Thursday, March 29, 2012

Worrisome Situation

2012 prophecies or not, no one can deny that NOW it is time of great changes at all levels. A lot of stuff is going on in politics, economy, science, technology, natural disasters etc. Yet part of our society is still living in a world that seems rooted in the least educational - often dangerous, actually - types of "interests". To give an example, I checked the movies that are presently shown in theaters and this is what I found. Beside one romantic movie and two movies for children, here is the description of the others being shown. (I won't mention the titles but I copied the descriptions given on the website exactly). Most of them are rated R.
1. Language and strong violence throughout
2. Crude and sexual content, nudity, drugs, drinking, pervasive language, reckless behavior and mayhem - all involving teens
3. Intense violent  thematic material and disturbing images - all involving teens
4. Drug material.
5. Crude and sexual content, pervasive language, violence and teen drinking
6. Sexual situations, language, dialogue and drug-related humor
7. Strong violence, including some torture, language
Do you think that with this kind of entertainment (including similar topics on TV, books, magazines, videos and video games) the young generation is receiving a good education? And do you think that also the older generation is encouraged to walk into a better, more serene future?

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