Saturday, January 28, 2012


Are you a persevering person? Ask yourself how your course of action is in the face of difficulties, when you have little or no indication of success. Do you keep on trying or do you easily feel discouraged and give up? This is surely the most common path towards failure. You are convinced that you should get what you want right away, right now. If you don't, you lose interest, you convince yourself that whatever you were seeking is not worth your effort, that you don't really want it. You abandon the path you had chosen and follow another dream, and maybe another, and another... Many people, especially nowadays, have learned that perseverance is not a positive trait. They feel they don't have enough time to pursue their goals, if these cannot be achieved quickly. Once upon a time, when the animals were complaining about human beings robbing them of their possessions (the sheep's wool, the hen's eggs, the cow's milk etc...), the snail proudly said: "I have something they cannot rob me of. I HAVE TIME!" 

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