Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Step out of your limits (Part 2)


As long as you remain quietly resting in your comfortable lifestyle, without wondering about what can be found around the corner, you shall always continue to be the way you are, and you shall never make any progress. This, of course, is an acceptable choice as well, just like the frog's choice… the frog who is happy, and always will be, living at the bottom of the well. But not all people are like that. Fortunately there are some who, while accepting their actual situation, ask themselves questions and wonder what can be found “beyond”. They face the view they have always seen, while staring into the distance, and say: "What is there at the farthest side of the horizon?" Thinking about what they have always done, they ask themselves: "How can I improve my achievements? Is it possible to reach a higher goal? Will I be able to progress on the spiritual path?" The nonconformist frog asks: Is the whole world just THIS? Or is there something “different” beyond the walls of my well?

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