Sunday, January 2, 2022

Pondering Choices

Some people make decisions without thinking of what their actions will entail. They act on impulse, without reflecting on the possible consequences they may need to face. If the sky is heavily overcast but you decide to go out without taking an umbrella, when it starts raining you get soaked and wish you had made a different choice. Some people believe they can have behaviors or utter words without wondering whether they can be perceived as hurtful. They are (or prefer to be) unaware of the impact they are having on someone else's feelings. Others would rather pick the fastest or easiest alternative because they see it as the best option. Usually, it isn't. A smart choice before making any decision (or doing something that can affect people or yourself) needs time to ponder, to weigh possible outcomes. In conclusion, reflection is better than hastiness or immediate advantage.  

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