Monday, October 31, 2016

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Life-Enhancing Thought # 13

As “you reap what you sew”, are you consciously aware of your own actions (before complaining about the outcome)?

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Life-Enhancing Thought # 12

Don’t expect respect from others if you are not willing to give it first.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Life-Enhancing Thought # 11

It is easier to criticize another (and your own self) rather than to suggest positive ways to improve one's behavior.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Life-Enhancing Thought # 10

Are you used to expressing appreciation to the people who "do" things for you?
If you are not, revise your attitude. After all, you are not really "entitled" to anything.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Life-Enhancing Thought # 9

How often do you remember to say 'Please' and 'Thank you' (or use any other kind word)?
You may think they are trifles. They aren't. 
They can change the way people judge you.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Life-Enhancing Thought # 8

Some times you need to start the action yourself.
Other times it's better for you to let things happen by themselves.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Life-Enhancing Thought # 7

When you complain, you reinforce your predicament.
When you willingly try to get over it, you make yourself "free".

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Life-Enhancing Thought # 6

Do you believe in self-talk?
Frankly, it is the "only" way to improve the quality of your thoughts. 
No-one can convince you of a truth better than yourself.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Life-Enhancing Thought # 5

Do you believe that by worrying you make things better?
You don't. So... Why worry?
Instead, relax and trust.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Life-Enhancing Thought # 4

You don't really believe that you have the power to make significant changes in your life.
Well... you are wrong.
You own such power. You are simply unaware of it.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Life-Enhancing Thought # 3

How often do you remember to smile?
Your attitude can affect both yourself and others (for the better and for the worse).

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Life-Enhancing Thought # 2

When you get up, you are free to choose your mood.
Such mood will determine the kind of day you are going to have.

Life-Enhancing Thought #1

Life is hard: this is a fact.
You can surely make it harder by focusing on what you "don't" have.
You can possibly make it lighter by focusing on what you "do" have.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Fair and Unfair

Don't you sometimes wonder whether life is "unfair"? Don't you often think that life actually "is" unfair? You most probably do, when you see so many bad things happening around the world to people who seem not to deserve it. But you entertain such doubt especially when something unfair happens to you personally. You are certain that you are as innocent as a lamb, that you did nothing to be treated in such a way. So, why do these things keep happening? Probably because Life is meant to be unpredictable, challenging, defying... and so on and so forth. Is there a way to accept such unavoidable situation? Just embrace it as part of your existence. The alternative would mean that you are not of this world anymore. Which one do you prefer?

Monday, October 10, 2016

Does Truth Exist?

Mexican Proverb: "There's no worse deaf man than the man who doesn't want to listen." You can daily see how true this is. If someone has made up their mind to believe in either an idea or a person, it doesn't matter how many proofs you can provide them of their unreliability... They will never believe you. Therefore, "truth" doesn't really exist. There is certainly the absolute Truth, but this ends up being a simple abstraction because what you have to deal day by day are many little personal "truths" that accommodate one's own narrow-minded convictions or petty interests. I like that opinion/person/candidate? You can show me numberless examples of how false, irresponsible, untrustworthy they are, you will never convince me. Too bad. And I'm afraid there is nothing you can do!

Thursday, October 6, 2016


Some people are able to experience deep feelings such as love, joy, anger, concern, resentment etc. Others aren't. They seem to be unable to actually care. They are almost indifferent to what happens around them. Why such difference? I think that the difference lies in the fact that people have different characters, personalities and, most of all, life experiences. Who is luckier? Both types have pros and cons. Strong feelings make you live life in a fuller way but they also cause pain and disappointment, highs and lows. Weak feelings may make your life duller but they also make you suffer much less. So? As usual, no final answer can be found. You decide!

Monday, October 3, 2016


Why do we grieve? Is grief a natural thing? Could we get rid of it? Three difficult questions. First: we grieve because things in our lives make us suffer. Second: grief is natural because it is the consequence of our suffering. Third: getting rid of it is not easy but it is possible by expressing it - after finding its cause. Be aware that many times you believe you know the cause of your grief while you know only the surface. You need to dig much deeper. Only then will you be able to fully understand it, then express it, finally get over it.

Saturday, October 1, 2016


An interesting reality is the fact that you never know what tomorrow will bring. You usually make plans in order to reach your goal; you sometimes worry because you are afraid of what might happen; you often struggle in order to avoid or eliminate possible obstacles; but the actual truth is that you can never be sure... of anything! Is this good or bad news? It depends. It can be considered "bad" because it means that you are in the hands of an unknown tomorrow. It can also be seen as "good" if you appreciate the unpredictability of life and keep nursing your hope for a better future.