Tuesday, September 29, 2015


I wonder if the crisis between the hypocrisy of social life and the need to realize an authentic individual existence always existed or if it is a problem specially relevant to "our" society. Some might say that such crisis does not exist because - nowadays - everybody is free to be whoever one is. But... is it so? Do "you" honestly feel you are being who you truly are, in any circumstance? Or do you rather accept to comply with what you believe is expected from you? Neither criticism nor blame, here - whatever you do or don't do. The fact is that every human being has a deeply rooted desire to express their true nature but often society does not allow them to do so. It only "seems" it does because - nowadays - the greatest permissiveness is allowed. But this does not mean real "freedom". Actually, it might encourage people to act in extremely controversial ways just because... it's the new fashion!

Monday, September 28, 2015


Do you ever wonder about your "relationship" with others? You certainly know many people, you have relatives, colleagues and so on. You meet with them, talk to them, share "stuff" with them, therefore you feel you are not alone. Wonderful, isn't it? Besides, quantum physics has proven that everything that exists, either material or non-material, is connected on a sub-atomic level. This makes it even more wonderful, doesn't it?  At this point a disturbing question might arise: how truly aware are you of such "connectedness"? (different from "connection" or "connectivity") Can you really experience it at a deeper level? Reason says you should, feelings may sometimes show you differently.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

An Interesting "Meeting"

Imagine that "your life" asks to meet you. It wants to ask you how you are doing, how you are carrying on. What would you say? Actually, another question comes first: Would you willingly accept such a "meeting"? Would you feel comfortable to face your Life, the way you are conducting your existence, how you behave on a daily basis? In a nutshell: to be totally honest about who and what you are? If you are willing to tackle such issue and if you feel like honestly answering such questions, you may discover something vital to better understand  a lot of "stuff" regarding your true self. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

A Difficult Task

Some people seem to be in your life just to annoy you, don't they? They are not pleasant to be with and they don't provide you with any kind of support (whatever it might be and whenever you might need it). They are seldom available, they are never funny, they are usually self-centered... and so on. Question: Why are they in your life? Possible answers: I found just one, i.e. to test your patience. Patience is a wonderful virtue that, sometimes, is not easy to be put into practice. Therefore... what to do when you are compelled - certainly against your will - to face the challenges created by the annoying person in your life? Try to deal with them? Hopelessly useless. Try to bear them? Hide your feelings? Unfair to yourself. Ignore them? Whenever possible, this might be the best way out. No guarantee, though.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A Tragedy

I recently watched a documentary about the "stress" that human beings (both males and females) are presently undergoing. It was said that everybody is facing huge psychological challenges in order to meet all the requirements they believe they have to meet, such as: being a success in society, being able to provide for their families, being good partners/parents etc. All this - "now" - is creating an awful lot of pressure that, in turn, makes life difficult and complicated. Well, while listening to what the psychologists were saying, I couldn't help thinking that my own parents (a long-gone generation) were providing for their family, were excellent partners/parents and, in spite of the "normal" daily challenges, had been able to create a good life - without all the stress that modern society seems to be plagued by. Is this the price to be paid for "progress"? And, most of all, is it worth it?

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Your Body

Do you care for your body? If you say (as you certainly will) "Yes", also answer another question: "How do you take care of it?". You most likely believe you do, but it is possible that you may be mistaken. Do a little test. Ask yourself how healthy what you eat and drink is, how you keep your body "active", how much you "nurture" it with enough rest and beneficial habits. If you are totally honest with yourself, you will have a good idea about the actual situation. Don't forget that many times you unknowingly bring yourself to believe that something is "right" just because you "like" it. Think better!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Life Challenges

Life challenges are hard to face and overcome. When one appears out of the blue, what can you do? First step: accept it. You must keep telling yourself that if you don't accept it, you are heading for trouble. What kind of trouble? Simply hopelessness, despair, possibly depression. But once you accept what happened, you can slowly come to term with it and, eventually, move on. More than once have I written that "Life is what it is" but I feel like repeating it again. Why? Because it seems that saying it is much easier than actually understanding what it means. And "understanding" is a must!

Monday, September 14, 2015

1,000 posts

This is the 1,000th blog article I have written, since I started some four years ago. I wonder what the result has been. My intent in doing this was to invite people to "think". Our mind is the most precious tool we were given in order to use our brain in a positive and beneficial way. Only if we utilize it constantly can we truly be an active part of mankind and participate in the progress of our planet. You might ask, "But don't we all make use of our mind constantly?". Yes, we do. But... "how" do we use it? What kind of thoughts do people usually entertain? My dream is to effectively encourage my fellow human beings to wonder about... everything - with the aim of understanding the world a little more and thus create a better Life.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Music & Art

I was wondering if Music has a real value in the life of human beings. Some believe that music has a great value, some don't, others don't even care about it. So... what do "you" think? When music is true art, it should be able - like every other form of art - to touch a chord in the deepest part of yourself and make you experience... something. If you are dealing with authentic art, whether reading a poem, looking at a painting or listening to a melody, you cannot remain indifferent. The artist has been able to reach such a depth of feeling that you are simply compelled to identify yourself with it. But this only happens if you are emotionally mature enough to adjust yourself to that  particular "wavelength". Many are not. How sad! They have no idea of what they are missing out!

Saturday, September 12, 2015


When you believe in something, don't ever give up! Life, situations, people may disappoint you but, if your know yourself, if you know what your skills are and - most of all - if you know what your goals are, keep moving on, belly in, back straight, chin up! No matter what disappointment you might be challenged by, "do not give up". Your faith is stronger than any challenge and, if you keep holding on to it, it can literally make you... "move mountains" (clearly, not my words!)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Satisfying Answer

Another interesting question might be: "Where" do you come from? This is probably even more difficult that the previous one, "Who" are you? If you think hard enough, you might come up with an explanation about the nature of your being, either from a material or spiritual point of view. It might be harder to explain in a logical way what could be the "place" you are coming from. The answer might be possible if you take your beliefs into consideration. So, it might be a religious, a philosophical, a materialistic answer. Does it totally satisfy you? If it does, you are a truly lucky human being.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Who are you? I mean, "Who" are you? If you answer: John Smith, Mario Rossi, Ivan Ivanovich or... whatever your name is... sorry - your answer is wrong. That is just your name, it's not "who" you are. This question, although it seems very simple, may actually be much more difficult than you think. Would you like to spend a few moments thinking about what your real nature, your true essence might be? No one can answer such question but you, if you care enough. If you don't, it means that you are not interested in understanding one of the deepest mysteries of Life. It's still ok.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Have you ever realized that being alive is a gift that you have been granted without even asking for it? You have accepted it willingly and now you are enjoying it. But... are you really? Are you aware of the opportunities, the possibilities, the "responsibilities" that such a gift has endowed you with? Besides, don't forget that such a gift might be  taken away from you at any moment. Therefore enjoy it, truly and thoroughly. Be grateful for it and, most of all, make good use of it. This is the only chance you've got. (At least in "this" lifetime!)

Monday, September 7, 2015


A witty person once said, "God didn't create anything useless, but with houseflies He almost did". I can't help thinking of this joke when I am compelled to hear about people whose only goal in life is to be on the media. They have no talents. They have nothing (at least, it seems so) to contribute to the planet's progress. Therefore, as everything and everybody is supposed to have a sort of "usefulness" on Earth, what is theirs? We are not judging them here. Far from it. They are who they are and it's ok. But... "Why" are they here? What for? To create "news"? What kind of news? Interesting? (how?) Exciting? (about what?) Amusing? (in what way?)  Or is it just gossip (talking for the sake of talking)? If this is the case, what a waste of ... Life!

Sunday, September 6, 2015


"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— 
I took the one less traveled by, 
And that has made all the difference." (Robert Frost)

How many times, in your life, have you chosen the road that everybody else was walking on because it was “easier”? Remember the situations when you chose to act selfishly because you were only thinking of your own benefit. Remember the situations when you couldn’t resist feeling superior to someone weaker, when you followed the shove of pride, of anger, envy, blame, resentment… That was certainly the easiest way to behave because you were pleasing your “ego” - and this is what you usually prefer doing. Besides, you also have big company! Choosing the other “road”, the one where you act selflessly, where you are humble, patient, understanding is certainly more difficult. As usual, the choice is all yours!

Saturday, September 5, 2015


When water stops running, it loses all its characteristics, such as purity, clarity, the capability to give life. It stands still and, in a way, it “dies”. The same happens to people who stop acting, who choose a life without challenges - because it is “easy”. When you stop asking questions and give up searching for creative stimuli inside yourself, you slowly die without even realizing it. Only a dream to look forward to, a goal to aim at, a desire to move forward can provide you with the energy to live a fulfilling life. If  you choose otherwise, you simply “stagnate”.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Unlikely Change

Almost every human being wishes for the ability to change another human being. Wishing is ok because it costs nothing. Trying to actually do it, though, can entail some serious consequences. If you endeavor to change  “someone” who you believe should be different, you will almost certainly be faced by disappointment. Why? Because he or she are they way they are and, unless “they” themselves decide to make some changes, the only result of your attempt will be additional contrast and unhappiness. What to do? The only possible thing. If you love them, accept them as they are. Otherwise… let them go. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Most people have the impression that time is passing more quickly than before. Is it just an impression or is it a reality? Some scientists say it is a reality, although it is probably not easy to demonstrate. In any case, even an impression can seem absolutely real. Are you among those who see their days, weeks, months and years slip by faster and faster? If you are, here are some questions for you: What do you do with your time? How do spend it? Are you aware of its importance? Do you realize that it won't come back? Do you believe that any missed opportunity to do "good" will be lost forever? Finally, do you think that these questions are important?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Changed Priorities

As time goes by, you realize how much your priorities have changed. What once was so very important to you has slowly but steadily lost its charm. You might not have perceived it while it was happening. Then, suddenly, you can clearly see  that your priorities do not concern your own life any more, but the lives of those your love. You feel that you have had enough, that your expectations have been reasonably met, so you have started to look forward for "their" goals to be fulfilled. Such discovery may not seem too exciting to your mind, but it certainly is soothing to your heart.