Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spiritual Botox

When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see? You see yourself. You see your face, your hair, your features, possibly your body. So what? Seeing yourself in the mirror is a normal action that you perform every day when you shave or when you apply your make up. You don't think twice about what you see. You are used to your appearance and you don't identify the changes that take place regularly and consistently. You realize that you have changed only when you see some old pictures of yourself, or when you discover a new line (wrinkle? what an ugly word!) on your skin. But you don't perceive the actual transformation while it is happening. It's like looking at the hands of a clock. You know that they are moving, you see that they have shifted, but you are unable to discern the instant they move. Where does this apparently idle reasoning bring us? Simply to the consciousness that, either you are aware or you are not, you change, and keep on changing. There is no way to stop the transformation, as there is no way to stop time. Why is this awareness important? It is important not so much as to your physical appearance (for which you have miracle creams and Botox). But it is extremely important for your inner self, for your mental, psychological and spiritual state. While time is passing, taking you along, your moving through life should become a series of conscious steps towards your ultimate goal. Once you re-create your life following the right path, you can face the finish line with serenity and joyous expectation.

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