Friday, May 20, 2011

“Seeing” means being “present” here and now.

Do you believe your REALLY "see", experience all that is happening in your life? Think for a moment: When you go to a concert, are you able to listen to the music completely, without also looking around, fucusing on this or that, without thinking? While you are doing so (and you do it!!) the symphony or the song is partially lost although you are unaware of it. The experience is not being totally lived because you are not present. You are somewhere else, wherever your thoughts are taking you. This happens every time you are doing something while your mind is wandering elsewhere. Drinking coffee while reading the newspaper? Having a snack while following a TV program? Watching a game and commenting it with a friend? Listening to someone while thinking about the answer you are going to give? All LOST experiences. Is it so bad? Its certainly not fatal, but you definitely miss out on living FULLY. I know that multi-tasking people so highly appreciated nowadays  will surely disagree. Too bad!!

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