Thursday, May 13, 2021


You have been encouraged to believe that in every negative event there is a positive side, that every dark cloud has a silver lining. But, have you actually experienced it? If you haven't, or if you don't believe it, here is a practical example. Are you familiar with weeds? A weed is generally considered an unwanted, harmful plant. This is certainly true from an 'agricultural' point of view. But, if you consider it by itself, for itself, it is just another plant, belonging to the same kind of plants that are universally cherished and welcomed. So, in and by itself, a weed is just a living 'creature'. The positive aspect you may accept to consider is this: a weed is a perfect example of resilience, of persistence, of will to live. As you generally cannot get rid of weeds in your garden (at least, not easily), you could also appreciate what it shows you in its commitment to life. You, too, can be strong in facing difficulties, resist the challenge of adversity, and boldly tackle whatever you are compelled to deal with. So, in conclusion, also a dandelion can be your mentor.

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