Saturday, May 26, 2012

Routine or Untypical Life?

 How do you arrange your day? Do you have a routine? Do you have an "early morning" mood? An Italian expression talks about "getting out of bed with the left foot", meaning in a bad mood. Ask yourself if the mood you get up in might define what kind of a day you will have. Can a routine help? Following a regular procedure every morning (and possibly throughout the whole day) might seem boring and repetitive to some, but for you it is utterly positive. It gives you a sense of security, you feel you are doing what you are supposed to do. You "know" what you are doing, because you never embark in new, unpredictable behaviors. You like to go to work always following the usual route, you have a favorite restaurant, type of entertainment, same old friends etc. On the other hand, there are others who don’t like to be methodical at all, who don't appreciate a routinely unfolded life. They prefer to change their ways, decide something on a whim, don't like to plan. They believe that this kind of life is more exciting, always new and unpredictable. What could be the deep beliefs that create such different personalities? I think that the first type needs routine and repetition because they  feel that only these can provide them with stability. Knowing what is coming and how they will proceed during the day gives them a sense of consistency, of security.The adventurous types, instead, prefer the unknown, they believe they are able to face any uncertainty, they like to be surprised and challenged. Which is the best? Neither and both. The Latins used to say "In medio stat virtus" (the virtue, the good thing lies in the middle). Meaning? Be cautious but, every now and then, dare to try something new. Enjoy your adventures, but don't be careless or... reckless. Simple common sense, do you agree? A little spice in your life is good, but not too much. (Too much might make you feel uncomfortable, even sick!!)

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