Friday, January 21, 2022

'Upgrading' Life

If you look at the sky when there is little or no wind, you see the clouds moving slowly, sometimes even imperceptibly. If a mild wind is blowing, they move faster, and change into different shapes. But when  the wind is strong, the clouds move across the sky in a sort of unstoppable race towards an unknown finish line. The human existence seems to follow a similar pattern across the centuries and millennia. At first it took a long time for appreciable change to happen in prehistoric times. Then things started to move faster and progress happened at a rather steady pace throughout the centuries first, then the decades. Presently, it's not even a matter of years. Transformations in every field happen at a blink of an eye. Technology advances, fads change, people seem to acquire new fast as the racing clouds in a windy day. You look around, and are amazed at the ceaseless 'upgradings(unless you, yourself, are engulfed in the 'race').

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