Saturday, December 28, 2013

Knock Knock! (Part 2)

In the late nineties you were anxiously waiting for the new Millennium to start because you had made plans. There were things you wanted to carry out or change in your life, you had great expectations from yourself and from others. The year 2000 came and passed and you felt that most things were still the same, including yourself. Then you began waiting for year 2012. You had heard the story concerning the completion of the Mayan Calendar and the possible transformation that could take place on all levels of the human existence. The physical, psychological, emotional, and/or spiritual levels might have been radically altered by the astronomical position of the stars. Year 2012 came and passed and here you are, at the end of 2013. The cosmos is still the same and your life has not changed very much. You have not done most of what you were planning to do, while you may have done something that you had not planned on doing. Quite a few things seem not to have gone according to your forecast. It is interesting to notice how seldom things in life follow the guidelines that had been previously set out. Why does this happen? Are human beings careless, lazy, or incapable? Not at all. They are simply “human” and, according to their (your, mine, our) nature, they talk and dream more than they actually take action.
(to be concluded)

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