Monday, April 30, 2012

A Mystery: Socks Disappear

Although it is generally considered a joke, almost everybody (including you and I) one time or another  has complained about socks that mysteriously disappear during the washing and drying process. The fact is that, when the clean laundry is sorted out, often fewer socks are found compared to the ones you had previously put in. Where did they go? Where are they now? No one knows. Many people tried to solve this intricate mystery but, unfortunately, so far no one has ever succeeded. Something similar happens to us with some of our feelings, beliefs, ideas, behaviors. We had them at one time and then, as if for magic, all of a sudden we realize that they are no more. Puff! Gone! Go back in time and remember when you were younger, recall how you felt about love (teen-age devastating crushes), your 'eternal' (or so you thought) convictions about society, the 'firm' judgments you expressed about your parents. Most probably very, very few (if any at all) are still there. You have changed and so has your perspective on people, on situations... on life as a whole. It's possible they might even change again, provided you are flexible enough and remain  open to the possibility of continuous, never-ending transformation inside your mind and your heart. It happens in Nature and in the world all the time, doesn't it? So, in conclusion, where do your old thoughts go? Maybe they  pass through a Black Hole and get together with the disappeared socks in a parallel Universe!! 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Possible New Vision

Think for a moment about how diversified our Earth is. There are millions of species in the living world (plants, animals, humans) and innumerable kinds of minerals. Several sciences study the different kinds of "stuff" existing on the Earth's surface. There are also other fields the human mind likes to engage in. Music, arts, dance, spiritual research, creative writing and....Physics! Although I like them all, especially spiritual/theoretical/practical research and, of course, writing, physics is the one that leaves me in awe. Starting from Positive Thinking and soul searching, I found out that knowing more about the actual substance we, the world, the Universe, are made of, creates a wider breath for a more complete pursuit. What about learning more about the mysterious, unknown "something" that exists beyond our grasp? Physicists have tried  (and will probably go on trying forever) to discover more and more.... I find  physics to be the most creative field of human knowledge. Why? Because scientists imagine innumerable, incredible, unbelievable things, they come up with theories that, at first, most people laugh at. So, what would you say about the recent theory of a Multiverse? How would it feel if you were told that you may be part of an incredibly huge pattern, bigger than our known Universe, that you might even have a duplicate of yourself in a parallel Universe? If you are contented with your daily routine (house, work, sleep...), you wouldn't care at all. But if you felt you belong in a wider beautiful creation that needs also YOU to be complete, the vision of yourself might dramatically change. Absurd? Science fiction? Maybe. But don't forget that Renaissance astronomer Copernicus shattered the universally accepted belief that the Earth was at the center of the Universe, by declaring that it was just a planet orbiting around the sun. No one believed him, as no one believed Columbus when he affirmed that the Earth was not flat but round. Eventually they were both proven right. So....?

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Nature Of Spirit

I have made an extensive search regarding what others think about the nature of spirit, but I have found absolutely nothing that satisfies me, nothing that answers my question, "What is Spirit?". Of course I don't deny that most definitions given are acceptable, but they are neither conclusive nor complete. They don't include everything. Philosophers might say that spirit is the vital force that keeps us alive. Fine. Religious people say that it is the divine spark inside each of us, in other words the soul created by God. Fine. Most scientists seem not to acknowledge the existence of such possibility. They say that you need "proofs". Rather difficult, isn't it? Others say that all things, even thoughts, are  things. Fine. I accept the definition of thoughts as the building blocks of the way we arrange our lives. (Positive Thinking affirms it). But spirit is something else. Keeping us alive might be one of its "functions" (and it most certainly is), but I believe that there is more to it. You may say spirit includes the idea of feelings as well, and you could be right. As far as I am concerned, all I have been doing, so far, is becoming aware of my eagerness to know and understand more. I acknowledge my desire to make the quantum leap in the hope of  finally reaching a satisfying answer, of guessing what I unconsciously know is there but that I cant't reach with my mind. Oh, yes! The problem is all in this word, mind. In fact our mind (the only tool we have at our disposal) always wonders, asks, reasons, looks for answers, makes hypothesis. But the nature of the spirit is totally beyond its reach. Has this reasoning of mine reached any conclusions? Absolutely not. The only outcome I can come up with is the idea that spirit cannot be grasped, much less understood. Are you disappointed? So am I. Any ideas? Please share. Is this destined to be a never-ending quest? Or, even worse, a question without a reachable  answer?

What Do You "Really" Want?

Right now, before you read any further, ask yourself, aloud, "What do I really want from life?" Take as much time as you need. It's an important question and the following words won't disappear, I promise. Okay. Now, you have answered. What is it? What you "really" want from life is the perfect mate? The best job? The totally loving child? More money? Greater power? Do you want to be popular, respected more? You want to be prettier, thinner? Taller, with bigger muscles? Whatever is it that you wish for, now ask yourself: "What would I get if I had my desire fulfilled? More love, appreciation, security, admiration? And if you got it all (Here is the most important question), how would you feel? Do you think you would finally feel happy? It's quite possible that you might. But... for how long? I wonder if you would keep on  perceiving your mate as "perfect"... forever. Although I wish you that he/she will, I am not too sure. The same goes for all the other things. The excitement of reaching the object of your craving, according to human nature, tends to transform itself - quite soon - into a less elated feeling. Then acceptance comes in, followed by a sense of entitlement. Afterwards all is transformed into a habit and then... boredom! It seems that human beings are not made capable of finding total contentment. As in our reality everything is temporary, all is bound to change. Feelings are transformed, in a way or another. So.... What is the final result of this wondering? It's as simple as that. Happiness, serenity, fulfillment do not depend on outside circumstances, situations, on people or things. They must be nursed inside yourself, through the never-ending pursuit of spiritual progress. Once you know you have done your best, that you have become the person you wanted to be (as to mental attitude, behavior etc.) you will experience the wonderful feeling of satisfaction, you will hear the small inner voice that whispers, "Hey, pal, you did it!". Only then will you "own" not only what you really want but, most of all, you will have what you really need.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Blooming Lilies

A few days ago I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from a friend. There were different kinds: zinnias, daisies, carnations, daffodils... and lilies. At first sight it seemed that all the flowers were in full bloom but - while arranging them in a vase - I realized that the lilies were just buds. Nothing of their beauty was actually showing because they were completely closed, folded into themselves. A promise of loveliness, of pulchritude that was, at the time, totally invisible. No colors, no detectable petals, no shape... nothing. Then, the following days, I noticed that one bud after the other were slowly opening up and turning into incredibly gorgeous blooms. Yellow, pink, white....What a feast for the eyes! Their beauty overshadowed the other flowers', who now seemed to make the lilies even more attractive. Is there a Positive Thinking lesson here? Absolutely. Think of a person who has already reached either mundane success or spiritual progress, having previously received all the help, tools and means they needed. Fame and admiration are theirs. Wonderful, right? Now picture an individual who, for the time being, is just a guy (or a "gal") with no outstanding features or characteristics, no special charm, not a lot of money, no great spirituality: a seemingly, truly "nobody". But he (she) has a dream and steadily keeps working towards it. All by himself, little by little, he begins climbing the staircase that will eventually take him to the top. When he finally reaches his goal, his triumph is total. Many may not realize it, may see him as another successful person. But ... he knows! He is aware of the effort it took him to do what he did, to be able to manifest his skills, his capacities and become what he was supposed to be, what he was meant to be: a great painter, scientist, musician, author, athlete, actor, teacher... By following his inner drive, he proudly reached his destination. I, they can do the same... and so can you

Thursday, April 26, 2012

"What" is God?

Today I want to address my reflections to those who feel that there must be, that there "is" something beyond what we see with our eyes, what we experience with our senses. If our mind keeps going back, again and again, to this theme, it means that there must be some truth to it. The definitions of God are galore, as all the different religions "describe" God in a different way. Descriptions? Rather a kind of imaginary symbolic representations, in the effort of getting an idea of His characteristics. I believe that all these definitions and depictions are basically similar, because they all tend to get an understanding of something that cannot be really understood by the human mind. It is a concept that goes beyond the capability of our reasoning. Can you actually imagine or picture infinity or eternity? I have been thinking a lot, and I am still thinking about this topic. (Will I ever stop? Probably not. Who can?) I lovingly "envy" the people who can accept the almost anthropomorphic descriptions of God. I can't. So, in my wondering, I have arrived at this - possibly temporary - conclusion. I imagine (sort of, anyway) an infinite field of energy (yes, hardly conceivable) that creates all the many different "forms" existing in this Universe, and possibly in others, on distinct levels of existence.* This creative force is always there, available for us to establish a stronger connection with it. If we succeed in understanding its laws, we can really become capable of shaping, so to say,  our own lives, because all the elements are always there, all around us, eternally at our disposal. This is how I interpret the meaning of the expression God's love. Prayers, meditation, chanting, rituals etc. are the connection to the Creative Force. Does this make any sense to you? Nevertheless, I know that deeper reflections about the nature of our spirit are needed. Not an easy job, though! I am already working on it.

* Check out "string theory", if you are interested in finding out more.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Reading The Future

From time to time, I happen to wonder if knowing the future would be a good thing. It seems that many people wish to know what their lives are going to be like, so they consult mediums, psychics, clairvoyants, astrologers etc. At this point, I am faced by two questions. One: are these "experts" really able to see actions that will manifest later? Two: would the "seekers" be happy with the predictions? Anyway, admitting that some psychics have such ability, would they tell their clients the truth, even if what they foresee is bad news?  I also wonder if so many individuals have their palms or cards read because they need to be reassured, because they believe they could face their problems with more courage, once they are given confidence by a forecast, no matter how vague? It is probably thus. Human beings, more often than not, need a sort of incentive, need to have someone tell them that everything is going to be all right. In this way, they feel they may be able to avoid challenges, to create an easier life for themselves. But my main question is still there: is knowing the future positive or negative? Here, I give no final answer, as there actually isn't any. I just express my personal opinion. I think that, if I could know what the next days, weeks, months or years have in storage for me, I probably would lose all enthusiasm, I wouldn't strive to be creative, to renew and improve myself. I would feel that everything is already laid down, with no choice of mine. My mind, my will, my endeavor wouldn't really matter. Not a very pleasant perspective, as far as I am concerned. What do you think?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Upheavals And Rebirth

Watching one of the many documentaries about Mayan prophecies regarding 2012, one main point constantly attracts my attention. I am not particularly concerned about the physical upheavals that may or may not occur. Either they do or they don't, they are totally out of our control. But one idea is extremely interesting. Talking about the end of the 26,000 years cycle that has taken the 12 zodiac constellations to complete their "procession" around the sun, we realize that the Mayan people gave the date December 21 of the current year a great meaning. They saw it as a time of change, transformation, rebirth. It makes a lot of sense, because the whole world needs some positive renovation, if we want our civilization to survive. But my opinion is that we do not need to wait for the coming winter solstice to think about our life. Every day, "today" is the time to look for what we can do to transform ourselves (to the extent each of us needs), in order to turn ourselves into the best human beings we can be. We might have floods, earthquakes and tsunami, although we hope these events won't happen -  or at least they wont' be as catastrophic as some inauspicious modern Nostradamus-like "prophets" forecast. But, as much as a change in the present environment  is extremely necessary, - due to the selfish way some powerful "ones" have been (and still are) mistreating nature - the most important change must happen inside of us. It's us who need to be reborn, if we want to save our mind, our spirit, our relationships, our planet. We can all "re-create" ourselves, leaving old negative patterns of thought and behavior behind, and be like the mythical Phoenix who was reborn from her own ashes.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Earth Day

Yesterday "Earth Day" was celebrated worldwide (in more than 175 countries). It all started in 1970. What is it? Although I don't really know a lot about it historically, what I understand from the name is: an event that aims at increasing awareness and appreciation of the Earth natural environment. Big words, aren't they? Let's examine this definition. Increase means to augment, to make greater in size or amount. So, feeling the need to increase something means that there is a lack. Awareness means to have knowledge about a particular topic. Appreciation indicates recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of a person or thing. It also means "gratitude". Natural refers to anything not made by mankind. Finally, environment describes the surrounding or condition in which a person, animal or plant lives and operates. In other words: Nowadays there are still plenty of people who don't realize enough how crucial it is to recognize the critical relevance of the "original" Earth as to our survival. Big Powers deplete many natural resources in order to make money and the Earth, whose main goal is to give us sustenance, becomes weaker and weaker every day. Chemical stuff replaces her natural elements and, when the natural elements are used, they are altered for unethical profits. How long will Nature survive? She certainly has a great power of resilience and recovery, as any strong "being". But even a mighty branch will break if the wind keeps blowing, even a deep well is going to dry up if its water is pulled up non-stop. Something to think about, isn't it?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

One Year, So Many Thoughts!

I've just realized that it's one year since I started this daily blog, posting simple considerations on Positive Thinking. I hope they have been and still are useful to someone. My only aim is to share and feel connected to my fellow human beings. (The opposite of what Julius Caesar used to say, "Divide  and conquer". Let's be grateful that such "philosophy" is long gone!). While I was wondering, I happened to listen to a song. It was an old song but... very significant to me. I was immediately brought back through the years. I felt I was revisiting my whole life. They say that this happens before you exhale your last breath but, if you keep your mind focused, it can happen well before that moment. Seeing yourself in specific moments of your past makes you re-experience the feelings and emotions you had at the time. It is as if you were transported - by a magic wand or by Aladdin's lamp - into a world and a time that do not exist anymore. they? Quantum physicists say that, at a sub-atomic level, time does not exist, that everything is contemporary, it all happens at the same time, while we experience it according to our present choice of observation. It is like reading a novel, page by page, while the whole story is already there.Therefore, remembering the past with a deep feeling, actually proves that scientific theory because you sense that you are living that experience once again, as if it were happening now. Here is another interesting reflection. If this is so, even when you imagine your future, it practically exists for the time you focus on it, because you materialize actions and feelings in your mind. Although you might have a different future - due to your "different", possibly unconscious choices - the time you spend in your fantasy makes you live it. There are so many fascinating ideas to think of, to explore, to dream about, aren't there?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Rome and You

Today, April 21st, Rome - the Eternal City - was "born" in 753BC,  according to the legend you might know about the twins who were adopted by a she-wolf. Every year I punctually remember this date and my mind goes back to the ancient civilizations, empires, super-powers of the past eras. They all rose to the top, stayed there for a while, then fell. Pharaohs reigned, Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar conquered. They were the strongest, the mightiest of the whole world and.... their empires crumbled down and faded away. New powers appeared, stayed and...went. Can this reflection teach us, teach you something more "personal"? I believe it can. The lesson is about what not to do. You, too, grow, become successful, achieve your goals but, beware, you can also "fall". You may not lose your gains but you may lose your peace of mind, your integrity, your spiritual freedom. What to do? Stay focused, avoid selfishness, don't let yourself get stuck in a rut, keep moving, keep learning, endeavor to maintain your goals beneficial to yourself as well as to others. Remember: the ancient empires collapsed because their habits and behaviors degenerated. And it might happen again, even in our own days. But you, I, they, we can all avoid making the same mistake. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

"Snow White", New Edition

The new movie about the old Snow White tale sees a lot of changes indeed. The traditional Brothers Grimm's characters are all there, but portrayed differently. The wicked Queen, in particular, is still wicked, but with a fantastic sense of humor. I found it interesting that the story is told by the Queen's perspective, which brings back a recurring idea to my mind, i.e. how the same situation appears under another light, if observed from a different point of view. You may not agree, but... it is so. Therefore, when you keep believing that your opinion is "always" the correct one, remember that so does your counterpart.
This said, now... here is a joke: A little boy  accompanies his father to see a lawyer for a dispute he is having with a neighbor. The father tells his reasons and the lawyer says, "You're right". Then the neighbor tells his reasons, and the lawyer says, "You're right". The little boy jumps up, exclaiming, "How can they both be right?" And the lawyer says, "You, too, are right"!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Symbolic Painting

When I was in Maui (Hawaii), I bought this wonderful painting. I saw it in an art gallery and I felt an immediate attraction towards it. I knew that I had to have it. At the time, I simply liked it. Later, it provided me material for reflection. When it was delivered, I hanged it on the wall and started really looking at it. I realized that, at least for me, this image had a secret meaning, a hidden wisdom that I could discover if I tried. The appearance is clear enough. The upwards hands across the chest, the other hands descending from above to hold and protect, the rays of life which, generated from the midsection, create a sort of wrapping, a shell, a kind of protective fold around the beautiful figure. My considerations brought me to see this image as a representation, a symbol of life. Human existence starts from the womb - in a physical way -  and energetic confidence establishes a connection with the above. What is the "above"? Whatever you believe it is. It is something that you cannot identify materially, you cannot even describe with words. You just feel its presence, you unconsciously "know" that there is a sort of power to which you are connected in some way. These three forces, matter (the womb), energy (the crossed hands) and spirit (the hands from above) create a WHOLE that makes a peaceful existence possible on Earth (beautiful, serene face). Finally, the closed eyes show total acceptance and trust, the ultimate elements of creation.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I have noticed that the new leaves are starting to appear on trees. We are heading towards the end of April but, due to the weather conditions here, spring arrives quite late. In other countries March, or even February, are usually the months when nature wakes up. Although in the same hemisphere, different places experience different manifestation of the nature cycles because their speed is not the same. Their pace can differ greatly. Warmer or colder, dry or wet climate, create distinct environments. But, in spite of all this, nature comes out from its winter slumber, flowers bloom, crops ripe. The same happens to human beings. According to where they live, to their environment, family situation, intellectual, physical, or material conditions, they grow at different speed from a spiritual point of view. Nevertheless, if they are motivated and make the effort, they will all reach the same point, they will all cut the arrival line. If they want, they can all be winners. And what victory is greater than becoming a better person? If you, too, do this, you can become the someone you secretly want to be. And, then, you will "really" be proud of yourself.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Building A Dream

Ask yourself: "What do I do when I want to achieve a goal?". Your answer will probably be: "I start working towards it". Good. Unfortunately, working, doing is not enough. Why? Because it would be like starting to  build a house without having first constructed strong foundations. Action without a suitable preparation will not achieve the best result possible.What are these foundations? First of all, you must have a perfectly clear goal in your mind. Many times people want to achieve a certain outcome without knowing "exactly" what it is. "I want to be successful", "I want to earn more money", "I want to improve my appearance". These wishes are vague, you must be more specific. If you want to buy a new home, you need to know the size, the location, the price, the style. You don't just start going around, hoping to find what you are looking for. Another important element is motivation: your goal must be important to you because only in this way will you be able to find the energy and the resources to carry it out. Commitment is another element for success, because without application and dedication you won't go too far. If you don't continue steadily, your energy will decrease at a faster rate. And finally, you need to trust, to have faith in the positive outcome of your endeavor, because you believe that it is good, useful (to you and possibly to others) and that you deserve it. Okay. Now you can go and... reach for the stars!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Poirot's Wisdom

I wonder if you know Hercule Poirot, Agatha Christie's mustached Belgian investigator, an incredible, funny, yet ingenious character, who advocates the power of brain over anything else in solving mysteries. So, a literary chap who more often than not proves to have brilliant intuition. Once, having been challenged to solve a case by staying home, only thinking,  he cheerfully accepted and said: "One must seek the truth from within:". Such wisdom in a cute, little, conceited private eye! But he was right. He solved the mystery only using his brain cells and we can start reflecting about the truth of his statement. Maybe it does not necessarily work in police investigations (unless you have a Poirot at your disposal!) but it does work in your inner life, the unknown sea of knowledge that exists in each of us right below the conscious level. What do those words practically mean? How can you detect the truth from within yourself? I admit that it's not that easy. But it's absolutely NOT impossible. Here, rather than thinking, you need the desire to find it out, you need commitment to your endeavor, and then.... Just "listen". To what? To that little voice called intuition. You have it (everybody does) but most of the time you are unaware of it because you don't take the time to keep silent, to relax and just "be". Don't worry about your problems, don't make a shopping list, don't start planning. Don't do anything. Only keep clear in your mind the question you need to be answered, and then... Listen! It is a sort of feeling that rises up to your consciousness and... you will know! It might take a little while but, if you are patient and persistent, you won't fail to get what you want to know. Why? Because the truth is within.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Risky Games....For What?

I have recently read an article about dangerous "games" that teenagers play to prove....what? That they are brave? Capable? Stronger than others? Indestructible? Let's see. They have competitions about swallowing a big quantity of ground cinnamon without water, asphyxiating themselves, putting icy water and salt on their skin, drinking a huge amount of whole milk in a short time, stuffing their mouths with marshmallows, risking suffocation. It seems that kids like dangerous stuff because they believe that, by putting themselves in risky situations, they will prove their courage, so they will feel proud of themselves. They will show their peers that they are "somebody", not shy little nerds. Wow. And I thought that it was enough to behave properly, to study well or work honestly, to exercise your body in the proper way to show the world that you are a decent person, even a respectable one. Doing what you are supposed to do according to your age should be sufficient to make you feel proud of yourself. Having courage means to be able to face danger or pain when they show up in your life due to outside circumstances. And they will show up, in due time, be sure of that. So... why choose to risk your life voluntarily for something that is totally useless, that not only does not benefit either yourself or others, but it endangers your life in the silliest  of ways?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Your "Image"

I enjoy looking at people who are well dressed, whatever fashion they follow. They look nice, they are a pleasure to the eyes. Now, what do you think about the way you present yourself to the world? Do you believe that the image you are projecting is the best yourself? Could it be improved? If your answer is "yes", what could be done? Some people have the skill, the ability to instinctively know what suits them and what doesn't. Some don't. Yes, today we are talking about your physical appearance. So... take a good look at yourself. Go to the mirror and observe. Is your hair in good condition? Decent haircut and grooming? What about your clothes? Are they simple but elegant or are they sloppy? Do they show that you care or do they show that your image is the last thing in your mind? When you don't take care of the way you portray yourself, you are limiting your options for success. And, of course, along with your physical appearance, you have to add attitude and, believe it or not, body language. Not only the way you dress, but also the way you present yourself and deal with the others has an impact upon the opinion people form of you, and it makes them decide what to think about you. In conclusion, is it - or is it not - worthwhile to take care of your visual aspect?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Without a trace

Every now and then you feel you are so good and would like to help every needy person. You see the misery, the suffering, the wars that are afflicting the world and feel a flow of love and compassion spring out of your heart. You want to run out and give your help, your love to all. Then you change the channel and everything is forgotten. It exists neither in your mind nor in your heart any more. Gone without a trace.

Life vs. Mind

I often wondered about (and worried upon!) the real meaning of life. I endeavored - very hard indeed - to find an explanation to why we are REALLY here and what we are supposed to do to fulfill our "mission". Then I happened to read the words of   the Spanish-American philosopher and poet Santayana: "Man is not made to understand life, but to live it". WOW! That's interesting! Does this mean that I can stop worrying? Is it enough for me to do what I believe I should do, try to be the best I can... and then just relax? What a relief! But I can't help wondering (here I go again!) if it's that easy to just live without any other philosophical concern. Worth trying, though.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Is It All A Dream?

Have you ever wondered how much of what you believe is true and how much is not-true? (Not false, just not true. I see a difference, here) As human beings we simply need to have certainties in our lives and we might wonder if what we have believed for a long time is actually a reality or if it's just the fruit of our imagination, the result of our wanting to believe. As a consequence, we might wonder if what we do has a real meaning or it is just an illusion. Physicists are telling us that the entire Universe can be considered as a dream, created by our choice to observe it. Therefore it can be considered as a creation of thought. Quantum physics is the science of possibilities (as it has been defined) which tells us that REALITY is not real at all, it's just an undifferentiated ocean of energy where nothing is stable, where nothing has a shape, where nothing has a mass (=substance), where even space and time do not exist. I apologize if some find this topic boring or useless. For me it is almost a matter of life or death, from a psychological (as well as spiritual) point of view, because knowing is a necessity of the spirit. Socrates said that he only knew that he knew nothing. Should this be comforting or depressing? In spite of all our studies, our progress etc., what do we know for certain? You might say that we know that we see images on TV, that we speak to far away people on the phone, that we get light by pressing a switch, that we drive a car. Fine. But... do we understand what is this all about? How important is all this for our deepest needs? Unless you believe that this material life is all you have, you cannot be satisfied with the answers given so far.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Self-inflicted Blindness

In a fictitious world very similar to our own (we might even think it is the same!), a strange thing happens. Some people, all of a sudden, go totally blind. There is no explanation, their is no cure for this weird, tragic happening. Finally someone understands what is going on: several individuals don't care about others, they don't want to see the wrong that surrounds them as long as they are okay. They feel no connection to their fellow human beings, they don't want to get involved, they are indifferent to what does not interest them directly. They can easily find excuses to their carelessness blaming it on their jobs ("I had to do it"), on their personal situation ("It's none of my business"), on their inexperience in the field ("I know nothing about it")etc. So this disease is created which reflects their deepest, unrecognized feelings  of guilt and becomes a sort of self-inflicted punishment. In our society there are three clearly divided kinds of people. Those who are totally involved in a so-called good cause, those who are not directly involved but are interested in knowing what is going on, and finally those who couldn't care less. They don't want to know because they say: "What could I do? It doesn't really concern me." Well... What is my position here? I wonder. What is yours? Do you care to find out?

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Lightweight Reflection

In the past I have already posed the question about whether is art objective, therefore universal, or is it subjected to personal judgement, and therefore subjective. I tend to believe the latter because not every so-called masterpiece is appreciated by all to the same extent. I am thinking about a couple of books that are celebrated  as being among the greatest of world literature. But certainly not by me. I found them boring, extremely verbose, prolix, full of... too much of whatever their subject was. It seems to me that their authors were trying to put into their work everything they knew - was it science, or philosophy, or psychology, or history... - in order to impress the readers. I believe that writing with too many (often unnecessary) words becomes tedious, no matter how much literary critics exalt the authors' writing skills. Anyway, every individual has their own taste, to which they are entitled. No one is "wrong", they are all "right". I have a  friend I have a lot of opinions and ideas in common with, except for films. If he says that he loved a certain movie and encourages me to see it, I usually don't like it. And the other way around. Sometimes this kind of differences might be a little frustrating, especially when you are eager to share something that you greatly enjoyed, but you don't perceive the same enthusiasm in the recipient of your advice. But... let's look at the positive side. An Italian saying says "The world is beautiful because it is varied." True. If we all liked the same dull!!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Too Late

Do you have regrets? If you do, what are you regretting the most, so far, and what are you planning to achieve or change before the end of your life?

As read in "The Guardian", a nurse - while assisting patients in their last moments- realized that these are the top five regrets they expressed:

1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life that others expected of me.
2. I wish I hadn't worked too hard.
3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

Are you willing to examine what your position is in regard to each of the above five points? You might get a useful insight about what is happening in your own life. I have always felt, and therefore believed, that the saddest thing for a human being is becoming aware, before exhaling the last breath, of all the opportunities missed to do good, to be content and appreciative, to enjoy it all.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

New Kinds Of Power

I have recently re-read several historical novels. Old stuff, mainly about ancient Egyptians and Romans. It's not surprising that the main topic, beside the actual "story", was the wild, unbridled desire for power through conquest. Each higher and lower leader dreamed of becoming a conqueror like Ramses II or Julius Caesar. Winning over other countries, adding new territories to their homeland... this is all that was in their minds and they strove towards this goal, often till death. What is in the mind of some of today's men (and some women, too)? It's still power - the magical word - although achieved in different ways. Now they don't go charging with a sword, bringing back slaves in chains. Times have changed but the desire is still there. Power today mainly means winning an election, leading a multinational, acquiring fame and wealth. Power, nowadays, is achieved through oftentimes sneaky maneuvering on the political scene, through sly business on the economic world, through racy, not rarely offensive performances on stage or on the screen. Yes, in the modern world also performers such as actors, singers and reality-so-called-stars have power because they can (and do) influence young people in particular with the way they present themselves. When they achieve their goal, politicians, businessmen and performers bring back - and can count on - not real "slaves", but devoted partisans, obsequious collaborators, passionate fans. It seems that human beings cannot avoid craving control in general, even in their family, over friends, co-workers etc. It is an innate characteristic of ours that, as usual, can be used either for the good or for the "less" good!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Your Improved Self

A makeup artist, after having made a lady up and taught her a few beauty tricks, said (referring to her skin): "Now, from dry and dull you have gone to creamy and dreamy." I really like this statement. Why? I don't actually know. It just sounds right. I have to think about it for a moment. Okay.The lady's face was dull, her skin was dry, it was evident she was not taking good care of herself. After learning how to deal with these flaws (also nature can be a bit "less than perfect"), after accepting the idea that, with some awareness of the situation and a little effort, she could enhance her natural beauty, she acquired a new self-confidence, she presented the world a better image of herself. I know that some will disagree, they will say that the natural characteristics shouldn't be modified in the slightest, that makeup tends to alter the real person. I dissent. In this enhancing, in this helping nature's gifts to shine brighter, I see a parallel with our own self. If you are a negative person, often angry, resentful, judgmental etc., wouldn't you like to correct these traits of yours and become a happier human being? You want to be liked more and feel better with an improved image of yourself. And so does the lady who wants to show a more polished, more attractive version of herself. And - mind you - both the lady and you will actually feel better about yourselves and consequently irradiate this new perception all around you. In this way also the outside world will perceive you as you perceive yourselves.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

P.T. and TV

You might wonder why I often use (and will keep using) TV, and sometime movie, "stuff" for my blog. You may also wonder what such topics have to do with Positive Thinking. Well, there is a very good reason. Let's see. Some positive thinkers only speak and /or write about P.T. abstract, theoretical principles. Others focus more on the application of such principles in everyday life. I have been, and still am, following this second path in the books I write and in the workshops I give. But here, in this blog, I have chosen to concentrate non only on personal life and problems, but also on society, i.e. the  impact our present social environment has on our lives. And all the questions I ask have the primary aim of encouraging you to think and discover how you deal with such "stuff". Positive Thinking is an excellent tool in order to find the most suitable answers. Being positive does not mean to be naive, even gullible, all-accepting or un-discriminating. On the contrary, it makes you more alert, aware, capable of clearly seeing the difference between what is smart to accept and what is not. Your eye is sharper, your mind is quicker and you grasp the truth, the reality behind the appearance. You are able to understand the meaning that goes beyond the superficial perception. Positive Thinking can be used in every part of your daily life, from the way you see yourself in the mirror while brushing your teeth in the morning till the moment you go to sleep. In between, you use it in your usual dealings with family, friends, co-workers, clients, bosses. It can also be useful in choosing the (TV/movie) shows you watch, the books you read, the kind of entertainment you choose. Does this make any sense to you? I hope it does. It makes a lot of sense to me, because I know it works.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Viva el "advertising"!

A cynic is someone who believes that people are motivated by self-interest, who is distrusting of human sincerity and integrity. A terrible doubt is now worrying me: Have I become cynical? Have I become suspicious? Am I an "unbeliever"? Sigh. I think I have, although it's absolutely not my nature. But my cynicism is only restricted to TV commercials, thank heaven! I still love and trust my human fellows. But I have totally stopped believing what they present on television. Although I don't watch a lot of TV, I can't avoid seeing things that compel me to think and, consequently, I feel the need to express the results of my mental "wanderings". So, here is the thing. I have stopped believing in all the ads that are inexorably broadcast every few minutes. I see only a stage (it actually is, isn't it?), where paid people tell you what to do, accept, believe in but, most of all, what you must buy! I am not convinced at all of the sincerity and truthfulness of  those eternally smiling faces, of those white-teethed mouths that glorify not so much the "goodness" of a product (as they used to, and as it reasonably should be), but just try to fill your mind with the incredible amount of money you are going to save, with double offers, free shipping, free gifts and huge discounts. I would like to know if there are people who are still lured by these fantastic promises (and who actually call within the next ten minutes to get an even better offer!!!). Yes, I think there are still lots of trusting human beings who keep on listening and ... buying. Otherwise, how could the advertisers afford to pay so much for their ads?
P.S. I would love to know where the readers of this blog reside. These are the countries I could find out: USA-Canada-Argentina-India-Bangladesh-Saudi Arabia-Italy-Australia-England-Estonia-Philippines.
*If I overlooked any country (the map I have is very small), please let me know. Thank you, I appreciate it. :o) 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dislike At First Sight

Totally by chance, I happened to hear a brief part of a conversation between two young college students, who were laughing and joking in the friendliest way. At a certain point the boy says: "I know, you used to hate me." The girl answers: "I didn't hate you. I don't hate anybody. I just didn't like you." This simple exchange of words had for me an interesting meaning, good food for my usual reflections. I won't spend any time on such a big word as hate. I don't even include it in my vocabulary. But the rest is worth discussing. First of all, a question. Would you care to remember a situation where you met someone new, let's say a new co-worker, and you didn't like him (or her) at first sight? Maybe there was something in the expression of his face or in his attitude that you did not find pleasant (stuck up? pretentious? too friendly? not friendly enough? keen on impressing you? talked too much? talked too little?). It could have even been the way he was dressed, clothes that you did not find appealing or appropriate. It's quite natural to judge a person at first sight, it's a human trait, although certainly not the best one. At this point you had two possibilities: one, keep your distance, avoid him as much as possible, continue maintaining your labeling. A second possibility could have been giving your co-worker (or whomever) the opportunity to show you who he actually was. Listening to a person, giving them your attention, trying to understand who they truly are, where they are coming from, what their ideas and dreams are, might make you realize that your first impression was wrong. You could even become friends. Which is the path do you usually prefer to take?

Monday, April 2, 2012

Reality Shows

Is being yourself (or pretending to be, which is more likely, in my opinion!) a talent? Talent means skill, that is the particular ability to do something. Since reality shows have started being popular, quite a few years a go, if I remember right, I have often wondered what they actually were. I was not interested in watching, but I was curious to know what they were about. I was told that you just watch people, famous or not so famous, while they are going around living their lives. So? I asked. Why do people need to watch other people doing the things that they, too, do? It's not a show where you follow a story, or listen to music, or have fun with jokes. It seems to me that there is nothing interesting. On, the contrary, I was told by "followers", people like to see how others  live, especially if they are reasonably well known. All right. Then I also realized that some of these stars have acquired fame and wealth for just being in the show. I remember asking about a certain lady whose face and name I was seeing everywhere...on the Internet news, on magazine covers etc. I thought she was a singer or an actress. No, I was informed, she is a reality show star. And what does she do? I asked. Nothing, was the answer. She is just in the show. Cool, I thought, that's an easy way to become rich and famous. Another facet of today's society.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


A surreal story with lots of truth in it: A woman is living a good fulfilling life: she is a university professor, she has a loving fiance and is getting married soon. After she is seemingly "almost" hit by a car, she starts getting strange visions, people who know her but whom she does not recognize, a mysterious bus that appears out of nowhere, clearly showing to be waiting for her to get aboard. She refuses to go, till she realizes that she is actually dead and the perfect life she saw herself living was the life she could have had - had she made different choices. Wow! Isn't that interesting? She had been afraid of daring, she had never had self-confidence. She had wanted to be a professor but she remained in her waitress position. She was in love with a neighbor, but she never had the courage to show him friendliness.... She never believed that she deserved to be happy, that she could actually be happy, that she was able to make the right choices and carry them out. Isn't this the same situation of many fellow human beings? How many believe they can and  so they "do", and how many believe they cannot and therefore never achieve their dreams? Remember the famous quote "Whether you think you can or you think you cannot, you are right".