Sunday, December 24, 2017

Three People

Three young people got on the bus together and my attention was attracted by their appearance. Their hairstyles made them look completely different. One tall young man had tightly braided long hair. The other had straight about-twelve-inches-long hair sticking out around his head like a thick halo. The third, a short girl, was almost completely shaved. Interesting, I thought. I wondered how "different" they might really be, disregarding their looks. What appears clear on the surface might hide a lot of other stuff. It could  conceal differences but it might also shroud plenty of similarities. Buried in the underground, different trees might have similar roots. You don't see them, but they are there. Also those youngsters may share thoughts, goals and hopes that are not so different from each other. The same applies to people of different color, race, ethnicity, upbringing or religion. What counts is what is "inside", in the deep self of each individual, in their true nature of human beings (which, by the way, is made of the same "substance" for us all).

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