Wednesday, December 31, 2014


You often see yourself as a bird in a cage, don't you? You feel like a prisoner, you feel you cannot "fly". But it is just your impression, an impression created by all the conditioning you have received since birth. You need to forget it and try to spread your wings. If you find the courage and do it, you will realize that the cage you thought you were kept in is imaginary. This means that, if you endeavor to act more boldly, to do a little more, to do it better, to experience new things, to improve something in yourself, you will see how your "potential" is much greater that you believed it to be.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Age of "Expertise"

It is probable that in history people have never talked as much as they do today. They have an unstoppable need to express their opinions, even if they are not original at all; they have the impelling need to rebut what someone else is saying, even if they do not have enough knowledge. Everyone seems anxious to convince another, to prove his/her point at all costs. There must be discussions on every subject, on each piece of daily news, it doesn’t matter if it is important or petty. Most individuals are happy with just talking, without actually saying anything of value. All fields are touched in “educational” programs, debates, talk-shows. Everyone must express their opinion on social situations, religions, politics, it doesn’t matter how superficial their knowledge might be. Everyone feels an “expert”. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

An Iron Ball

Many consider the past as an essential part of their existence and keep referring to it, often modeling their present behavior on it, without realizing that today’s situations are different. Others use the past to diminish the importance of the present, regretting the good old days, thus overlooking what Life is offering them right now. Looking back can be useful if it makes you aware of the obstacles you overtook and of the lessons you learned. It is helpful if it encourages you to move forward and make use of such lessons. But it can be as harmful as an iron ball tied to your ankle if it prevents you from proceeding boldly on your path, if it smothers your joyous expectations. Being stuck to the past destroys all hope for the future and neutralizes the experience of the present.

Friday, December 26, 2014

A Journey

In spite of the fact that everybody seems in a hurry to reach a destination, they often end up forgetting where they are going. Imagine an individual who starts driving with the firm intention of arriving at a certain place as soon as possible. He is looking forward to reaching his (or her) objective, is full of enthusiasm and good will. He doesn’t want to waste time. Then, while driving, he sees a lovely green spot near a creek, so he decides to stop and get some fresh air (“It’s hot today”, he says), eventually lying down and taking a nap. “I have still plenty of time”, he says. Later, he resumes his driving and goes on a for a while, till he sees a motorway cafĂ© and decides to stop again and have a cup of coffee. “It will make me more alert”, he says. Lunch follows, the news on TV, a chat with another patron. The arrival at destination gets further and further. “I’ll resume my trip tomorrow”, he says, deciding to stay overnight. The “motorway” of success is also strewn with alluring parking places. Do you have the above attitude when you start a new project? Enthusiasm at first, then slowdown, finally inertia?

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

An Impatient World

Latin poet Ovid wrote that everything takes place gradually and at the right time. Nevertheless, impatience is an undeniable human characteristic, especially nowadays. No-one seems willing to wait in order to obtain something they want, no-one accepts to work long enough to reach a certain goal, no-one wants to postpone till tomorrow what – according to logic - is not possible to do or have today. Everybody is in a hurry, preferably driving instead of walking, eating “fast” food, talking non-stop etc. It is a lifestyle that is supposed to be more productive, more efficient because it allows people to do more things in a shorter time. But… what “things”? Such mentality seems to rather lead towards a forgetfulness of the truly important purposes. Awaiting the “right time” has become obsolete.

Monday, December 22, 2014

A Real Problem

Those who cannot detach themselves form the past have  a problem. By remaining anchored to what “has been”, they do not experience what “is”, often living in the fear of what “will be”. Keeping on remembering the good old days, the loved one who abandoned them, the lost job, the fading youth and beauty, the nest left empty by the children etc., some human beings end up by not living their lives. Without realizing it, they deny what good the present moment can offer, lost as they are in useless - sometimes even dangerous and harmful - memories. Yes, some memories can be dangerous and harmful because they deprive the individual of his/her capacity to cope with the present moment, with the situation they are living in. And the present moment, the situation they are living in is the only thing they need to take care of, because it is their “actual” life.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

A Brick Wall

If you don't like someone's ideas or opinions, instead of getting upset, rebut or even attack, simply don't listen to what they say, don't read what they write. It is as simple as that. Sometimes ignoring is better that facing and challenging. Should this be considered a coward attitude? Absolutely not. It is wise instead. Banging your head against a brick wall will hurt your head while leaving the wall totally intact. Besides, everyone has the right to their own opinions, even when they are the opposite of yours.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

It's Up To You

Can life be considered a "game", a "play"? Well, didn't Shakespeare write that life is a stage and we all play a part upon it? Someone else declared that life is like a movie of which we are the script writer, the director and the  protagonist. So, in definitive, it's up to each of us, and therefore to you, too, to decide what we want to write in the plot, how to direct it and how to act it out. It's a great responsibility, isn't it? How aware are you of the power you have in your hands? Do you believe that it is really up to you to determine how your life is going to be carried out? If you do, never forget that, in any case, you also own the best tool that can help you in this great undertaking: It's the magic word "attitude", which has the power to transform feelings about what is happening, about setbacks and disappointments.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


When you think about your life, about what you did and said, it is natural for you to find some things that you don't like, that you regret, that you wish you could erase. But, as you well know, this is impossible. It is therefore advisable to stop looking back. Stop recriminating, stop re-creating turmoil, re-experiencing guilt or resentment for something that has been and is no more. Yes, the past is "no more". Therefore the only thing you can do, now, is to accept what has been, what "you" have been. Make amends if you can, forgive you must and then... move on. The past does not exist, only the present is real.

Sunday, December 14, 2014


A Facebook friend posted this quote: "No pressure... no diamonds". I like it. These words, if pondered upon, could be of great help in challenging times. You can in fact use the stress weighing on your shoulders to build muscles, to make yourself stronger, to create new ways to overcome hardships. When setbacks and obstacles cannot be avoided, the best way out is to face them, address them and... overcome them. At this point, you will find your own diamonds, you'll be a "winner"!

Friday, December 12, 2014

A Story

"1984", written by English author George Orwell in 1949, is a story that could be easily taken as an example of mankind at large.
The characters are:
1. The "boss" (Big Brother) that can be identified in different manifestations (political, religious, social etc.). '
2. The "intelligentsia" (intellectuals and creative people). 
3. The "populace" (the common people), a herd of sheep-like individuals who live an unexamined life, totally indoctrinated by whatever creed. 
Big Brother rules over everybody. The intelligentsia make everything function but they are controlled and spied upon because they can be dangerous (they can "think"!). The mass is left alone because it is harmless and limits itself to survive. 
Not an encouraging picture, is it? Nevertheless, it seems a lot like our world.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Believing and Being

You often heard about how important it is to believe in yourself, to trust yourself, to be convinced of your own capabilities. At this point in your life, you are sure you trust and believe in yourself, you are convinced of your own capabilities. Excellent. Now ask yourself: “Has my life actually changed because of this conviction of mine?”. Check out if your attitude towards your daily challenges has improved, if you are more dependable and responsible. The final test: Do you feel a “winner”?

Monday, December 8, 2014

Bleak Times

Thinking about your past, you might discover that, in certain periods, nothing "good" was happening in your life. It seems that you were faced by one challenge after another, in front of which you felt powerless. If you reflect deeply, and examine your secret convictions, you may realize that, in those times, you unconsciously believed that your only duty was to "give", and never "receive". Is it possible that you felt unworthy of a greater good? Undeserving? Were you used to always put others before yourself? And - here is the key-point - did all this appear "fair" to you? If those were the "cards" you have been playing, it's now time to shuffle the deck a bit more seriously and... consciously.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Free Choice?

Although you have the freedom to make choices, there are certain situations where - while you believe that the choice you are making is truly free - you are actually "led" there. In fact, there is sometimes a mysterious factor that, without your knowledge, creates an unavoidable feeling in your deep self that deviously makes any other choice impossible. You might have had this experience: you liked something (or loved someone), then your feelings changed. Eventually such feelings seem to be "resuscitated". Consequently, you make the "free" choice to pursue what you now think you definitely like or be with the person you now sincerely think you love. It might be so... or it might not. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

That Little "Something"

An old Italian saying says, "A man's worth is measured by how much he knows". Is it true? Not really. Or at least, not completely. The value of a man (or of a woman) is neither determined by how much he owns or by how much he knows. To "own" stuff, whatever it is (culture included) is certainly desirable - and there is nothing wrong with it - but it is not sufficient. What is truly indispensable is that little "something" that makes you be who you are, that makes you behave the way you do. What is it? Just your motivations, your principles, your ethics. The way you treat others (and yourself), the way you face challenges, the way you perceive life - and act accordingly - is your real value as a human being. And this also determines how you will be remembered.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


If, as they say, Life is a school, ask yourself these questions:

1. What is there for me to learn?

2. What should I learn?

3. What am I learning?

4. Am I actually learning anything?

Sunday, November 30, 2014

A Strong Need

You like to tell others what they should do, don’t you? When you see something done in a way that, according to you, is not correct, you feel the need (= the duty as well as the right!) to correct them as a good teacher would do. But… are you really a “good teacher”? You cannot be totally sure that what you tell your co-workers, friends, relatives or children is always right, is always the best way – according to the situation or circumstance. You think you are right because, deep inside, you believe you know more and better. Maybe you do. But, instead of giving orders or instructions, limit yourself to offer encouragement and, possibly, a tiny piece of advice, but “only” if requested.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Tree and Shadow

Lincoln said that character is like a tree and reputation is like its shadow. The shadow is what you might think to be true while the tree is the reality. Do you give too great an importance to what others think of you? Are you afraid of being criticized and, therefore, try to adapt your ideas and behavior to the “flow”? But the opinion of others about you has nothing to do with what you really are. Your true essence is personal, original, free and independent from anybody’s opinion. You are “the tree”. Don’t allow your branches to be identified with the shadow they cast on the ground.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


The "word" seems to be the new obsession. You see people talking or writing (=texting) all the time, everywhere (yes, even while driving!). What is so important that cannot wait, that needs to be communicated non-stop? Shouldn't communication involve something that is either an interesting news, beneficial information, or that has a useful goal?
Here is a little dialogue narrated by A. de Mello.
Pupil (excited): "Master, you must hear what I've just heard at the market."
Master (calmly): "Is it something interesting, useful or funny?"
Pupil (reflecting): "Not really."
Master (smiling): "So, why should I listen?"

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

"Illogical" Question

Still wondering about why human beings are bound to face all kinds of suffering throughout their lives, I happened to enter a website where I read an article written by a well known theologian. I also took the time to read the almost two hundred comments, hoping to find a sensible answer. Unfortunately, I didn't. So many words were written, so many hypothesis were suggested, so many "explanations" were given (from all different perspectives: religious, spiritual, agnostic, atheistic). But none of them was able to actually give a sensible (= logical) answer to the question. Therefore... does it mean that - really - there is no answer? But, if there cannot be an answer, why is there the question in the first place? "Logically", there shouldn't be.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Is Ignorance Bliss?

The largest group of human beings includes those who do neither good nor bad. They do not behave "badly", they simply act in an indolent way. They try to avoid getting tired with too much action or too much thinking. They are contented to live their lives without ever wondering about how their dear ones feel, about taking care of someone else’s needs, without feeling the desire to learn more, to do more, to improve themselves, to be helpful to others.  What about you? Are you among those who don’t "truly" care? It’s the attitude of most. Doesn’t the old saying say that ignorance is bliss? "Knowing", in fact, implies responsibilities.

Friday, November 21, 2014

A Counterbalance

Fortunately there have been in the past, and there are now, individuals whose wish in life is to be of service to their fellow humans. They dedicate their whole existence to helping others in any way that is suitable to their situation, condition and capability. Great benefactors, volunteers, teachers, doctors… people who have the deep desire to use their skills exclusively to help those who may benefit from them. Their existence is selfless, they dedicate all their strength, knowledge and capabilities in favor of others, often forgetting their own needs. Let us be grateful for the fact that they exist because they counterbalance all the selfishness, cruelty, ugliness that unfortunately exists all over.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Another "Best-Kept" Secret

Fortunately, in this world of ours, there are also human beings who do “good”. They endeavor to be helpful, they are never rude, try their best to improve themselves and provide a good example to their children, friends or anyone who just knows them. They are pleasant to be with, they carry out their duties with attention and honesty, they are always willing to do their best, they are available and serviceable. Is it so difficult to behave in such a way? Apparently it seems so. Looking around, you feel that you have to deal with several people who are rude, selfish and unfriendly, while they could be kind, friendly, generous instead. How come? Who knows? This is probably another "best-kept" secret of our world!

Monday, November 17, 2014

The "Mr. Hyde's side"

Continuing our brief overview of how we usually label other people, we meet those who, although they do not commit dreadful crimes against humanity, yet they are considered "bad". They do evil on a smaller scale. It is the case of dishonest individuals whose actions do not have a life or death impact on others, but who nevertheless contribute to making someone else’s existence less serene. They are those who influence others negatively with their actions or ideas, who try to cheat or outsmart anyone else in a mean way, the though guys, the bullies, those who have the "home dictator syndrome", the "boss attitude disease" etc. Can you label them? You certainly can. But, in different circumstances, you might discover different individuals. Too bad that the Mr. Hyde's side is the more visible one!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

"Evil" People or Behavior?

We cannot deny the existence of some individuals whose deeds – both in the past and in contemporary times – have caused and are causing great pain to other human beings. They enjoy or don’t care about the suffering they inflict in order to gain personal power, material benefit, control, revenge. It is only natural, therefore, to label these people as "evil". Their actions certainly are. But... who knows what is hidden in their souls, what twists their spirits have undergone that brought them to behave in abominable ways? We should never condone a harmful, cruel behavior. We can nevertheless allow ourselves to admit the existence of mysterious, out-of-hand causes that might have been at the origin of such behaviors.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Best Kept Secret

Most people love “labeling”, i.e. deciding who/what another individual is. When you label, or categorize, you “judge” people, so you don’t see them as they really are but only as you interpret them. But you (as anyone else) have no right to say, “They are….such and such”. The person is what he or she is, and you cannot know their real nature. You define them through their actions because you believe you can identify their thoughts, their motivations. But... it is not so. It's an illusion. No-one will never "really" know who another human being is. It is the best kept secret in the world!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Two Scenarios - Part 2

Scenario #2. 
Jack (or Jill) is a normal person, who performs all the actions as Jack (or Jill) performs in Scenario #1. But he is like the frog who, looking up, wanders what is there beyond the edge of the well. He wants to "know", he believes that his daily, routine-led life cannot be all there is. And his wondering, his questions, his desire lead him towards discovering the gifts he shelters inside himself, the wonderful skills he can use to make his life more fruitful  and contribute to the happiness of others, to the progress of the whole planet. When he dares to jump beyond the boundaries created by the well (=conditioning, self-imposed limitations), he will find all the opportunities he needs to create a  different, more exciting life.

Which scenario best represents you present lifestyle?

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Two Scenarios - Part 1

Scenario #1. Jack (or Jill) is a normal person, neither worse nor better than anybody else. He has a family (or is single), goes to work, scolds his children, regularly fights and then makes up with his partner, meets with friends and watches TV. Does he sometimes (or ever) think about the quality of his life? If he does, he most probably shrugs his shoulders and says, "Well, this is it. Why waste time in useless wondering?" So Jack lives in a rut where he doesn't care to find out if there could be much more to experience. He reaches the end of his life having achieved nothing particularly good or particularly bad. A quiet, normal (boring) life, doing what he believes he is expected to do, and this is it, indeed. Just like the frog who lives happily at the bottom of a well, having no idea that a whole wide world exists beyond the walls he sees every day.

Friday, November 7, 2014


The dictionary defines energy as "the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity". 
As I was mulling over such definition, a different one occurred to me, according to my notions of the quantum reality: "energy is the capacity of just 'being' as well as 'manifesting', according to the existence or non-existence of a will". What does this mean? Simply that anything (physical or non-physical) exists only if there is a consciousness that gives it a reality. Otherwise, there is only a possibility of existence. Does this abstract consideration have an impact in our lives? It certainly does. How? Focusing (on any form of actualization) is the key. The opposite is ignoring, disregarding such possibility, thus limiting ourselves to only accept what has been created by others. "We" never become the actual "creators".

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Care for Your "Seed"

Once upon a time a traveler, passing through a village, saw a sign in a shop window that said, "Happiness sold here". He immediately went in and asked, "I would like to buy the amount of happiness that will last my whole life". "Sorry, Sir, answered the salesperson, here we only sell seeds".  Happiness cannot be obtained by simply wishing for it. Action is needed. Besides, most people are unable to reap the "crops" they expected and hoped for because they did not even sow the right "seeds". Therefore... Choose the correct seed (behavior) and then keep watering it and providing it with the light needed to its full growth (go on giving your endeavor all the care, attention and dedication necessary till the goal is reached).

Monday, November 3, 2014

Starting Point

"Now" is always the best time of your life. Do you know why? Because it's the only time you can live, that you can experience, that you can "create". Many may disagree because they believe that their past has been more pleasant or that their future will be more rewarding. If you reflect for a moment on your actual situation, you can't deny that the instant you are experiencing is just perfect. You are reading these lines and this is what you are meant to do. In five minutes you'll be doing something else, and that will be what you are supposed to do. But the good news is that you and only you chose to read this article, and then you will possibly choose to have a cup of coffee, cook a meal, go to the gym, pay someone a compliment or be rude to them. Therefore, how can you blame it on someone or something else about what is going on in your life? No matter how much you try to move things around, the starter of whatever is presently happening in your life is the result of a thought, an action, a belief that motivated you to think, speak, behave, do something that gave origin to the chain of consequences that brought you to the present moment.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Some say that one of the greatest problems with mankind is the fact that people see themselves as separate from their fellow human beings. Therefore they are advised to change their point of view and consider the rest of the world as a "part" of themselves. Fine. So you decide to trust the world, you go out believing that all the others are as sincere, as honest, as trustworthy as you are and... get lied to and cheated. What to do? Well, probably the world is not totally ok. It is as it is. People are not "all" your friends, your brothers, your other half. You must proceed very carefully, walking on eggshells, often compelling yourself to be tougher than you actually are. Why? Because "this" is Life. But don't become cynical, don't forget that trust can still be given. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Modern Friendship

"Friend" is commonly defined as a person whom you know and whom you have a bond of mutual affection with. It is also a person whom you like and trust. Nowadays, it seems that almost everybody is your "friend". People on social networks, your neighbors, individuals you meet at parties or work with. Think about those you consider your friends and ask yourself, "In case they disappeared from my life, would I really miss them? Would they really miss me?"  And decide how many deserve such a "title". You might be surprised!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Mind and Dreams

A dream is considered as a series of thoughts, images and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. The mind is the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences. It's the faculty of consciousness. Sleep is a condition in which the nervous system is inactive. Total unconsciousness. Therefore dreams are experienced by the part of ourselves that is not physical. Did we say it's the Mind that creates such experience?  Yes, we did. Did we say that the Mind is consciousness? Yes, we did. Now, if consciousness is the state of being aware of one's surroundings, how can the "mind" experience something that is not happening in the physical world, the only one where we can consciously exist? Is consciousness experiencing unconsciousness? Can the mind experience thoughts and feelings in a world that is not our own, that is not even real?  Does the mind have a reality on a plane of existence that is beyond our physical senses? Shakespeare wrote, "We are such stuff as dreams are made on" (The Tempest, act 4, scene 1). What are dreams made on? What is the stuff "we" are made on?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Unfair Dealing

Disappointment can be faced in different ways because human beings are different: a shrug or tears, resignation or rage. Any reaction towards it is always negative because it causes a psychological storm inside the body as well as the spirit. A letdown can really hurt and leave a permanent, indelible scar in the memory and in the soul. Even those who show the world that they don’t care or that they have overcome it, will never forget it. Why is disappointment such a strong feeling? Because it has something in common with betrayal. You believe you did all you had to do to get a certain result which does not materialize. Or, even if it materializes, it does not yield the outcome you expected. As you had had "faith", you now feel you have been dealt unfairly with,  let down, cheated. That’s why it is so upsetting and difficult to accept. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Fear of the Big "D"

When I think of Death, and I feel afraid (don't you? doesn't everybody?), I make myself focus on the present. If the past was "great" (as poet Kahlil Gibran said), the present is the "now", i.e. the only time we are experiencing in this very moment, the only time we can have a certain control upon. We can make it a happy moment or a sad one, according to our own decision to refuse it, cope with it, oppose it, welcome it or fight it. It is useless to ponder over a time (either past or future) that is anything but real. Therefore, let us try to live fully only our "today", because no-one knows if an actual tomorrow even exists.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Have Mercy!

A funny character in an old tv sit-com used to exclaim, "Have mercy!" and made the audience laugh. The word "mercy" is an interesting term. It is usually understood as benevolence, kindness and forgiveness. But its actual meaning is compassion towards who deserves a fair punishment. The key point, here, is the word "fair". It could be debated whether it is right to withdraw a punishment when it is well deserved. Some say that "forgiving" is better, others reply that not punishing a wrong deed encourages to persevere in the guilty behavior. Which opinion is "better"? There is no better or worse, here. People's own conscience should be the only judge. No moral law can be established for such a delicate topic.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Unpleasant Situations

Have you ever noticed how things that you find particularly unpleasant keep materializing in your life, over and over? Unfriendly neighbors, nosy acquaintances, lazy co-workers, noisy children in restaurants... and so on. Why does this happen? It seems that you (and we all) have to bear stuff you don't like until you learn - if not to like it - at least to accept it "willingly". If you succeed in doing this, the situation may stop materializing or, even if it is still there, it won't bother you any more. Either way, the problem is solved. Is it easier said than done? Most things are! But it is still worth trying.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Hope For a Miracle

When you look at your life, you might have mixed feelings. From one side you see that things are not so bad: you have a house, a family, a job, you seem to be surviving all right. From the other side - the intangible one - you might find a deep dissatisfaction. Why? Because things are not going the way you would like. The environment you live in is not providing the stimuli you need to express your creativity, your family is not the compact unit you expected, your job is good but a bit "restricted"... and so on. As a result you feel unfulfilled, in spite of the many touchable blessings you know you were given. What to do? Be grateful for and try to focus on what you have. For the rest... hope for a miracle.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

New Colors

"The journey of discovery does not consist in looking for new lands but in having new eyes." These words, by French writer Marcel Proust, make me reflect more carefully about our actual situation as human beings. Quite often do we feel unfulfilled, restless, wish for something new, different, extraordinary or exciting to happen. Our everyday life, our environment seem boring, the usual old insipid "dish". What to do to spice up our life - if we are unable to travel to exotic places or to start living in a jet set environment? (These, too, will eventually lose their luster and become boring!) Get "new eyes": this is what we should do. How? Well, as our emotional world is ruled by... no rules, each of us should endeavor to use new colors, i.e. find a personalized way to re-paint the picture of our own reality.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Move On

Guilt is a feeling that many people experience, one time or another. Although it is understandable to feel remorse for an action that you believe caused pain to another, yet you should make some considerations before giving in to "guilt". Anthony de Mello (a Jesuit priest!) used to say that being sorry for a past mistake is positive, provided you endeavor to learn from it and decide not to repeat it. But he also said that guilt is totally negative because, while you think you hate your deed, in truth you hate yourself for having committed such an action. But hating yourself is a grave error because you are still a good person who just made a wrong decision. As no-one is perfect you, too, are entitled to mess up a bit. A famous Latin proverb says, "Errare humanum est" (= to err is human) but it also adds, "perseverare diabolicum" (= to persevere in your error is evil). Therefore... acknowledge your action, feel sorry for it, promise yourself not to do it again and then... move on!

Sunday, October 12, 2014


I am still a big fan of Positive Thinking, but I have re-visited and reflected upon the conception some people have of it or, better, the way some people try to explain it to others. The hit film and book "The Secret" tried to make you believe the following: you only have to ask the Universe for what you want in order to receive it, it is enough to look at a banknote long enough in order to get rich, and the like. Well, after studying and applying the principles of Positive Thinking for a very long time, my conclusion is that the function of such principles, when used properly, is only to help you cope with the problems, challenges and disappointments you experience in your life. Nothing really changes thanks to them. "Change happens", as the old saying goes, and the control you have over it is minimal. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

A Trial

Although I am not a follower of talk shows, yet I recently had the chance to watch a few episodes of a TV program where two people present their case and a judge makes the final decision, after the audience expressed its opinions. One thing has struck me (and still does!): the fact that spectators (both in the studio and at home) have the tendency to sympathize with the contender who shows fewer morally sound principles. Wondering why it is so, the answer I found is that nowadays people feel the need to rebel against any so-called authority, including in such idea morality as well, (which seems now an old-fashioned, almost obsolete principle). But this is the way it is, take it or leave it. I honestly feel like... leaving it. What about you?

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Here is a logical, yet "illogical" expression: "I didn't deserve what happened to me". It is logical because you know you haven't done anything to make such an unpleasant event to materialize. On the contrary. You truly believe you have done your best to avoid it. So, how does it work, here? The reality is that it "doesn't", i.e. it doesn't work the way you expect. The physical world is regulated by strictly mathematical laws, yet what happens to us does not seem to follow such rule. Although two plus two always makes four, you can never be certain that your actions will always yield the results that your mind suggests as the logical consequence. Therefore you (I, everybody) 1. must accept the fact that the outcome is never sure, 2. do what you can and 3. ... hope for the best.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Who Are You?

An interesting question: Who are you?
You may answer, "I am John/Anna..." But this is your name.
You may say, "I am a doctor/a taxi driver..." But this is your job.
"I am Mr. X's wife/Mrs.Y's husband..." But this is your marital status.
"I am American/Chinese..." But this is your nationality. 
And so on.
Instead of giving a "definition" of your being, can you try to identify its "essence"?

Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Big Gap

I was recently watching some documentaries by a well-known scientist and author, late Carl Sagan. Hearing about the greatness of the cosmos, being reminded of the fascinating story of how Earth and Life came about, I thought of the huge gap existing between such a grandiosity (in which mankind exists) and violent, petty behaviors of human beings, "us". I experienced a feeling of inadequacy, a realization of how badly the so-called homo sapiens is making use of his millions-of-years-long evolutionary story. A brain appeared, a spirit manifested... for what? To give birth to all the violence and pettiness we see? How sad! 
Only if more "awareness" is achieved, on a larger scale, may we hope for a more peaceful world. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

People Change

People change, we all know that. Have "you" changed? (since you were younger, in the last few years, recently)? Why have you changed? It is clear that our transformation is the result of both our own experiences and natural predisposition. As usual, there is never an established rule in the human behavior and, in fact, there are some individuals who never change, no matter what. But, in general, life molds the character, for the better or for the worse. Some people who used to be tough and bossy sometimes mellow down because they succeed in seeing the world from a different perspective. Unfortunately, it also happens the opposite, i.e. individuals who used to be sweet and pleasant turn into aggressive, hurtful, malicious beings. Is this  "natural"? No-one knows. It's just the reality of the human condition.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Improbable Peace

As a human being, I like order and justice. Seeing all the turmoil that is going on almost everywhere, I keep asking myself, Why?As dangerous and scary as violent behaviors are, we can't help seeing their root, their trigger in the injustice that is rampant on the "higher" levels. I know, such unfairness has always existed under the sun but today, as it is repeatedly shoved under everybody's nose, we are more aware of it. Therefore some consequences are inevitable. When corporations mercilessly put helpless people in the street, when film stars have the power to "own" a major city for days on a private affair, when the difference between the income of teachers and footballers is abysmal, we can't expect the world to live in peace.  

Sunday, September 28, 2014

No Respite

Have you ever noticed how there is always something we are compelled by the media to focus our attention upon? I am not referring now to the gossip about the "rich and famous" but to more serious matters that keep happening around the world. Let's see. A certain situation is on the headlines for quite some time. As soon as it seems to be quieting down, another immediately pops up. It seems that it "has to" materialize. No respite. How come that not one month, one week, even one day can pass by, without us hearing about a dreadful happening on the international scene because of this or that group, organization, faction? Is there an elusive script writer who creates situations just to have fun at our reactions? In every play there is one moment where the audience is allowed to relax, maybe even to smile. Why aren't we?

Friday, September 26, 2014

The Importance of Talking

We have often said that nowadays people talk far too much. The media - all of them - blare as loud as they can, either with spoken or written words, with the result of confusing our minds. This is clearly negative. But there is one kind of talk that is totally positive. It is the exchange between two individuals who wish to understand each other. This is true communication. It is the expression of one's ideas, maybe with the hope of finding advice when in doubt or help when needed. True communication is what is mainly lacking nowadays. Too many insignificant, useless, often harmful words. Too few meaningful, sincere, helpful expressions of one's mind.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Great Past, Greater Future

Lebanese-American poet Kahlil Gibran said that life leads us from our great past to our greater future. How wonderful it is to think of your past as great, isn't it? Don't you often, though, see it as anything but great? You perceive it as rather disappointing, you feel you haven't been able to reach your goals. At times, you might even see it as a failure. But it is not. Your past is great because it gifted you with experiences which - if you are wise enough - can teach you a lot. And precisely these experiences will take you towards a future where you may still be able to fulfill your dreams, provided you do your best and work for it. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Unconditional Love

The idea of unconditional love puzzles me. I understand the meaning of love and I understand the meaning of hate. They are antonyms, as they are feelings caused by opposite experiences. I also believe that it is possible not to hate because such extreme feeling can be mellowed down and replaced - although with effort - by aversion and resentment. But love cannot be replaced by anything. You can bring yourself to be lenient, understanding, forgiving etc. But I still wonder if it is really possible to love "unconditionally", i.e. no matter how the other behaved towards you, how much they hurt you. Saints are probably able to do it. What about us, ordinary mortals?

Saturday, September 20, 2014


More than thirty years ago, A. de Mello (one of the wisest individuals of our time) wrote:
"The main goal of Life is the development of human beings. Nowadays people seem to focus more on the development of things."
He was a good observer as well as a prophet, wasn't he?

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Answers & Questions

There are three kinds of people:
1. those who don't need an answer because they don't care to ask the question,
2. those who don't need an answer because they already have  it without asking the question,
3. those who don't get an answer despite that they keenly ask the question.
Number 1 and 2 live quite happily. Number 3 don't.
Which number are you?

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Creation of Life

In their spasmodic search for the origins of Life, scientists say that all the "ingredients" necessary were present in cosmic rocks hurled to Earth billions of years ago. They talk about the "building blocks" of life. But saying that the "ingredients" (amino acids, organic matter etc.) were there, ready to create a living cell, is like saying that different colors on a palette and suitable brushes were there, ready to create the "Mona Lisa". Yes, everything necessary was available but, without the hand of Leonardo, no masterpiece would have ever come to exist.

Sunday, September 14, 2014


I have often wondered why some people are superstitious. The reason could be that they are afraid that something bad might happen and they therefore feel the need to put their trust into something magic that they believe might "save" them. Another reason could be that they are desperate about a situation in their life and, similarly, they put their trust into something magic that might help them to solve it. I can't also help wondering if this deep belief isn't something similar to the religious faith, where the idea of "magic" replaces the idea of "spiritual". 

Friday, September 12, 2014


One thing that is very difficult for you to accept is the fact that you create your own reality. Admitting that it's not the eye that sees, but "you" (your eye is just an instrument), also means that it's you who decide "how" to see. Therefore your interpretation of what is out there determines how you feel about it. Nevertheless, you are convinced that the world "is" just as you see it. So ... how come that your fellow human beings see it differently (each according to their own eye)? How come that a word or action that makes you angry leaves another indifferent? How come that, when you define one person annoyingly talkative and suspiciously over-friendly, another may see them as pleasantly outspoken and sociable?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Control= Illusion

Control is something that everybody wishes to own. It's a mere illusion. Not completely, of course. You have control over yourself, i.e. your own reactions to what happens to you. Other than that... naught! You have absolutely no control over anything. Stuff in your life just happens, and there is nothing you can do about it. Your relationships go wrong, your job is unsuccessful, your attempts fail... As hard as it may be to accept it... that's life. And there is nothing you can do about it. So? Your only choice is to accept it. Of course you also have the other choice, "not" to accept it. The result? It's up to you to find out.

Monday, September 8, 2014


Take two articles, one about the latest gossip concerning a skimpily dressed starlet, the other about Positive Thinking and self-improvement. The readers' ratio will probably be one million for the first, ten or twenty for the second. Am I being too optimistic about the second? At this point a question arises: is the human brain wired in such a way that makes people more interested in useless, petty, often vulgar stuff and totally (or almost) indifferent towards topics that could help them to live better? Or is there a subtle plan that makes the brain of most prefer rubbish to healthy stuff? Is or isn't there an answer to this daily occurrence? 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Pursuit of Happiness? Really?

One thing I can't understand is the position of human beings towards happiness. They say that the pursuit of happiness is a right everyone is entitled to because it is a wish as well as a primordial need. If this is so, how come that - from what we see on a daily basis - men (and women) seem to "voluntarily" do and be involved with stuff that brings the opposite result? Take movies, for example. If everybody (at least a "normal" mind) wants to live in peace, why do the majority of the movies being produced show hate and violence to the highest degree? If mankind desires love and caring, why do so many shows represent cruelty and deviousness? In a nutshell: we want serenity but we keep portraying turmoil; we want good relationships, yet we are shown (and, evidently, enjoy watching) betrayal and crime. Mankind, nowadays, can be compared to a person who wants to follow a healthy diet but keeps eating poisonous food.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Protagonist and Extras

When you are out for a walk, have you ever looked at people as "real" people? What I mean is, has it ever happened to you to see each of them as a "person", someone who has a life full of problems, little joys, successes and failures, happy moments and never-ending worries... just like you? Rather, aren't you used to seeing "the others" like extras, like insignificant characters who have to be there only to create the environment in which "you" alone are the protagonist? You probably say that "they" see you the same way. And you are probably right. But... just because we are all protagonists and extras on the stage of Life, couldn't we try to be a little more understanding and compassionate towards each other?

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Transform the View

Aren't you, too, sometimes right and sometimes wrong? What counts is your honesty, your belief in the right that everybody (not only "you") has to be accepted with neither judgment nor biased criticism, provided they try to be the best they can. With true commitment, trust and patience - although you do not change the outside circumstances - you can change yourself so that you become able to see such circumstances from a different perspective. It is never about creating a fictitious, fake world. It is about transforming your view of what surrounds you, so that inner serenity can come up to the surface.

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Sunny weather and rainy weather. Two atmospheric situations that can be interpreted very differently, in spite of remaining the same. In a dry country, where the sun shines constantly, a rainy day is welcomed and praised like a great gift from above. On the other hand, in a wet country a sunny day is longed for by most and anxiously awaited. What does this mean? It simply means that the same situation can be seen in different (often opposite) ways according to who is looking at them. It would be best to think like a peasant who, when asked about his favorite kind of weather, answered, "I don't have a favorite. I like them all."

Friday, August 29, 2014


Tchaikovsky is definitely my favorite composer. I find his music to embody the deepest feelings and yearnings of the human soul. Among them is the desperation of a spirit looking for answers that it already knows will never be found. Listening to the "Nutcracker" or "Swan Lake", you can't help identifying yourself with the composer in a sort of search for the meaning of the human condition, of the suffering that exists in the world, as well as wondering where all this is leading to. There is sort of "running" not so much away from something, but rather towards an unknown destination that, nevertheless, eludes human understanding. Tchaikovsky's music is not always sad, on the contrary. But even in the cheerful pieces you can detect the underlying sadness that can be seen in the eyes of a person who, although profoundly tormented, still endeavors to offer the world a smile.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Question

A question keeps bothering me: is the change that takes place throughout the ages a natural one, or is there a hidden "force" that brings it about? Is the change happening truly spontaneously, or is it orchestrated by a mysterious plan where "someone" (something or ... whatever) already knows where mankind is going? If it is so, who can be so wicked to have driven the world to the present moment, where what we see is certainly not the most desirable evolution point one may wish for. Has humankind gone through so much to arrive... "here"? Have all the lessons learnt through history brought us to ... "now"? Has the ethical, moral, spiritual search created the "modern family" world?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A Card Game

Author Anthony de Mello writes that life is like a card game where each player makes use of the cards he (or she) receives as well as he can. The one who insists on playing not according to the cards he has got but according to those he claims he is entitled to, is bound to fail in life.
We are not asked if we want to play. We have no choice on this. Everyone must participate in the game. But it is up to us  to decide "how" to play.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Doubt vs. Certitude

Lucky the people who are totally contented with their beliefs. They have no doubts whatsoever, and happily live in an unbreakable bubble of certitudes. On the other hand, others can't help asking questions, wondering why, reflecting upon different possibilities. They live in a reality that offers options. They are free to choose. Are they happy? On the contrary. Although someone said that doubt is the father of knowledge, it's certainly not the best way to pursue happiness.

Saturday, August 23, 2014


We are used to saying that a coin has two sides and that each side is a true part of the coin. By this well-known comparison we try to prove that, in any argument, - in order to find a fair solution - the reasons of both interlocutors should be taken into consideration because they are both true. But a thought occurred to me: is a fair solution really possible to find? I mean, "really" possible? Yes, the two sides of the coin do belong to the same object but, in a way, not only are they different, they are also completely separated. They do not "see" each other. They give their backs to each other and, therefore, they are unable to "communicate". Could this mean that connecting the two parts of the truth is not as easy as it might seem?

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Is "thinking" good? Weird question, you may say. Thinking is, in fact, a very important activity of your brain (beside regulating all other activities). Ok, so let us change the question. Is thinking "always" good? Here, I believe, the answer is not immediately obvious. When your thinking activity is limited to studying, facing and solving life's challenges, it is positive because it helps you deal with tasks or problems you have to carry out or find a solution to. Trouble arises when thinking becomes the "main" activity of your brain. When you cannot stop wondering, hypothesizing, worrying about, brooding, analyzing any unpleasant situation that is present in your life and that you feel you are unable to resolve. What to do?
To think or not to think (too much)? This is question!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Is Life A Stage?

Shakespeare wrote that the world is a stage and all human beings have to play their roles. This may mean that we act out our part in a way that is mainly unconscious, we limit ourselves to follow the script we have been given, we don't even realize that we are acting. Others say that, yes, life is a stage but each human being - beside being a player - is also the script-writer and the director. They mean that we have the power to decide what we want our "play" to be, and that we can change the script any time we wish. According to them, human beings have full power of decision. Another possibility is that every human being plays a role on the stage of life while his (her) "true self" consciously watches from the audience sitting area. The individual sees himself play a part that he, most probably, hasn't chosen, but that he finds himself compelled to play. A puppet? Who knows!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Understanding Others

It has been said that, in order to know, and therefore understand, the world and the other human beings, one must know himself (or herself) first. We usually accept such concept as true. But, at times, it is not so easy to grasp this kind of wisdom. If you repeatedly experience a behavior in another that is the opposite of what you believe to be right, it seems almost illogical to "know" the other, to empathize with their way of being. You can "accept" it, but... can you really understand it? Is anyone really able to do that? We say that we should not judge a person unless we have metaphorically walked in their shoes for some time. Therefore, if you haven't found yourself in that specific situation, how can you comprehend their behavior?

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Nineteen Eighty-Four

Every time I re-read the classic "Nineteen Eighty-Four" by Georges Orwell (published in 1949), I realize that it seriously scares me. Among many, one quote is particularly meaningful: (In the near future) "The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not-thinking, not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness." According to its Greek root, the word orthodoxy means correct thinking. Therefore, in Orwell's 'prophecy', correct thinking in the future will be equal to "not thinking". Pure science fiction? Maybe. But, seeing how the modern technology is narrowing people's capacity of reasoning on their own, Orwell's fantasy might not be so far-fetched.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


You probably know that the word personality derives from the ancient Greek "persona", which meant "mask". Therefore, personality is what appears to the world, what is shown to others, what clothes the inner nature of human beings. But... have you ever wondered about what this might mean as to your relationships? 
At times such outer presentation corresponds to the real self. If an individual is shy (nervous, caring etc.) inside and also outside, it's ok. This is the way he/she really is. But, unfortunately, many times the way you see someone behave is very different from what he (or she) truly is. The sweetest person in the world, the one who charms you with their smiling face or kind demeanor, may shelter a totally different nature. He (or she) may own the ability to captivate your sympathy and make you blind towards a deeper reality. Therefore... don't be too naive. Beware!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


The human mind is certainly the most mysterious thing that ever existed. Its main goal seems to be happiness, and it endeavors to find it at all costs. Yet it seldom (if ever) finds it. Not only doesn't it find it - in spite of intelligence, fame, success, riches - but the human mind can reach such a degree of desperation that it decides to cut the rope of its own life. Therefore we see extremely talented and successful people who often become pray of addiction, plunge into depression and end up choosing to stop living rather than go on with their suffering (or actually "do" something about it). How sad! How sad is it to realize that all the goods of this world can nothing against a single desperate thought that takes hold of one's mind and leads it to an extreme, desperate deed.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


Some people celebrate their birthday, others don't. Why? Those who do are people who enjoy their life, who are reasonably happy with their situation and like to share their satisfaction with caring friends. Who doesn't like to celebrate? People who feel they haven't too much to be delighted about in their actual circumstances. A birthday is a reminder of time passing by and everyone, counting the years of one's own life, is compelled to make an account of what has been achieved: things to be proud or ashamed of, regrets, successes, failures etc. Hence, either they feel satisfied or they feel disappointed. That is throws a party, another endeavors to forget!

Friday, August 8, 2014


August 8th, one hour globally dedicated to meditating upon World Peace.
Our Earth has experienced war and turmoil since the beginning of time, but many are hopeful that a certain amount of serenity can still be achieved. Where to start? From the heart of the single individual. It will soon spread to the family, then to society. Eventually it will affect the whole country and, finally, the World. A utopia? Probably. But the human spirit can't stop hoping. Without hope no life is acceptable. Let us therefore try - each of us - to create some peace (no matter how small an amount) in our own heart by loving more, by forgiving, by offering a helping hand, by simply smiling or saying a kind word. It should not be too difficult, when we are aware that even the smallest wave is important for the existence of the ocean.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

New vs. Old

An Italian proverb says, "If you leave the old road, you know what you are leaving behind but not what you will find." This seems to remind you that the unknown can be scary or deceitful. On the other hand, Positive Thinking encourages you to abandon old stuff (ideas, habits, maybe even your environment), if you feel the need for a change. Are these two concepts in contrast? Probably not. At important crossroads in your life, you should follow your intuition and dare to step out of your old ways. But, be careful. Making a choice does not mean that you are chained forever. If you realize that it was not the optimal decision, you can still go back and... try again. Wisdom must be your final guide. 

Monday, August 4, 2014


Are you aware of the impact that your choices make on your and other people's lives? Most times human beings tend to undervalue such impact, they simply think that saying or doing "something" is no big deal. They usually carry on without even wondering how that word or deed of theirs may have affected another. If you reflect for a moment, you will admit that this is not fair. You have the responsibility to weigh any possible consequence of your decision to speak or act in a certain way. You cannot walk through life without paying attention to what you are stepping on and to where your steps are taking you. If you do, you might later regret it bitterly.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Modern "Needs"

Someone defined a consultant as an individual who borrows "your" watch to tell "you" the time. Most of what consultants tell you, in fact, is stuff that you can easily find out by yourself. In our modern world there are home staging consultant, clutter / skin care / philosophic / image / weight loss / wedding consultants, and many others. An expert can certainly be helpful in really difficult fields such as, for example, tax filing. But as to other stuff, you can just get plenty of information on your own. If you have dry skin, make a search and find the best cream for you. Why should you need an expert to tell you that you have dry skin and need to use a suitable cream? 
Finally, a joke. The Company big boss says, "The consultants we brought in to monitor the consultants who are looking into our cutting back on consultants are recommending specialist consultants". 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Lucky "Characters"

Have you noticed how in family movies and sit-com people keep quarreling almost non-stop, yet at the end they all make peace and have a good laugh? They always find the way to talk their problems over and usually reach a solution that seems sensible and acceptable to all concerned. And, in the next scene, they behave as nothing had happened. Why does it appear so natural on TV and so difficult, almost impossible in real life? Situations are similar, it is stuff that can happen any time to anyone, the characters are people just like you or your neighbor, yet...they don't hold eternal grudges as "you" (or your neighbor) do. Life starts anew in each episode. Aren't they lucky? But, unfortunately, it's all fake.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Locked Box

Imagine the mind as formed by several boxes. Although they are connected, yet each is equipped with a key that can seal and disconnect it from all the others. Surrealistic image? Not really. It is what actually happens when you refuse to acknowledge a situation that is blatantly real. By your behavior, it results evident that you don't "see" what is happening. Why? Because you have willingly locked a specific box (= part) in your brain in order to shut out any unwanted thought or information. In this way, you are able to behave as if the unwelcome situation does not exist and... you feel relieved. But it is an illusory relief. The situation "does" exist and sooner or later the box will necessarily have to be opened.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

An Old Song

For sure there is an old song that, when you listen to it, brings back memories. Memories of a time past, when things were easier, happier, when you were younger and full of dreams and hopes. Hearing that tune and those words, how does it make you feel? You may enjoy reminiscing, remembering your younger years, or you may feel sad, being confronted with the expectations you had and the reality you are living right now. Music is a great tool that can give rise to lovely remembrances, to tender feelings towards a past gone forever, while it may also cause sadness, regrets about a present that is not up to your "dreams of glory".

Friday, July 25, 2014

"Love You As You Are" ?

"Love me as I am" is a well-known expression that everybody would like to see followed by everybody else. Basically it means, "Love me in spite of my faults." Although this might sound commendable and selfless, if you reflect more deeply, you realize that, in a way, it is fair only towards "you" (the receiver of love), but not towards "me" (the giver of love). How come? Well, if you are a smoker, I might not find it fair towards myself to become a passive smoke inhaler to spend time with you. If you throw tantrums, I might find it not fair towards myself to have my feelings continuously hurt by your raging fits. Conclusion? I cannot love you as you are "if" you take this as an excuse to continue to be the worse you can be for your selfish convenience.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

"Ego" in Disguise

Nowadays many people blather about spirituality but... do they really know its meaning? Spirituality can be defined as a process of personal transformation in accordance with moral and ethical ideals. This said, how many do actually carry out such "process" of inner transformation? Although all seem to know everything about this important concept, very few understand what "spirit" is. Most mistake it for the "ego", which is a master in disguising itself into what each individual wishes to see. Therefore you, too, be careful and don't allow yourself to be misguided by ideas that, under the appearance of "spirituality", are nothing more than "selfishness". 

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Great Magician

Your mind can be tricky. It can behave like a distorting mirror that shows you something different from what is actually there. Imagine that you seriously need to lose some weight but you are looking at yourself in a mirror that makes you thin. You love what you see and disregard what the scales tell you. This is what happens when the way you see yourself makes you act in a way that creates turmoil all around you. You believe that what you do is right while it actually is not. Become aware of the many illusions created by the mind, the great magician that can make you "see" anything you want.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Positive Thinking tells us to try to stay detached in facing a difficult circumstance: i.e. be there physically, while remaining emotionally unconcerned. Strangely enough, at times such a situation happens naturally, without any effort on your side. You find yourself in a special occurrence where you feel that what is happening is so absurd that it cannot be real. You are there, you witness what is going on, you even take part in the action, yet everything seems fictitious to your logical mind. However, it isn't. It is authentic and you are in it. But your emotions are detached, possibly even absent. Later, after overcoming the problem, it all appears like a dream to your memory. So... just forget about it!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Your Best Is Enough

The French philosopher Michel de Montaigne wrote, "What we don't know (yet) is nothing compared with what we will never know". Depressing statement? I don't think so. A mystic said that we should aim at the stars although we know that we will never reach them. Or... Maybe we will. No one can tell for sure what is bound to happen. Why not try your best to outdo yourself, to accomplish something special, something worthwhile? Something to be proud of? No need for heroism, just being the best you can be is enough.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Inspiring Others

Don't you think it would be worthwhile to manage your own life in a way that, beside making yourself reasonably happy - as you deserve - you could also be an example for somebody else? Imagine the fulfillment you will experience when someone tells you : "You inspired my life" or "You gave me the courage to go on" or "You provided me with the strength I needed to dare". Your main goal in life is to do good to yourself and, as an immediate consequence, to do good to your fellow human beings. If you think only of yourself you become selfish. The good must be shared because it belongs to all. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Need a Prophet?

In the olden days it seemed that people needed a spiritual guide, someone to show them the right path, whenever they were conducting themselves in a corrupt, unethical way. Therefore, they got "prophets" and were ready to accept them. What about today? Do people need modern prophets? They probably do, but would they be ready  to listen to a real one? Anyway, what is at hand right now? So-called gurus whose aim is to make money? Stars of the entertainment world who lead the young generation on the path of immorality? Or powerful people who encourage to consider money and control as the highest goals in life?

Saturday, July 12, 2014


What would your attitude be towards a "truth" that the 'experts' want you to believe at all costs? A comparison can be made with impure water that people are compelled to taste and accept as pure. Some are uncertain about its freshness but allow themselves to be convinced to believe in it. Others declare that, if that dirty water is the only one available, they won't believe in the existence of any other kind of water. A third group say that, although the water is not limpid, they believe that clear water can be found. And they plan to find it. Eventually, a few actually do find it, many do not.
Does this ring a bell?

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Being "Frank"

Someone told 17th century French author La Rochefoucauld:
"Some people speak quite rudely at times but justify their behavior by defining themselves  'frank'. What is their problem?"
He answered:
"We endeavor to make a virtue of the faults we are unwilling to correct."

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Learn More

If you remain in your shell, content with what surrounds you and do not wish to learn more, you will keep on leading a repetitive, sometimes dull life, with no wider horizons in sight. On the other hand, being curious can encourage you to read more, to find out about things that will excite your interest. You might discover that you like to know more about the cosmos, exotic food or ancient civilizations and your enthusiasm will grow while you keep exploring new fields or delving deeper into old ones. If Einstein believed that his only special talent was curiosity, what about us? What about "you"?

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Your "Greatness"

Do you ever feel that you own an energy much greater than the one you usually employ in your daily life? It is the feeling - seemingly hidden and possibly unknown - of your "greatness", of a skill that you possess but of which you are unaware. If you learn about the life of talented people, both of the past and of the present, you might sense a stirring  in the deepest part of your being whispering that you, too, can do something "special". You don't need to do anything exceptional, just something that makes you able to express who you really are. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could discover what your hidden talent is and... do something with it?

Friday, July 4, 2014

Changing Attitude

Positive Thinking does not "change" anything. Nor it "distorts" anything, as  some seem to believe. The individual is totally aware of each situation. A positive way of thinking simply helps to acquire the attitude with which to face the situation in the best possible way. Thought intentionally focused has the power to "adjust" a problem by providing the tools for changing one's attitude towards the problem itself. And a changed attitude can perform miracles.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Slayer of the Real

Author Alan Cohen calls the mind "the slayer of the real" and Indian philosopher Krishnamurti expresses a similar belief. The meaning they attribute to it is that, when we are having an experience (from drinking coffee to admiring a sunset), we miss the true essence of the moment because our mind engages in "thinking", i.e. starts to judge the taste of the coffee (too hot, cold, bitter, sweet etc..) or to make comparisons (with a sunset we saw in Hawaii or in Greece etc.). Positive Thinking does not attempt to destroy reality, on the contrary. It shows you that what you believe to be the negative side of reality can be seen from a different viewpoint and thus accepted with a lighter heart.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Reality or Illusion?

The relation between time, space and perception (all tightly connected to each other) is interesting. Is it possible that a shift in time could be happening? Have you ever observed that things seem to be moving at a different pace and that you displace personal belongings more often and to a greater extent than in the past?  You know exactly where you put a certain object but, when you look for it… you simply cannot find it. Eventually it reappears somewhat in the same area of the displacement. Is your mind “making up” things? Are these created by a mysterious imaginative force? Are they illusions? Or is it possible that time and space have started moving in a different way? According to quantum physics, you can legitimately say: “Why not”?

Saturday, June 28, 2014

A Baffling Habit: Lateness

Imagine you are participating in a business meeting that is supposed to start at 4:30 pm. People begin to arrive well after 5:00. The actual meeting won't start till 6:00. Do you think this situation to be either absurd or impossible? Well, it isn't. It happens and it seems that "those" people consider it as a normal behavior. You are the only one who is surprised. How come that you value punctuality highly while others totally overlook it? Does such "irresponsible" (for you!) behavior have a consequence? If it does, is it for the better or for the worse? To a logical mind, it might appear to be for the worse. On the other hand, couldn't it be that those who don't care about time are more relaxed (and therefore less stressed) than those who "do" care? 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Stop Thinking

You know that the mind cannot stop thinking because thought is its main attribute. Yet, a times, it is mandatory to stop thinking in order to preserve your sanity. When worries and bothersome images keep filling your brain, you simply have to stop them. As it is almost impossible to actually "stop" thinking (although a few, lucky ones can do it during meditation) the only way to escape such predicament is to "change" your thinking. You therefore, by means of willpower, can erase the unwanted thought, dismiss it, release it, cancel it, dump it, hurl it away... and replace it with something else. What? Anything capable of catching your attention, anything that interests you, that you find pleasant, amusing or uplifting. Can this be done? It certainly can. If you are willing to try and rid your mind of the nagging "stuff" that burdens it, you will see that it is feasible.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Molehill vs Mountain

An old saying talks about making a mountain out of a molehill, meaning that some people give too great an importance to something that is not really important, or that they make an easy thing difficult. It might happen, though, that sometimes circumstances - independently from people's will - gather to conspire in order to actually make difficult something that should be extremely easy to carry out. As you "know" that it is easy, as you "see" that it is easy, you are also ready to take action. But unexpected difficulties seem to arise out of nothing. What to do when this happens? If you find the answer, please let the world know!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sincerity, A Virtue?

Sincerity is a virtue that can become a double-bladed knife. According to logic - and ethic - people should always be sincere when they express their thoughts and feelings. When they do, the response can be dual: either the recipient accepts what he (or she) is told, or he rejects it. If he accepts, all is well because, although he might disagree, he is at least willing to compromise. In case of non-acceptance, though, an argument - even a fight - might arise. This is why often people prefer to hide the truth when they believe it might cause a problem. Therefore: tell or not tell the truth "all the time"? The answer can only be strictly personal. Therefore... you decide  (wisely!) for yourself.

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Dam

Imagine you are the person responsible for the maintenance of a dam. One day you see a little crack but you don't give it any importance. Later, another crack appears but you still don't pay much attention. You tell yourself, "They are small, they are not dangerous." Other cracks keep appearing here and there, but you still believe that the dam is strong and it will go on holding back the water forever. One day disaster breaks out: the dam collapses and the water floods and destroys the surrounding fields and villages. The same happens to your life when you overlook any recurring situation that you feel is not "right" but that you make yourself believe it is not "important". A day comes when you will regret not having done what you should have,"when" you should have.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Puzzle of Life

Life is really a puzzle. Logically, all the pieces you need to arrange a pattern are always available to you. But you are often unable to see them. Or, even if you see them, you can't detect where to place them. You take one "piece" (belief, behavior,word, action etc.) and you try to fit it in the wrong place and then complain that things don't work. If you pay more attention, if you are more careful, you will have a better chance to find the right spot for each piece. You will therefore understand when to say (or not say) that word, when to take (or not take) such an action, when to speak and when to keep silent. It is all a matter of doing the right thing at the right time. Impossible? Difficult, perhaps, but it can be done.

Monday, June 16, 2014


One of the greatest gifts a human being may be endowed with is a passion, a skill, a true hobby. If you have something you deeply like doing, you are never bored, you are never alone. If you want to, you can always spend your free time in a positive, fulfilling, even uplifting way. Do you like reading? A book is your best friend, always available and faithful. Do you like writing? Carry a notebook and a pen with you and you will enjoy jotting down thoughts and observations that come to your mind from time to time. Do you love drawing, gardening, playing a sport? Do it every time you have the opportunity. Your mind will calm down, your body will relax, your attention will be focused, your skill will manifest. Isn't this wonderful?

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Enchaining Love

Well-known American-Lebanese poet Kahlil Gibran wrote: "If you love a person, let her (him) go. If she comes back, it means that she has always been yours. If she does not, it means she has never been yours." If you reflect on these words, you realize that it is illogical to think that a person can actually "belong" to you. You have the illusion that your love creates a tie that will prevent your beloved to break away. You believe that your love is capable of fulfilling all her/his needs. It's just an illusion, because you can only provide what "you" think she (or he) wishes for. No-one is able of really knowing what another human being's deepest needs are because everyone is different, in spite of the closeness that might have been established. Therefore, what each individual can do is simply do their best, without expecting love to become an unbreakable "chain". It (fortunately) won't.


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Time Management

Time management can be easy to some and impossible to achieve to others. The same as organization. You know how to arrange your work and your life and cannot understand how so many people lead chaotic existences. They are never punctual, have a hard time meeting deadlines, are overwhelmed by their tasks. They end up stressed (often, depressed). It seems there is an internal clock inside every human being that tells him (or her) how to proceed. If the clock works well, life is balanced. If it is too slow or too fast, life is a mess. Is it possible to fix a clock that is not working properly? Willpower and commitment are the only tools that can do the job. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

When In Doubt.....

Author O.W. Holmes wrote, "When in doubt, do it." On the other hand, Benjamin Franklin said: "When in doubt, don't do it". Which one rings more true to your ears?  Although you often prefer not to take action for fear of making a mistake, sometimes you need to decide to "do it" even if you are doubtful, because daring could make you overcome your fears and show your real potential. The choice should be deeply and honestly thought over. If you are a skilled mountain climber and wish to go up Mount Everest but you are afraid of the difficulties, you need a clear view of your skill and, if you believe you are good enough, you should "dare". On the other hand if you are thinking of marrying someone but you are uncertain about all the consequent responsibilities, it might be better to avoid making a choice that you feel is already doomed.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Multiple "Realities"

In mildly warm weather some people may be wearing sleeveless tops, others T-shirts,  jackets or even winter coats! There is always a difference in perception as to how human beings experience reality. Just think about it. The weather is the same for everybody, same temperature, same sunshine. Yet, some feel hot, some feel warm, others  feel almost ... freezing. Isn't it intriguing? Isn't this an additional proof that reality exists all in the mind? Whatever we believe to be true, it "is". Think about this apparent contradiction. Someone says, "Hey, I'm sweating and that guy is in a windbreaker!" or "I find this to be a rip-off and she says it's a bargain!". Don't try to impose your opinion. Each is entitled to their own.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Music and Happiness

Do you have a favorite kind  or piece of music, composer, song? Classical, jazz, pop, folk... whatever it is, what do you feel when you listen to it? Analyze the emotions that listening evokes in your deeper "self". As to me, the music of Russian composer Tchaikovsky is the epitome of perfection, it expresses a sweet kind of melancholy that makes you willing to be alone and let your mind and heart float into infinity, with no aim, just experiencing and absorbing the beauty of the melody. His music can raise your soul to the highest places imaginable, in a sort of spiritual heaven. I am not an expert, but I know that this music can offer moments of pure bliss. Do you have a piece or a song able to give you a few minutes of happiness? Elation of the spirit cannot be measured. It's the feeling and the emotion that count.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Learn From the Snail

A snail is an interesting little creature. It  moves  along its path with perseverance - it doesn't matter how slowly - according to its capability, without worrying about anyone else's speed. This suggests two observations. The first is about trust. When you know where you are aiming, you must go on without being prey of doubts about your final success. The second concerns your ability to reach your goal. These two "virtues" are both indispensable because if just one of them is missing, you won't succeed. Believing that your dream is impossible or that you are unable to carry it out, you are doomed to failure. If the snail allowed itself to be influenced by the speed of other animals, it would never reach its destination. But it always does! What about you?

Monday, June 2, 2014

No Basket From Above

When you don't succeed in a certain endeavor, ask yourself how strongly you had wanted to succeed. If your "desire" is big enough, you will be motivated to do your very best, to use all your capabilities to reach your goal. On the other hand, if you limit yourself to just "wishing" to get a positive result, you won't probably make much progress. It's interesting to see how often people complain about failure without having tried enough. They expect a basket to come down from above with all the goodies they long for. But no basket will be lowered, no free victory is granted. Whatever you want, you have to deserve it. How? But working for it.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Thought, Word, Deed

Famous 17th century Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes said that "good deeds make us noble, we are children of our actions". Consider these words as an invitation to face, and reflect upon the importance of your behavior of yesterday, today and tomorrow. The way you acted in the past brought you where you are right now, and the way you are acting right now is creating your future life. How often are you really aware of this? Don't you sometimes undervalue the impact of a thought, a word, an action of yours? It would be advisable to remember more often that nothing is without consequences, that every single "thing" leaves a trace behind, a shade that will color your tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Boulders on Your Path

We are used to talking about problems as either stumbling blocks or stepping stones. What does this really mean? It means that, like everything else, your attitude (and, consequently, your action) determines the outcome. If you find a big boulder on your path, you can either stop, sit down and complain or you can bravely climb on it and land on the other side. Every obstacle can be viewed as an opportunity to prove your courage, your strength, your creativity. You know well that Life is not usually easy and that many are the challenges you will meet on your way. Your true value as a human being depends on how you face them. And, consequently, you determine the "quality" of your own life.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Somewhere Else

You might have wondered why you do not find yourself where you wanted to be. You feel you have done your best to reach a certain destination, to achieve a specific goal, to be with that special person, but you didn't succeed. Instead of being at the seaside, you find yourself  on a mountain. Instead of having become the office manager, you are still a clerk, your life partner is not the one you had hoped for. You feel cheated because your dream did not come true. But, if you take the time to honestly reflect upon the situation, you might realize that the mountain air is more suitable to the state of your health, that you are not yet ready to be "the boss", that the special "someone" would have not been the optimal choice. Therefore... do what you can in every circumstance but, at the same time, also trust Life to give you what is best for you, in spite of  the apparent  contradiction.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Fall of the Gods

You had put someone you admired, respected, cherished, loved on a sort of pedestal. Then they behaved in a way that hurt you. You realize that your previous judgement had been wrong, that such individual does not deserve your respect and affection any more. The "god", your idol, has fallen and will never resume its position on the pedestal. 
What to do, in the face of such an unpleasant experience? Simply remind yourself that no-one can ever be trusted "completely". You cannot know what is inside another human being, what his (or her) deepest feelings, motivations, desires, goals are. The only attitude you can try to assume, therefore, is one of acceptance, in spite of the disappointment. Through detachment, you will avoid feeling blame and resentment, negative feelings that will harm only "you".

Friday, May 23, 2014

Persistence vs. Stubborness

You certainly know (and probably agree) that persistence (or, rather, perseverance) is a good thing. Persistent people, in fact, don't give up. They try again and again. They are not deterred by the obstacles they find on their way towards the goal they intend to reach. At times, though, the goal in impossible to achieve. If you are smart enough to realize this, it is also up to you to understand that it would be wiser to stop trying. If you don't, if you become stubborn, you will waste the time and the energy that you could use otherwise. As usual, some discernment is necessary.