Monday, May 17, 2021

Journey vs. Destination

Some say that 'The journey counts more than the destination' while others say that 'Every journey is about a destination'. So, the way you walk your path is important, but probably not as important as the goal you want to reach. Aiming properly and shooting your arrow well can certainly determine your success in hitting the target. But, first, you have to see your 'target' clearly. If you don't, no matter how skillful you are, you wont fulfill your wish. You should aim at the target only to hit its center, not to win the prize. So, once again, "motivation" is what counts. Sometimes motivations are evident while other times they are not. If someone decides to pursue something, let's say make more money, they may believe that their goal is to better provide for their family. In reality, though, they are mainly looking for personal success, for approval, for admiration, for power. It would be wiser for you, too, to discover the true 'destination' of your efforts before undertaking your journey.

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