Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Key to Happiness

Every now and then the old question "What is happiness?" pops up in my mind and I spend a brief moment considering it.
Some believe that happiness consists in having what one wants. Others may say that happiness consists in doing what one wants. Could it be that happiness is succeeding in just being what one wishes to be?
If owning a house or earning a handsome salary is your top priority, having such material goods should make you happy. On the other hand, you may put freedom to do what you want at the top of your list of priorities. You may desire to lead a certain kind of life, maybe travel the world etc. Nevertheless, even having or doing whatever you like most might not be enough and you might still experience a sense of lack that keeps you wanting more. Is it possible that by simply being able to express yourself in whatever way you find it more rewarding provides you with the key to happiness? Or, if not perfect happiness, maybe a sort of serenity that makes you feel contented and fulfilled, in peace with yourself and with the world? That should be enough.

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