Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Reading The Future

From time to time, I happen to wonder if knowing the future would be a good thing. It seems that many people wish to know what their lives are going to be like, so they consult mediums, psychics, clairvoyants, astrologers etc. At this point, I am faced by two questions. One: are these "experts" really able to see actions that will manifest later? Two: would the "seekers" be happy with the predictions? Anyway, admitting that some psychics have such ability, would they tell their clients the truth, even if what they foresee is bad news?  I also wonder if so many individuals have their palms or cards read because they need to be reassured, because they believe they could face their problems with more courage, once they are given confidence by a forecast, no matter how vague? It is probably thus. Human beings, more often than not, need a sort of incentive, need to have someone tell them that everything is going to be all right. In this way, they feel they may be able to avoid challenges, to create an easier life for themselves. But my main question is still there: is knowing the future positive or negative? Here, I give no final answer, as there actually isn't any. I just express my personal opinion. I think that, if I could know what the next days, weeks, months or years have in storage for me, I probably would lose all enthusiasm, I wouldn't strive to be creative, to renew and improve myself. I would feel that everything is already laid down, with no choice of mine. My mind, my will, my endeavor wouldn't really matter. Not a very pleasant perspective, as far as I am concerned. What do you think?

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