Wednesday, January 26, 2022

In a Whim

Have you noticed how quickly your mood can change? One moment you feel well, calm and relaxed, content with yourself and with your environment, the next moment everything seems to change suddenly, and you don't know why. A small, consciously unnoticed 'event' took place, and your outward and inward 'reality' changed. A word - heard or read - a sight - actually seen or imagined - a feeling caused by something real or just perceived as such: many are the causes of the actual transformation that took place inside yourself (whose origin is clearly not factual). Something that was only in your mind upturned what you felt, affected your mood in a way that made your initial state of wellbeing become a state of 'ill-being'. How logical does all this is? How beneficial is it to allow something that has no reality to affect your emotional disposition?  

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