Monday, May 31, 2021

No Exceptions

If one of these days you walk by a fir tree, you can have the opportunity to see another clear parallel between Nature and mankind. If you observe the branches, you see that some are dark green: they are alive and 'mature'. Then, on the tip of each branch, you notice a light-green sprout: it's the new born, a 'youngster'. Further observation shows you that there also brown branches (the 'seniors'). Others are already separated from the trunk: they have concluded their cycle. Just like every human being. Is this vision, and consequent reflection, sad? It may be, but it actually should not. Life, at all levels, needs to complete its pattern. This is a fact that people accept without question, but only when it refers to "the others". Nevertheless, upon deeper reflection, your intuition suggests that the renewal that Nature operates every new season must logically apply to everything that is presently alive. Nature is always consistent. Why should human beings be an exception?

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Chaos & Order

These days of late spring, Nature offers a beautiful sight: wherever you look, you see trees fully covered in sparkling green leaves, birds chirping and happily flying around! Wonderfully colored flowers, everywhere. Red, pink, blue, yellow...all so pretty, all so 'perfect'. Yes, you get this feeling of perfection because they are where they are supposed to be, they do what they are supposed to do, they actually "are" what they are supposed to be. A sort of righteousness, of serenity pervades the natural environment and gives you a nurturing sense of harmony. In fact, Nature is harmonious in all its manifestations. Not everything is really perfect, but it definitely portrays an image of beauty. In contrast, the situation of mankind seems to be the opposite.Pervasive feelings of uneasiness, unfairness, suspicion, contrast enshroud the general appearance of the "human" scenery. A distressing situation that exists among countries, 'groups', families. The natural world is calm and orderly, the human world is chaotic; the former seems to be smiling, the latter seems to be frowning. How sad, true!

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Your Blunder

Every now and then you get upset for something that happens that you highly dislike. You immediately blame it on someone else. You find faults in their behavior, in what they said, in how they said it or in what they did. You are convinced that 'they' were wrong, they made a mistake. Then something happens that makes you reflect, that makes you really 'pay attention' to what had happened, to why the unpleasant situation had actually taken place. And, suddenly, you realize that it had been 'your' fault because it was you who misinterpreted somebody else's action or behavior, you misunderstood their words or expressions.When this happens (and, sooner or later, it 'does' happen!) what can you do? After acknowledging your mistake, the most important step is to stop judging and blaming yourself. No-one likes to feel like a fool. No-one like to admit they made a gaffe, thus creating an awkward situation. But recognizing and accepting your error is a must. If you refuse to do it, you are only hurting yourself. You may be able to hide your blunder to others, but...'you' know!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

A Different Language

Observing people's behavior (including your own), you realize that everybody behaves in the only way they know. They believe that "their way" is the only way because this is who they are, and feel they have the right to express themselves in total freedom and independence. This is certainly true, but only to a certain extent. If you realize that a habitual behavior of yours causes distress to another, especially to a loved one, you may try to reflect on the fact that, although you have the right to deal with the world according to the way you are, you also have a  choice in front of you. In fact, you can easily remain faithful to yourself by simply changing your attitude: the words you use, facial expressions, body language, the tone of your voice.... You don't need to change "who you are", but you may need to change the way you express it. This, if you care enough not to hurt somebody else's feelings.  *


Sunday, May 23, 2021

Many or One?

Some people are attracted by ideas, beliefs and convictions that are shared by many. They form communities, each with a leader who tells them what is right, what is true, what is fair (and what is not). The feeling of "belonging" makes this situation sound more alluring. Human beings need to be with fellow human beings, thus feeling part of a group, joining in religions, political ideas, 'deserving' causes, even cults, may provide a useful way of fulfilling such desire. The whole 'procedure' is quite easy. The leader leads, the followers follow. But...if someone does not feel like 'following', if they want to think for themselves, if they prefer to decide on how to proceed, what can they do? Awakening one's own consciousness is not an easy task. While following the mass makes one comfortable and 'uniform', following a personal endeavor leads on a difficult path. Do both destinations yield equally fulfilling results?    

Friday, May 21, 2021


As it is by now clear that the world is based on contrast, even human beings can be identified by means of characteristics, one of which is "entitlement". It is the category of individuals who feel they are 'entitled'. Entitled to what? To success, to appreciation, to love. By whom? By their family, by others, by the whole world. They believe they have the right to receive what they want, no matter what, and resent it if they don't. On the other hand, there is the opposite category of those who believe that success, appreciation and love must be 'earned' through hard work, dedication, honesty and good behavior. Yes, behavior in particular. Have you noticed the difference among the people you know? One expects a promotion because they have 'the right' to get it, and behaves accordingly. Another, vice versa, believes that hard work 'may' be rewarded with a promotion: they hope for it but they don't 'demand' it. And they, too, behave accordingly.    *

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Modern "Gods"

A:"I don't want their money. I want respect." B:"Money is respect in this world." This is a brief exchange between two characters in a TV movie. Do you think it may be true? Do you think that in this world money has taken the place of respect and, consequently, of dignity? If this 'were' true (let's hope it is not, at least not entirely), where is mankind headed? A society that chooses material success, wealth and power as the most desirable goals of life, can hardly be the best guide towards ideals of peace and serenity. The fact is that material achievements are shrewdly shown on social media with alluring images  that can easily bring one to believe them. How many (young) people can resist the fascination of seemingly perfect beauty, opulent dwellings, the possess of assets and the 'reign' over people?  Has money really become the new "god"? 

Monday, May 17, 2021

Journey vs. Destination

Some say that 'The journey counts more than the destination' while others say that 'Every journey is about a destination'. So, the way you walk your path is important, but probably not as important as the goal you want to reach. Aiming properly and shooting your arrow well can certainly determine your success in hitting the target. But, first, you have to see your 'target' clearly. If you don't, no matter how skillful you are, you wont fulfill your wish. You should aim at the target only to hit its center, not to win the prize. So, once again, "motivation" is what counts. Sometimes motivations are evident while other times they are not. If someone decides to pursue something, let's say make more money, they may believe that their goal is to better provide for their family. In reality, though, they are mainly looking for personal success, for approval, for admiration, for power. It would be wiser for you, too, to discover the true 'destination' of your efforts before undertaking your journey.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Blooming Rhododendrons

Picture this scenario: It is yesterday and you are walking along the usual path you take every day. But this time you happen to look at a particular rhododendron tree. There are many buds ready to bloom, all still closed, though. The image shifts to today. You look at the tree again and notice that one bud has a tiny pink tip. You think: Tomorrow it will certainly open up and bloom. Shift to tomorrow: the bud has opened up indeed, and a wonderful pink flower is preparing to display its petals to the caress of the spring sun. You enjoy the sight, then you start observing the other buds. They are still green. Wait a minute: one has a tiny pink tip. It will bloom tomorrow, according to the cycle of nature. Yet, you wonder: All these buds have the same size, are in the same position, they all receive the same amount of sun, water, wind. How come that they bloom at different rates? Interesting reflection. Could this apply to the spiritual development of human beings, too?

Thursday, May 13, 2021


You have been encouraged to believe that in every negative event there is a positive side, that every dark cloud has a silver lining. But, have you actually experienced it? If you haven't, or if you don't believe it, here is a practical example. Are you familiar with weeds? A weed is generally considered an unwanted, harmful plant. This is certainly true from an 'agricultural' point of view. But, if you consider it by itself, for itself, it is just another plant, belonging to the same kind of plants that are universally cherished and welcomed. So, in and by itself, a weed is just a living 'creature'. The positive aspect you may accept to consider is this: a weed is a perfect example of resilience, of persistence, of will to live. As you generally cannot get rid of weeds in your garden (at least, not easily), you could also appreciate what it shows you in its commitment to life. You, too, can be strong in facing difficulties, resist the challenge of adversity, and boldly tackle whatever you are compelled to deal with. So, in conclusion, also a dandelion can be your mentor.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Fairy Tales

You know that a coin has two sides because you can detect them with no problem. You examine one side and find heads, on the other side you only see tails. The same happens with fairy tales. On one side you see fascinating stories of beautiful princesses, charismatic characters and intriguing situations. At the end, a charming prince appears and they all end up "living happily ever after". They were narratives that often started with a tragic story or a scary situation. But they were viewed as just exciting fables with a happy ending. Nowadays another side of the coin, a new interpretation has been created by choosing a different perspective. The fairy tales are not fairy tales any more. They have become social messages. Each storyline, each character and situation is dissected, analyzed and interpreted according to the new outlook on society. So, they are judged negatively, they are desecrated. Which "side of the coin" is the correct one? As usual, there is neither 'right' nor 'wrong', here. As usual, it's up to you and to your choice of interpretation.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Dreadful Statements

Studying the cosmos and formulating scientific/philosophical hypotheses are wonderful endeavors of the mind. But sometimes even great scientists say things that simply do not sound true. they? Stephen Hawking said that "the human race is just chemical scum..." and "we are so insignificant that..." Wow! How do these statements sound to your ears? Is mankind scum (=a layer of dirt or froth on the surface of a liquid)? Are all human beings insignificant (=too small or unimportant to be worth consideration)? If you reflect on these definitions given by the dictionary, ask yourself if you believe they might refer to you, too. Hopefully, you don't. But, in case you do, are you comfortable seeing yourself as a useless dirty 'nothing' that lives a life full of so many 'meaningless' experiences such as joy and pain, struggle, victory, friendship, love? (Your belief may determine the way you are  actually living your life.)   

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

No Healing

You know, and have experienced, that Life is full of contrast. Actually, it seems to be based on contrast. Opposites are a daily experience: one moment you are ok, the next you feel down, yesterday it seemed that everything was going well, today you feel unjustly treated. Similarly, as there are some illnesses that cannot be cured, there are also situations that cannot be healed. The illness is treated, but to no avail. You are doing your best to heal the negative situation you are presently in, with no positive result. Does it mean that Life is unfair? It might seem so. Yet, if you reflect upon its dynamic, you realize that this is the way the world proceeds in its evolution. What can you do about your personal situation? Once you tried - unsuccessfully - every possible way to heal it, all you can do is to either drastically make a change (if it's possible) or allow things to go the way they are supposed to go. You have no control on certain happenings. The sooner you accept this concept, the sooner your life will become less stressful.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Is It Really a Duck?

A funny, yet wise saying goes like this: If it looks like a duck, it swims like a duck, it quacks like a duck, most probably it "is" a duck. Sometimes you wonder, and worry, a bit too much about people's intentions. When an acquaintance pays you a compliment, you may wonder: Why did he say that? Receiving a gift from someone, you may ask yourself: Why did she give me this? If you happen to see a special act of kindness, you may wonder: Why did they do it? In all these cases your actual question would be, What was their true motivation?. Is it so hard to accept that the duck-looking 'duck' is really a duck? Can't you just believe that another person was nice enough to pay you a sincere compliment? to give you a present only to show appreciation? to perform a kind act just because they "are" kind? Prudence is a virtue, excessive doubting is depressing.