something but you can't get it. If you attribute to your desire an absolute value, if you therefore believe that you "must" have it because without it you will be unhappy, not getting it will greatly disappoint you, it will make you sad and/or angry. But if you come to the realization that, after all, your desire is not so important, that you can live without it, your life will become easier and more serene. Why? Because your disappointments and upsets will remarkably decrease. You will more often say, "So...what?", and move on.

Monday, August 8, 2016

A Great Lack

If you have the tendency to be indecisive and you usually prefer to ask for advice, it could mean that you lack self-confidence and believe that the opinions of others have greater values than yours. It may certainly be an easier way of living your life, with less responsibilities and stress but... is it what you really want? Going on like this means that you are choosing a life that is not entirely yours because it is guided by other people's criteria. Everybody has a dream, either they are aware or not, but they often allow themselves to be conditioned by family, friends, the media, ads. In so doing, they give up the opportunity of a more fulfilling life that could realize their truest potential.

Saturday, August 6, 2016


I've just seen a few images of the Olympic Games inauguration in Rio de Janeiro and only one thought came to my mind: How wonderful it would be if our every-day world could reflect the joy, the oneness, the camaraderie that is portrayed by such images. It would be a world functioning through friendship, justice, caring instead of antagonism, aggression, conflict. A utopian world? Maybe. Yet, I continue to be a die-hard optimist who refuses to admit that a life lived in the name of peace and co-operation is impossible. Or... is it?

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Clear Vision

You are certainly familiar with the word "awareness" but, maybe, its real meaning is not too clear as to how to apply it in your life. In fact, when you are faced by problems, you tend to react instinctively, without realizing their actual foundations. In most cases the real issue consists in not having a clear understanding of the problem itself. In fact, if the nature of your present trouble (be it with your partner, child, friend or colleague) is not clear in your mind, you won't be able to solve it peacefully. You may probably choose to complain, or give others the responsibility of creating distress. This is the main point upon which it is necessary to reflect, in order to reach the roots of the problem. Awareness, in fact, consists in seeing things as they really are (and not as you would like them to be).

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Your Percentage

If you were to draw a balance of your life and calculate the percentage you got about "success" and "emotional fulfillment", what would that be? 50/50? If this is the case... awesome! It would mean that you obtained the perfect equilibrium between worldly achievements and love. But maybe you didn't. Maybe you had romantic love and caring friends, but your career and money situation haven't been too gratifying. Or, on the other hand, you might have been appreciated by society but didn't get the love and caring you were hoping for. Therefore, might it be an 80/20? 
Do you care to check it out or....are you afraid of the result?