Friday, June 15, 2012

Full Recovery

Yesterday morning I was pleasantly relaxing in my swimming pool, when I happened to see a little wasp lying down - belly up - in a puddle of water on the surrounding tiles. "Poor thing", I thought, "it must have drowned". But soon after I saw a movement. Its tiny legs started quivering, then the whole body was strongly trying to pull itself up and turn around to regain balance. It seemed it would never succeed until, finally, the little wasp was able to upturn itself. "Wonderful", I thought," now it's safe". I left my observation point and went for a swim but, when I looked again, the insect was still there, standing in the water, totally still. I grew worried. "Is it really okay or isn't it?", I wondered. Maybe the effort had totally depleted it of all the strength necessary to fully recover. I went for another lap and, when I got back (by now I had really grown interested in the little wasp's destiny) I found that... it was not there any more! Yey! It had evidently regained its strength and flown away. Isn't this a story that wonderfully represents how life works? I witnessed the fall, the apparent death, the slow and rather difficult recovery, the temporary inaction and....back to full activity once again. What do you do when you are compelled to face a very difficult situation? At first to tend to give in to despair, you feel you will never be able to recover from the terrible blow that has thrown you down on the carpet and that seems to be keeping you there ... forever. But it doesn't. If you believe you can get up, you will. It might take an effort, even a great effort, but you can do it, provided you find enough motivation to try. Then you need some quiet time to "rebuild" you confidence, to deeply examine yourself and discover all the assets you still have, in order to start all over again. All you need is the awareness that nothing is ever lost. As a human being, you have been granted all the tools you need to face the situation that YOU are being challenged by. Have you ever wondered why "you" and "another" are facing different situations? Because you have the tools to face yours, they have the tools to face theirs.

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