Sunday, July 10, 2011

Do Not Disturb!

 I is the word you use to affirm yourself in society, through which you want to show your worth, importance, power.The ego (Latin word that literally means I, used to indicate ones personality) always tries to avoid problems, sorrows, nuisances, any unpleasant feeling or sensation. If, for example, you wish to relax, read a book or listen to music and somebody starts making noise, your ego  automatically reacts in  a negative way. You feel disturbed in your attempt to concentrate and your mind makes you believe that you are being deprived of your right to be left alone. You interpret that noise as an attempt to destroy your freedom of choice. Your true self might try to make you realize that a noise is just a noise, that there is surely a good reason behind it, and that it isnt really a big deal. But your ego shouts that no one has the right to disturb you. You can always find a good reason to justify your negative reaction to any stimulus! As long as your relations with others follow the rule Do not disturb!, you shall always be, and remain, selfish. Your ego will be top priority, overshadowing any deeper, more realistic consideration.

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