Sunday, August 14, 2016


A statement uttered by a woman during an interview about her physical appearance struck me. She said, "Visual interest is what is important to me". I wonder, How "important" is it? Looking good, OK. Being fashionable, OK. But... to what extent? To what expenses? Would you take your "visual interest" (clothes, plastic surgery, jewelry etc.) to the point of making it the main concern of your life? to the point of forgetting or neglecting any other matter you should be taking care of? You will probably answer no to both questions. Think again to be absolutely sure. The fact is that nowadays the media have become so powerful that they condition people in a way that the latter don't even realize it. They end up considering any extreme behavior as natural because... "Thus Do They All" (or so they believe)!!! Fortunately there are still some who don't.

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