Friday, May 21, 2021


As it is by now clear that the world is based on contrast, even human beings can be identified by means of characteristics, one of which is "entitlement". It is the category of individuals who feel they are 'entitled'. Entitled to what? To success, to appreciation, to love. By whom? By their family, by others, by the whole world. They believe they have the right to receive what they want, no matter what, and resent it if they don't. On the other hand, there is the opposite category of those who believe that success, appreciation and love must be 'earned' through hard work, dedication, honesty and good behavior. Yes, behavior in particular. Have you noticed the difference among the people you know? One expects a promotion because they have 'the right' to get it, and behaves accordingly. Another, vice versa, believes that hard work 'may' be rewarded with a promotion: they hope for it but they don't 'demand' it. And they, too, behave accordingly.    *

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