Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Lazy Candle

I like to light candles, as many people do. Nothing particularly special in this, certainly nothing worth talking about. But there is a strange thing that, every now and then, I can’t help noticing. Usually, when you light the wick, the flame springs up and keeps burning as long as you let it. It may move up and down, sometimes sideways, but it steadily burns and gives out light. But sometimes (rarely, though), it happens that a candle just doesn’t “want” to light up properly. It seems it has a will of its own. When I try to fix the wick (is it too short?) the flame will blaze up for a little while but then, little by little, it will decrease, become smaller and smaller. It does not die, but it reaches a point where it is hardly visible. Does it depend on the quality of the wax? Of the wick? Or - does it just happen, with no explanations to be found? It is a quite trivial inconsequential question, I know, but I chose to briefly write about it because it makes me think of how also people can be so different in a similar way, especially from a non-materialistic point of view. Some are interested in their spiritual progress, they try to improve themselves and keep the flame of love and understanding burning inside their spirit. They are willing to be open and discover new ways to advance on their life path. Others (fortunately fewer, I believe), on the other hand, don’t care to keep any spiritual light alive, are not interested in kindling any higher interests or purpose. Both the lazy candle and the apathetic individuals must be accepted as they are and be allowed to be "just" what the believe they can be, and to carry on their existence the way they have chosen. But... what a waste of virtual energy! It exists, it is there to be used, but it remains as a "possibility", it is left in the realm of  "it could have been".

Monday, May 28, 2012


If you are a lawyer, you give your clients legal advice and if you are a mason you build people’s houses. Each job provides a useful service to the community. This is the way each of us contributes to the general welfare, according to the job we have chosen or have been given. Yes, our working activity depends either on choice or chance. Some can decide what they want to do, while others must accept what they are able to find. Anyway, they are jobs. But there is another kind of contribution, a gift that each of us can give others. It does not have to be something almost heroic, like leaving everything behind to become a volunteer worker in a remote part of the world. It’s enough for you to examine yourself and discover what is the hidden treasure, the specific skill you can gift your fellows human beings with. Anything can be useful, as long as it is a “service” given from your heart and for free. Some examples? Easy. I know two ladies who, beside their regular jobs, have specific skills they are happy to share with any friend who asks for advice. One is a real expert in nutrition. It’s not her job, she simply loves it, so she unceasingly studies this subject, researches new findings, applies whatever she learns in her and her family’s life. Therefore, whatever doubt you may have about the value of a certain food, or you need to know the best diet for wheat intolerance or how to cure a sore throat with herbs, she can tell you in an instant. The other one is on a totally different line of interest, not less interesting and even useful, depending on your needs. She virtually knows everything about hair care and makeup. Do you need to know the best technique for straightening your hair? You are not too sure about how to use an eyeliner? Choosing the best shade of lip gloss for your complexion? Ask her. She knows, and will be happy to share her expertise with you. Now, let us talk about you. What is your major interest? What do you know quite a bit about that might be useful to your friend, colleague or neighbor? Be willing to share it with open hands. You will be appreciated. You will do something good that will also make you feel good. There is nothing as fulfilling as giving for the sake of...just giving.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Ready To Dare?

I imagine that someone (probably from NASA) tells me: "Tomorrow you can have a ride in a rocket and fulfill your dream of flying into outer space. Are you willing to go?" What would my answer be? It's true that seeing stars close by and galaxies "for real" has always been my secret desire. I've watched numberless times my favorite scene in the movie "Contact", the one where Jodie Foster, catapulted to an unimaginable distance, can actually see beautiful, sparkling galaxies and can even touch the flexible "fabric" of space. Would I go? I admit that I would be afraid but... maybe I could overcome my fear if the desire were stronger. And it probably would. Wow! To be actually able to experience a real quantum leap and dart through a wormhole till the edge of the Universe. What a journey it would be! Certainly worth overcoming the fear of the unknown and of possible demise. The question is: Would I be motivated enough to dare? Here is the key word that I so often mention. Motivation, which I believe to be the greatest force human beings have at their disposal in order to engage themselves into action. If you are motivated by the inner push to help someone, you might even risk your life without a second thought. If knowledge is for you the most important pursuit, you would not mind spending sleepless nights in order to achieve the result you are looking for. If you engage yourself in the spiritual search, you might try audacious forms of quest that others will probably find extreme. Many people have done all these things, over and over. Reflect upon your personal situation. Do you have a driving force that makes you enthusiastic about your actions, your job, your endeavor? Eager to achieve your life goal?

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Routine or Untypical Life?

 How do you arrange your day? Do you have a routine? Do you have an "early morning" mood? An Italian expression talks about "getting out of bed with the left foot", meaning in a bad mood. Ask yourself if the mood you get up in might define what kind of a day you will have. Can a routine help? Following a regular procedure every morning (and possibly throughout the whole day) might seem boring and repetitive to some, but for you it is utterly positive. It gives you a sense of security, you feel you are doing what you are supposed to do. You "know" what you are doing, because you never embark in new, unpredictable behaviors. You like to go to work always following the usual route, you have a favorite restaurant, type of entertainment, same old friends etc. On the other hand, there are others who don’t like to be methodical at all, who don't appreciate a routinely unfolded life. They prefer to change their ways, decide something on a whim, don't like to plan. They believe that this kind of life is more exciting, always new and unpredictable. What could be the deep beliefs that create such different personalities? I think that the first type needs routine and repetition because they  feel that only these can provide them with stability. Knowing what is coming and how they will proceed during the day gives them a sense of consistency, of security.The adventurous types, instead, prefer the unknown, they believe they are able to face any uncertainty, they like to be surprised and challenged. Which is the best? Neither and both. The Latins used to say "In medio stat virtus" (the virtue, the good thing lies in the middle). Meaning? Be cautious but, every now and then, dare to try something new. Enjoy your adventures, but don't be careless or... reckless. Simple common sense, do you agree? A little spice in your life is good, but not too much. (Too much might make you feel uncomfortable, even sick!!)

Friday, May 25, 2012

A Crib With A View

This morning I woke up with a strange image in my mind. I saw two empty cribs, one with solid sides (probably made of wood), while the other crib's sides were formed by a see-through net. The former would not allow the baby to see anything beyond the walls, the latter would. The question that immediately popped up in my mind was: "Is there a message for me, here?" The immediate answer was: "There certainly is!" And it is quite clear, too. The crib represents the human mind (mine, yours, everybody's). If our mind (= the way we think and consequently perceive the world) has strict, well defined boundaries, we  are unable to actually see what is going on around us. We  believe that the whole world is restricted to our own environment, our perspective on things, our beliefs and judgments. On the other hand, if our mind is open, with no preconceived ideas, we can easily accept to be flexible and look at the world and at people from different points of view. We only need to shift the direction of our "eyes" and we can perceive different sights, colors, actions. If you decide to live in the first crib, you'll be like the people in Plato's mythical cave (where they never saw the real world but only shadows). If you choose the second, you'll be a new Captain Kirk, who..."boldly goes..." (See yesterday's post). The choice is yours. You are not a baby who is incapable of making decisions and who has to accept what others decide for him/her. You are an adult with full capacity to make what you want out of your own life. Do I hear you say you can't? Wrong. "You can, if you believe you can" (Latin poet Virgil). The power resides all in the word believe

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Let Us “Boldly Go…”

The famous introduction to each “Star Trek” episode says: (The Starship Enterprise’s mission is) “to boldly go where no man has gone before”. Beautiful words, aren’t they? But not only are they beautiful and catchy, they are also inspiring. Think about this : to boldly go where no man has gone before. Wow. Don’t you feel a sort of exaltation simply thinking about their actual meaning? It’s regular people - just like you and me - who dare to willingly and bravely face the unknown, who voluntarily plunge into a part of the Universe no man – before them – has ever explored. This cannot be dismissed as simple science fiction. Some individuals do really have the courage to test new, possibly dangerous machinery, others volunteer as “guinea pigs”, making themselves subjects of experimentation or research. They take the risk because they believe that their dedication can be of help, can push mankind forwards, towards new achievements, a greater progress. I have always felt that those Star Trek words refer to me as well. They remind me that I, too, have a mission that must be carried out by “me”, and by me only. What I am here to do no one else can carry it out for me or instead of me. I am the Captain Kirk of my destiny because I am the only one who can make the decisions that will define what the course of my life will be. And this goes for you, too. Let us ALL feel the pride of being real pioneers in the discovery of any new possible route that can lead us beyond our so-called limits, beyond our idly accepted conditioning, our self-imposed restrictions, doubts, fears. The unknown is our destiny, and we create it moment by moment through nothing else than “awareness”. Once we know in which direction we are going, how to go and why we want (need?) to go there, everything becomes clear. Our action will be carried out boldly,  and it will most certainly end up being successful, and it will positively impact also our fellows’ lives.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Most Difficult Topic

I have always been intrigued, and still am, about the meaning of life. If you take the time to look it up in the dictionary, encyclopedia or the Internet, you will find a myriad of definitions that include such words as  organized matter and spirit. Have you ever seriously thought about this topic? You may be one of those who have never wondered, who just spend a day at the time, facing challenges and enjoying what they can, without giving it a second thought. On the other hand, you may believe in a nebulous afterlife or you may believe that this material existence is all there is.You may also be a person who, every now and then, thinks that maybe there is something else beside the daily work, food, sleep and so on. You "hope" there is something good awaiting you, but you have no idea of what it might be or how to find out. You try not to reflect too much about it because it scares you, because you feel lost and try to convince yourself that the end of your life is still very far away. Therefore you don't need to worry about it. But...is it? I mean, is it really so far away? How do you know? How can you be sure? You say, I'm young, I'm healthy, I'm strong, I'm still active, my faculties are intact... All true, my friend. But how can you forecast how long will all this last? I know, you don't want to really ponder upon it (who wants?) and I'm sorry that today I am bringing your attention to such a disturbing subject. But this thought exists, it is there, always, hidden in the deepest corners of your inner self. You know it but you don't want to think about it. Maybe you should. Maybe we ALL should. What is life, our life? Why are we here? Are we trying to live as well as we can, to be the best we can be? Are we getting anywhere? Are we achieving any results? Is there something else each of us could actually do to become  a "better person"? Mind you, you already are a "good" person. But there is always place for improvement, for progress, for finding new ways that can lead us  towards a happier, more fulfilling, more meaningful and fruitful existence.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Modern Idolatry

I have sometimes wondered about the reasons behind the exaggerated  enthusiasm of the so-called "fans". A fan is a supporter, an aficionado of something (such as a band or team) or person (artist, athlete).  So far so good. Liking or supporting someone you appreciate for their talents are beautiful things. But such word clearly derives from fanaticism, which is defined as an extreme uncritical zeal towards "something", an obsessive enthusiasm that goes beyond acceptable limits as far as human intelligence and dignity are concerned. I, personally, cannot share this kind of feelings of adoration for any other human being just because they happen to be good at and famous for their jobs. Athletes, actors, singers seem to be the most idolized by the crowds. In fact, I have never heard of a Nobel Prize laureate being made object of popular admiration, while acting or music award winners are considered "special", as if they were above the common human race. The "person" (not only the artist) has become a kind of idol, creating delirious cheering wherever he/she goes. I am not judgmental here, believe me. I have nothing against any Hollywood beauty, new princess, or singer dressed as a clown. As a matter of fact, I actually like them, as I like 1. new and old aristocrats as well as ordinary people; 2. winners and losers in show business or sports; 3. friends; 4. simple acquaintances; 5. passersby. I like them all because they are people, my fellow humans. If they happen to be rich and famous, good for them. I wish them to enjoy it all. But this does not make them better than or superior to others. Therefore I don't see why their admirers or supporters should put them up on a pedestal and hysterically shout, wave, cry, faint just because they have been "bestowed the honor" of catching sight of them live. Appreciation? Fine. Buy their music, watch their movies or games? Fine. Idolatry, going crazy, worship-like admiration? Thumbs down!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

You Are the "Starter"

I believe that the best time of my life has just started and it is continuing, NOW. What about you? No matter how old you are, NOW is always the best time of your life. Do you know why? Because it's the only time you can live, that you can experience, that you have control upon, that you can "create". As far as I am concerned, I am not in the prime of my life but, lo and behold, I am totally convinced that the "now" I am presently living is absolutely the best time ever! Many might disagree because they believe that their past has been more pleasant or that their future will be more rewarding. I know this to be wrong. As much as I don't like to express any firm opinions on anything, or pass judgment, this is something I can't help stating my strong conviction about. If you accept to reflect for a moment on your actual situation, you can't deny that the instant you are experiencing is just perfect. You are reading these lines and this is what you are meant to do. In five minutes you'll be doing something else, and that will be what you are supposed to do. But the good news is that you and only you chose to read this article, and then you will possibly choose to have a cup of coffee, to read the paper, go out for a walk or... say something unpleasant to your wife or husband! Therefore, how can you blame it on someone or something else about what is going on in your life? Even if something relevant is happening, also this "something" was started by an action of yours, maybe long long ago. I am aware that no one likes to take responsibility for what they do not appreciate in their present circumstances. But.... sorry, this is the truth! No matter how much you try to move things around, the starter of whatever is presently happening in your life is the result of a thought, an action, a belief that motivated you to think, speak, behave, do something that gave origin to the chain of consequences that brought you to the present moment.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Little Great Message

There is a little great book that follows me wherever I go. It's entitled "The Journey To The East" and was written by the German-Swiss poet, novelist and painter Hermann Hesse (1946 Nobel Prize laureate for Literature). It  was published in Germany in 1932 and it is not usually mentioned among his most famous works. I have read many of them, too, and I like them. But none reach the depth of my spirit as this short story which narrates of a mysterious pilgrimage that numerous characters (people who really existed and  others who belong to literature) from different countries, from all historical ages carry out simultaneously, on separate planes of experience and of awareness. It is a mesmerizing narration and, while reading, you realize you never know for sure where the action is actually taking place and when the facts narrated are happening. But the atmosphere is real, you can feel it on your skin, yet it is all like a dream. I won't tell what the story is precisely about, in case you might be interested in reading it. But I want to share a few words that I particularly like. One of the main characters says something like, "When life is beautiful and happy, it is just a game! Of course, you can make anything else out of it: a duty, a war, a prison, but none of these make it better" (loosely translated). Every time I read these words, I have to stop and reflect about the truth they imply. Can life be considered a "game", a "play"? Well, didn't Shakespeare write that life is a stage and we all play a part upon it? Someone else declared that life is like a movie of which we are the script writer, the director and the  protagonist. So, in definitive, it's up to each of us, and therefore to you, too, to decide what we want to write in the plot, how we plan to direct it and the way and style we choose to act it out. It's a great responsibility, isn't it? How aware are you of the power you have in your hands? Do you believe that it is really up to you to determine how your life is going to be carried out? If you do, never forget that  you always have at your disposal the best tool that can help you in this great undertaking: the magic word attitude.

Friday, May 18, 2012

It's Not Its Fault!

I was sitting at my computer, watching a documentary on Youtube. Everything was fine, the topic was interesting, the images were perfect, the colors were bright. Then I moved sideways to pick up a paper that had fallen off my desk and... everything changed. From the position I was in, the screen was not showing clear images any more. It had gone "negative", like a film not yet developed. I could not see anything properly because my perspective had changed. Was it the computer's fault? Did I have the right to get upset with it? Certainly not. It was my own position that presented me with an imperfect, almost unrecognizable picture of what was being shown. So, if you sit properly in front of the screen, you will have a clear, enjoyable vision. Shift sideways, and not only do you perceive improper images, but you also feel displeased because you are unable to enjoy the program you are watching. Exactly the same happens in your life. When you look at the world from the right perspective, you are capable of seeing the good there is, you succeed in dealing with others in the best way, you are kind, understanding, flexible. But if you start looking around with a "me, me" attitude, you will behave selfishly, you will interpret the world in a distorted way, and all because your standpoint is wrong. Your outlook on the situation depends on where you stand, on a correct or  an incorrect point of view.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"Overdoing" Is Dangerous

When you hear someone talk about "too little of" or "too much of", you usually think they are referring to food, don't you? You know that not eating enough nutrients will cause serious deficiencies in your body. You also know that eating too much (of whatever) should also be avoided because it will both make you fat and over-stress some organs. This is a rather common issue you surely agree upon. But have you ever thought of other "stuff" such as books, TV, computer, games etc.? Let us say, for example, that in the past you have hardly read any uplifting or inspirational books. Now you have reached a point in your life where you feel the need to fill this gap. You  decide to explore a more deeply meaningful path. So... you start engaging yourself in this kind of literature. You (hopefully!) find it quite interesting, you are enthusiastic about the new insights and believe you'll never stop reading them. But it is not so. It should not be so. When you have had your fill, you have to stop for some time. If you don't, you shall overload your brain and become unable to assimilate your new knowledge. Exactly the same happens when you  always watch a specific type of TV program, get nailed in front of a computer, become obsessed with exercising, need to keep busy all the time etc. If you don't give it up for a while, or at least slow down a bit, you risk an intellectual and/or physical malfunction. Moderation  (as usual) is the key word. Action must be regularly followed by relaxation, in due time work needs to be replaced by rest. It is a very simple, well known concept, no doubt about it. So, why do you often forget it? When you become "too" enthusiastic about a new activity, you tend to overdo it, but then you are bound to pay the - usually unpleasant - consequences.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

One Mind, One Channel

When radio first and then television broadcast were implemented, only one "channel" existed. You had to listen to or watch solely what was presented to you. You had no possibility of choice. With the passing of time, scientists and technicians worked towards finding always newer means to broaden such already great achievements. They totally succeeded and now we have a huge amount of channels to choose from. Something similar happened with telephone technology. From the simplest land line that could be used only through the connection established by an operator, we were then able to communicate automatically. With the advent of cell phones, skype etc. a greater band of possibilities became a reality. All this is stuff we are very familiar with and accustomed to. When you use the remote control, for example, you do it without giving it a second thought. Press the button, change the channel, see and hear something else. Now let us compare this to our way of thinking, of behaving. Do you believe that your mind is as flexible as the range of TV channels? It is not so. Your mind - everybody's mind - seems to have been programmed to work only on one frequency band, to receive only one "beam" of information from wherever information comes. It is possible (even probable) that infinite paths delivering information exist. But our brain is wired to only perceive one, so far. We have a single cable that connects us to the infinite field that is "out there", the one  which, every now and then, the special mind of a genius succeeds in tapping into. So a new idea is born, a revolutionary theory is presented, a daring hypothesis is brought forwards. (And usually - at first - they are categorically refused or made fun of, because they don't conform! Only later are they taken into consideration and eventually proven to be right.) Anyway, do you accept the possibility that you, too, have the capability of tuning in, of adjusting your brain to receiving a different  kind of frequency? A frequency that can help you improve yourself, overcome your limits and live a happier life? Are you ready to say, "One Mind, Many Channels"?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Eating As A Sport

Let's talk about something "lightweight", today: food, once again. Why? Because it seems so "important" nowadays, in a way or another. Here is an additional observation of mine about contemporary life.
Reading the news headlines on the Internet sometimes puzzles me. One recent news, for example, announced a  new world record regarding eating an incredible amount of burgers (or hot dogs) in one minute. I understand that participants in eating contests are called "competitive eaters", they are followed by acclaiming audiences and big fans. They are professionals. I can't help asking myself, as I usually do when I am puzzled, what can inspire a person to start such a kind of "career". Usually, when people are looking for a job, they try to find an occupation, a type of employment, a business, i.e. something productive for society as well as rewarding for themselves. Can gorging down food at high speed be defined a "job"? I imagine that the winner gets some money as a prize and I also presume that he likes food. But I have a hard time comprehending what kind of inner satisfaction such an activity can bring. Nevertheless it must do so, as it seems that eating contests are a rather popular entertainment with lots of participants, both "professional" and "amateur". Psychologists have determined that food can be used as a sort of security blanket that makes some individuals feel protected, giving them a surrogate feeling of the safety they may be lacking in their lives. This certainly clarifies several situations of overweight, but eating as a "sport" sounds quite different. Could it be explained by a feeling of "achievement", which implies the idea of accomplishing something with an effort (although certainly not with courage or skill as the definition entails)? Maybe. It's another "mystery" of the human mind. Is it worth exploring? I don't really know. I limit myself to ask a question which, although not of capital importance, can be - to a certain extent - amusing and even helpful to our desire to better understand as many facets of the human behavior as possible. In so doing, we might come nearer to understanding our own selves a little better.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Two Scenarios

Two scenarios. The protagonist can be either John (a man) or Mary (a woman). I'll pick John but you can pick Mary. The meaning of the story is absolutely the same. Only the personal pronoun changes from "he" to "she". Let's proceed.
Scenario one. John is a normal person, neither worse nor better than anybody else. He has a family (or he is single), goes to work, scolds his children, regularly fights and then makes up with his wife (or partner), meets with his friends and watches TV. Does he sometime (or ever) think about the quality of his life? If he doesn't, it means that he is okay with what is going on and does not need to wonder about other possibilities. If he "does" wonder, he most probably shrugs his shoulders and says, "Well, this is it. Why waste time in useless wondering?" So John lives his life in a rut and he is content - but certainly not fulfilled - with his situation. He doesn't see, and doesn't care to see that there could be much more to experience. He reaches the end of his life having done nothing particularly good nor particularly bad. He spent his existence mainly thinking about material stuff, such as earning money - possibly getting as much of it as possible - having a nice house, going on holiday, attending football games etc. He may have been interested in  (= reading the news about) the political or economic situation in his country and even abroad. What else? Ummm... Not much "else". A quiet, normal  (boring, dispiriting) life, doing what he believes he is expected to do, and this is it. Like the frog who lives happily at the bottom of the well because he has no idea that a whole wide world exists beyond the walls he is used to seeing every day.
Scenario two. John is a normal person, who performs all the actions that scenario one's John performs. But he is like the other frog who, looking up, wanders what is there beyond the edge of the well. He wants to "know", he believes that his daily, routine-led life cannot be all. And his wondering, his questions, his desire lead him towards discovering the gifts he shelters inside himself, the wonderful skills he can use to make his life more fruitful  and contribute to the happiness of others, to the progress of the whole planet. When he dares to jump beyond the boundaries created by the well (= conditioning from society), he will find all the opportunities he needs to create a  different (exciting, fulfilling) life.
Which scenario best represents you present lifestyle?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

She Ditched Me!

Picture this scene: I am in a department store and I am talking to a lady. Actually, "she" is talking to me. She is describing an event she took part in and had particularly enjoyed. She is animated, all smiles, totally excited. She goes on for quite a while. Then, all of a sudden, she turns around and walks away. Now, how would you define such a behavior? I admit that non judging it negatively is not easy. Of course, it's not a big deal, it is not an "offense" and I am not offended in the least. I am just puzzled. I can't help considering the whole situation kind of weird. I can neither understand it or find a justification to it, because I wouldn't do anything like that. Aha!! Here we go. Found the key word!  "I". I am comparing that person to myself. Therefore, starting from a behavior that does not correspond to my expectations (rather logical, though! Sigh!) I end up applying a label to the poor unaware lady. "She is peculiar", I might think. Or, "She needs an audience". Or even "She doesn't care about my feelings". All merciless definitions of a human being who, from their point of view, might have had plenty of reasons for walking away, actually ditching me, without saying good-bye.  She may have suddenly remembered an urgent errand, or seen someone who was going to get the item she was planning to buy, or spotted a friend she needed to talk to... Or she might simply have got distracted and forgotten that she was talking to someone (It happens, you know!). Her behavior can be still considered strange or even "unkind", but the lady certainly had no bad intentions. Let's try to make a distinction between an individual and their conduct. The attitude is not the person. Let's all think about this the next time we feel resentment towards a fellow human being and let's endeavor to avoid thinking of them too severely. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Flowers And Numbers

I continue learning lessons from the beautiful geranium plant I keep on my windowsill. I remember a previous article I posted about a flower that surprised me,  having bloomed behind my lowered window blind without my knowledge. This made me reflect upon our hidden skills, that are there but which we seldom are aware of. This time, while admiring a newly bloomed blossom, I noticed that the whole flower was formed by five smaller ones, each having five petals. Okay, I told myself, here is something I need to look into. As a matter of fact, I believe that in nature absolutely everything is meaningful, nothing is there just by chance. Therefore...I took the time to find out about number five. I started by discovering that the number of petals in all flowers (3, 5, 8, 13 etc.) is strictly connected to the mathematical Fibonacci sequence (where each number is obtained from the sum of the two preceding ones. Example 1-2 -3   / 3 = 2+1). From a different, non-scientific point of view, number five is said to represent harmony and balance, it encourages us to appreciate the wonders of nature and life in general. It is also related to the perfection of the human body (five fingers and toes, five senses etc..). Finally, it is considered a symbol of the Universe. Wow. Quite e number, isn't it? Thanks, my lovely geranium, for leading  me (and whoever might be interested) to acquire this fascinating new piece of information and for encouraging me to go on into further investigations. So, Hurrah for number 5! 
P.S. By the way, it seems well proven that numbers are the sum total of the whole available knowledge. Don't scientists, such as physicists, use only numbers for their work related to both the "huge" (Universe)  and the "tiniest" (atomic and sub-atomic world). And what about "music"?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

“Release” Is The Word

How do you deal with worry? You can choose among a variety of reactions. One possibility is to accept worry as a natural state, a human feeling that must be endured. So you keep on worrying because you don’t know what else to do. This attitude keeps you in a rut and your life ends up remaining in a miserable state most of the time. Another possibility is to fret, which means you feel vexed or troubled and lead your life in a state of continuous nervousness. You never relax. Besides, as the word fret also means to be worn or eaten away, maintaining such a feeling will cause dangerous upheavals in your physical body as well.  To complain is another way to deal with worry which, beside non solving your problem – on the contrary, it makes it bigger and bigger because you keep focusing on it – it also makes you a nag, hardly cherished by your family and friends. You can, instead, decide to resist it, to be the “though guy” and not allow worry to put you down. So you act as nothing happened, as if everything was fine. But what is going on inside yourself is another story. The “act” that you put up is just a mask that hides your true feelings. This is possibly the worst reaction to worry because, like a seed firmly planted in the fertile soil of your inner self, it will stay there for some time and then it will “suddenly” spring up to the surface and manifest itself in dangerous ways such as a physical illness, a nervous breakdown, explosions of rage etc. Therefore and in conclusion…. Is there a “good” way to deal with worry? I believe there are several. Each of us should choose the most suitable to our own nature and character. Absolute "must", though, is deciding to release it. Only then will you find out how to do it. My personal panacea, or perfect remedy, is to write down my feelings. Your way could be throwing around a few pillows, listening to music, talking to your image in the mirror, working in the garden, going to the gym... After releasing, you will see yourself ready to deal with your problem and take action towards finding a way to actually solve it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Climbing Upstairs

A friend recently told me about a strange, puzzling dream she has had. She had walked down some stairs and gone outside to do some shopping, without experiencing any problem whatsoever. But, going back home and trying to climb up the same stairs, she just couldn't do it. Her legs were aching terribly, they felt as heavy as lead. She tried to move in different ways, she removed her shoes and even attempted to move sideways, but to no avail. Nevertheless, she didn't give up and, in spite of the great effort she had to make in order to drag herself  up on each step, she finally (and suddenly) found herself where she wanted to be. I have never believed in dream interpretation, therefore I am using this one only as a similitude. Climbing up may be compared to our desire to improve ourselves, to become better and better, to evolve spiritually. We need to do that and we know it, although sometimes we might be unaware. The process may be difficult but it is certainly worthwhile. If, in her dream, my friend hadn't struggled to reach the top, she would have remained on the ground floor forever. The same will happen to us, to "you", if you allow life's challenges to deter you, to scare you. If you are afraid of the effort necessary to give up unhealthy or dangerous habits, for example, think of how much better you will feel once you've won your battle. And you will be proud of yourself.  Improving who you are should be your top priority, because in this process you achieve the main goal of your existence: becoming the best "yourself" you can be!

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Other Side Of The Coin

Yesterday we talked about low-self esteem. Let's now examine the other side of the coin: extreme self-confidence, that often plunges into absurdity. Look around you. While you see some women, and men too, who present themselves to the world in a sloppy careless way because they believe that no one is interested in them, that no one will like them, you  also see people who seem to own the world. They constantly want others' attention and seek it in all possible ways, even the most absurd. Sometime they even pretend (but  they don't realize they are pretending) to choose to distantiate themselves from the rest of the world because they (think) they are special. It's all an act, an "unconscious" act. As a typical, visible example, let's see what's going on in the "clothing" department. Some individuals dress in unsuitable (to common sense) ways: women with extremely revealing or old-fashioned, weird outfits just to show that, because they are different, they deserve attention and, possibly, admiration. Some men, and women too, wear supposedly "tough" outfits, leather, bandanas, torn jeans, dreadful T-shirts with outrageous captions printed on them, loud colors, unbelievable patterns, stuff that is too long or too short, too tight or too loose to be tasteful. I am NOT talking about "high fashion", here. I am just referring to simple good taste. I've seen a woman wearing a top with the printing "Wonderfully tacky"!!! As tacky means showing poor taste, she certainly did but, lo and behold, she thought it was wonderful. Spotting a young man wearing  a T-shirt proclaiming "I can't stand idiots", instead of smiling, I should have asked him, "Are you sure you aren't one of them?" These people believe that they are challenging the world, that they are showing self-assurance, for which they expect admiration and recognition, while they are only showing their lack of self-respect.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Big Problem: Low Self-Esteem

I can't help noticing that, nowadays, many people lack self-confidence. Let's talk about women, in particular. It seems strange that this should be even an issue, because it actually seems that women, in our time, have acquired a strong sense of themselves, of their capabilities etc. The feminist movement is said to have started as far back as the end of the 18th century. In modern days, there have been three "waves", beginning from the early 1900s, addressing first political issues, then female/male relationships and work-related issues as well. It appears that a much greater freedom has been achieved in different fields, women's skills have been equaled to those of men. Women are in high positions, in jobs of great responsibilities, they are leaders. Yet,  there are still many who do not believe in themselves, who do not appreciate who they are, who try to "hide" behind a sloppy appearance, who need constant support, who are unable to make decisions on their own. They feel they are not as good as other women, so they end up portraying themselves as if this image of inadequacy were true. As a consequence, also others perceive them the same way. And the vicious circle persists. I appreciate the fact that there are enterprises and programs that encourage women with low self-esteem, abused, unable to speak up for themselves, to come forward. Those who are incapable of asking to be acknowledged need to know that they can be helped and choose to accept this possibility. And turn it into an opportunity. A drastic change is possible, once they realize that they have the right to be whatever they want to be, to achieve the goals they long for, to be as happy as they can.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

No Comment!

Every now and then I have fun taking inspiration from little "gossip" I happen to read about and use it for my reflections. Today I feel like commenting on a couple of recent "news". Here they are: A modern artwork by a Norwegian artist has been auctioned  and sold for 120 million dollars. A piece of a wedding cake is going to be auctioned, too, and it is expected to fetch at least $1,500, having "raised worldwide interest" (words from the article). Okay, I need to collect myself before writing any comment. Actually, I am not even going to comment because, at this point, I feel very British and say, "No comment". What else can you say? I am just going to present a few questions to ponder upon. What is the correlation between money and stuff being offered for sale? How can a painting, no matter how famous, be valued to such extreme figures? How can a person be ready to spend such a huge amount  just to be able to say, "I own it"? Wouldn't it be more rational to have the painting hanging on a museum wall, so that everybody could enjoy looking at it, rather than keep it locked down in an underground vault? And... what kind of joy or fulfillment could a piece of stale cake - no matter how royal (it's still a cake, isn't it?) - give any intelligent, reasoning human being? What would they eventually do with it? Keep it in a safe? Put it under a glass bell and display it for the admiration of visitors? I have no idea. Could it be that I don't have the soul of a collector (which I don't, sigh!) or could it be that my mind is trained to see things under a particular perspective that makes me discriminate between what is useful, fruitful, uplifting and what is not? Many might not agree, of course. And it would be fine. This is just my humble opinion. But - honestly - if I had some extra 120 million dollars, or just $1,500 to spare, I would probably choose to use them in a more humane, rewarding or creative way, in a way that would make me feel good about myself. What would you do?

Friday, May 4, 2012

Your "Mr.Hide" Side

In 1886 Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson published a novella entitled "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide". You might be familiar with the story. It is usually interpreted as a description of a split personality (the good one versus the bad one). But, instead of two personalities coexisting in one individual, I rather think that the two sides of the same personality are portrayed here, the two sides of the human personality, common to all. The character Dr. Jekyll represents your good side, your true humane nature, i.e. who you really are: a decent, kind, loving person. Mr. Hide portrays the hidden, lowly instincts that are there, inside you (and everybody else), but that you try not to let come up to the surface of our "way of being". At this point, what can you learn from the story? Do you believe that these two traits are intertwined in such a way that they can never be untied, separated? That "man" is bound to be a mixture of good and evil forever? That this is the way it is? My opinion is that this is true only to a certain extent. It is undeniable that the human nature shows different facets of behavior, both positive and negative. Now... Positive Thinking says that, in order to improve yourself, you have to go back to your "true" nature, become like a child again: innocent, enthusiastic, always in awe. Your nature is good. The "evil" manifestation is like a patina, a dark layer that dims the light that is there. Is it possible to eliminate the dark and let the light shine again, in every part of your being? I believe it is possible. How? By becoming aware. When you examine yourself in depth, you understand a lot about your motivations. As a consequence you understand others more, you become more lenient, less selfish, more caring. And so, little by little, you can learn how to truly love yourself and others. And your Mr. Hide will dissolve in thin air, it will disappear, because his existence had never been real.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Don't Hurt Them

                                                                  NAMASTE'  (I bow to you)

The Dalai Lama said: " Your mission in life is to live with others and help them. If you cannot help them, at least don't hurt them." Could words be more simple than these? Could their meaning be more clear, easy to understand? But... Do you really understand them? Let us examine these uncomplicated words, this elementary idea. Live with others. Think about your own life. Do you actually live with others? Of course you do. But... "how" do you do it? And, "to what extent"? How much are you willing to share, to give of yourself, to be a real participant in "their" lives? Do you put conditions to the love you give to your fellow human beings? Then the Dalai Lama says, Help them. What do you do in this respect? Are you available to extend a helping hand when it is needed, even if it is not clearly requested? Aren't you afraid that helping others might sometimes jeopardize your position or decrease your control over the situation? Do you expect something for the help you give? And, finally, Don't hurt them. In my opinion this is the most meaningful, the most important of all. It also reflects the Apostle Paul's belief about the greatest virtue being love. As "love" means deep affection, a profoundly tender feeling for another, how can you say that you love them if your ignore their needs, if you use unkind words while speaking to them, if you control them, if you have expectations in return? Any time you get a negative reaction, or you see a sorrowful expression on someone else's face as a result of your words or actions, you haven't been loving them. You have hurt them. The Dalai Lama encourages us all to review our behavior, to examine our motivations, to improve ourselves. We all need to become better human beings, to create, nurse and express more compassion (= empathetic love) in our own lives, if we want to actively and positively contribute to the progress of "our" world.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Is Trust Possible, Nowadays?

A very sad, unsettling situation is occurring over and over again. It seems that you cannot trust anybody anymore. Harsh statement? I don’t know how harsh, and it’s not a statement. It’s just an observation that I can’t help making when I read the news. People in position of responsibility behave irresponsibly. Debt collectors, pretending to be hospital employees, harass patients before or right after surgery.  Insurance companies  sneakily cheat on their customers, inflating their bills. Highly unhealthy food is presented as the healthiest choice. Secret substances are injected in various aliments to make you addict to them. And lots of other “stuff”. Positive Thinking encourages us to be trusting, to always expect the best from our fellow human beings, to repeatedly give them the benefit of the doubt. (According to the present situation, aren’t also establishments and corporations considered “people”?). So, to what extent do you feel you can trust the outside world, nowadays? I don’t find this to be an easy question to answer. From one side you believe that the world (=people) is good, on the other you see all these behaviors that are totally unethical. They smile while they are stabbing you in the back. Ask yourself what your feelings are on this subject. In order to understand, you must be aware and alert, you must follow your intuition that is never wrong. When you see clearly what your position is, you can decide if – when – how much – whom – what   you can trust.