Thursday, May 27, 2021

Your Blunder

Every now and then you get upset for something that happens that you highly dislike. You immediately blame it on someone else. You find faults in their behavior, in what they said, in how they said it or in what they did. You are convinced that 'they' were wrong, they made a mistake. Then something happens that makes you reflect, that makes you really 'pay attention' to what had happened, to why the unpleasant situation had actually taken place. And, suddenly, you realize that it had been 'your' fault because it was you who misinterpreted somebody else's action or behavior, you misunderstood their words or expressions.When this happens (and, sooner or later, it 'does' happen!) what can you do? After acknowledging your mistake, the most important step is to stop judging and blaming yourself. No-one likes to feel like a fool. No-one like to admit they made a gaffe, thus creating an awkward situation. But recognizing and accepting your error is a must. If you refuse to do it, you are only hurting yourself. You may be able to hide your blunder to others, but...'you' know!

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