Wednesday, May 9, 2012

“Release” Is The Word

How do you deal with worry? You can choose among a variety of reactions. One possibility is to accept worry as a natural state, a human feeling that must be endured. So you keep on worrying because you don’t know what else to do. This attitude keeps you in a rut and your life ends up remaining in a miserable state most of the time. Another possibility is to fret, which means you feel vexed or troubled and lead your life in a state of continuous nervousness. You never relax. Besides, as the word fret also means to be worn or eaten away, maintaining such a feeling will cause dangerous upheavals in your physical body as well.  To complain is another way to deal with worry which, beside non solving your problem – on the contrary, it makes it bigger and bigger because you keep focusing on it – it also makes you a nag, hardly cherished by your family and friends. You can, instead, decide to resist it, to be the “though guy” and not allow worry to put you down. So you act as nothing happened, as if everything was fine. But what is going on inside yourself is another story. The “act” that you put up is just a mask that hides your true feelings. This is possibly the worst reaction to worry because, like a seed firmly planted in the fertile soil of your inner self, it will stay there for some time and then it will “suddenly” spring up to the surface and manifest itself in dangerous ways such as a physical illness, a nervous breakdown, explosions of rage etc. Therefore and in conclusion…. Is there a “good” way to deal with worry? I believe there are several. Each of us should choose the most suitable to our own nature and character. Absolute "must", though, is deciding to release it. Only then will you find out how to do it. My personal panacea, or perfect remedy, is to write down my feelings. Your way could be throwing around a few pillows, listening to music, talking to your image in the mirror, working in the garden, going to the gym... After releasing, you will see yourself ready to deal with your problem and take action towards finding a way to actually solve it.

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