Sunday, May 2, 2021

Is It Really a Duck?

A funny, yet wise saying goes like this: If it looks like a duck, it swims like a duck, it quacks like a duck, most probably it "is" a duck. Sometimes you wonder, and worry, a bit too much about people's intentions. When an acquaintance pays you a compliment, you may wonder: Why did he say that? Receiving a gift from someone, you may ask yourself: Why did she give me this? If you happen to see a special act of kindness, you may wonder: Why did they do it? In all these cases your actual question would be, What was their true motivation?. Is it so hard to accept that the duck-looking 'duck' is really a duck? Can't you just believe that another person was nice enough to pay you a sincere compliment? to give you a present only to show appreciation? to perform a kind act just because they "are" kind? Prudence is a virtue, excessive doubting is depressing.

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