Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Building A Dream

Ask yourself: "What do I do when I want to achieve a goal?". Your answer will probably be: "I start working towards it". Good. Unfortunately, working, doing is not enough. Why? Because it would be like starting to  build a house without having first constructed strong foundations. Action without a suitable preparation will not achieve the best result possible.What are these foundations? First of all, you must have a perfectly clear goal in your mind. Many times people want to achieve a certain outcome without knowing "exactly" what it is. "I want to be successful", "I want to earn more money", "I want to improve my appearance". These wishes are vague, you must be more specific. If you want to buy a new home, you need to know the size, the location, the price, the style. You don't just start going around, hoping to find what you are looking for. Another important element is motivation: your goal must be important to you because only in this way will you be able to find the energy and the resources to carry it out. Commitment is another element for success, because without application and dedication you won't go too far. If you don't continue steadily, your energy will decrease at a faster rate. And finally, you need to trust, to have faith in the positive outcome of your endeavor, because you believe that it is good, useful (to you and possibly to others) and that you deserve it. Okay. Now you can go and... reach for the stars!

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