Monday, April 18, 2011

What is more important than peace?

Is there anything more important than peace in our lives? Superficial people, who don’t reflect on the issue, will surely answer that there are plenty of things more important than “peace”, because peace would be a consequence of achieving what they value most: Things such as health, wealth, beauty, success, fame, power, romantic love etc… They believe that, having obtained one or several of them, will automatically bring along peace and happiness. They think of happiness as the fulfillment of their desires. Nothing could be farther from the truth. No one can say: “I am a powerful person” and be automatically happy, as so many problems and responsibilities arise from their being in such a position. Women who are already beautiful are never satisfied with their looks, they believe that there is always something that could be done to improve them. If you have good health, you probably take it for granted and don’t pay too much attention to it, if you are rich either you’ll try to increase your capital or you’ll be afraid of losing it. And love…. Love is quite deceitful, too. You believe that your beloved is the one who will make you happy, forever, only to discover, after a brief period of time, that it is not the case. Nothing and no one can give you happiness, can make you  more serene. All you can do is create in yourself a state of mind receptive to calm and tranquility. As much as you can, try to release  worrying, fretting, getting upset, expecting… A simple act of acceptance of what you presently have is the most secure way to find peace in your heart.

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