Friday, June 8, 2012

Do It or Don’t Do It?

Still on the subject of dreams.
Last night I had a strange dream. I was in a situation where I had to make a decision, crucial to my life, but I didn't know what to do. I asked a trusted friend for advice but she bluntly said that she couldn't help me. I kept debating my options for some time (Yes or No? Do it or don't do it?), trying to see the pros and cons in each. Finally, I decided not to do it. I realized that my heart was not totally in the "yes" choice, therefore I thought it wasn't worth taking the chance of getting a very doubtful result. Was my decision the correct one? Or was it wrong? Author O.W. Holmes wrote, "When in doubt, do it." On the other hand, Benjamin Franklin said: "When in doubt, don't do it". Which one rings more true to your ears? I am inclined to prefer the latter but, on second thought, also the former might be acceptable. I, personally, tend to believe that, when a choice is the best one for you, you know it. At a gut level you feel that it is really what you want to do. Thinking about it gives you a deeper contentment, as if your spirit knew what will be most beneficial to you. But know I am led to consider also the other possibility. Yes, sometimes you might need to decide to "do it" even if you are doubtful, because daring could make you overcome your fears and show you your real potential. As usual, the choice should be well thought over, reflection and honesty are needed. If you are a skilled mountain climber and wish to go up Mount Everest but you are afraid of the difficulties, you might need a clear view of your skills and, if you believe you are good enough, you should "dare". On the other hand, if you are debating about marrying someone but you are not really convinced about cohabitation and total sharing, it might be better to avoid making a choice that - at a gut level - you feel is already doomed.

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