Sunday, April 17, 2011

A recipe to get rid of guilt

What would happen if you could rid of your negative emotions?

What are your negative emotions? Let’s start with guilt. There is surely something you feel guilty about. It might be anything, a big or a small mistake, maybe you have done someone wrong, you have mistreated another human being, you have been dishonest and so on. Whatever it is, it’s something that haunts you, you try to forget but the nagging feeling is always there and prevents you from being totally serene. you wish you could change the past but you know that it’s not possible. Making amends? Maybe, but it’s not a secure remedy. The person you have wronged may not be available any more, fixing the problem might by now be useless, you still don’t have the courage to come forward…The feeling is still there and there is nothing you can do about it. If you have been hurt, you are probably still holding a grudge, feeling hatred and resentment. These are very strong feelings and really hard to get rid of. It takes time and plenty of will power. What you could do to start cleansing your heart is to try to put yourself in your offender’s shoes. Ask: Why did he/she do that to me? What were his motivations? How did I behave before the fact? Might I have had a certain amount of responsibility in what happened? Could I have reacted to the provocation in a different way? Shouldn’t the hurt by less by now? Why do I keep thinking about it? Do I like nursing the grudge? Wow! Here are some questions! Can you answer honestly? Can you give up to need to show that the others are always wrong and that you are always right? Can you do that for just one second? If you harbor jalousy, envy in your hearts, ask yourself why it is so. It might be that you are blaming others for being who they are, for having what they have, as if it weren’t their right, as if they were taking something away from you. But they are not. They are following their path, achieving certain goals and creating their own lives. Why should we feel as if they, or fate, or God, had wronged YOU? You are “you”, and they are “they”. Let’s not mix things up. Everyone is responsible for his or her own thoughts, deeds, achievements and failures. What would happen if you were able to answer all these questions being totally true to yourselves, without trying to find excuses or justifications? You would find peace.

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