Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Big Difference

I have recently come across a quite interesting consideration: "disappointment" is inevitable while "discouragement" is a choice. Is it true?
You are disappointed when you don't achieve the results you wished for: things don't turn out "right", people behave "wrongly" etc... Can you avoid any of this? Hardly. Things happen they way they do, people are the way they are and you have to face different kinds of challenges on a daily basis. Anyway, isn't this what life is made of?
But being discouraged implies a different situation. You are disappointed and you don't know how to face the challenge. Maybe you "know" but you don't feel like doing it, maybe you don't trust yourself enough, you don't believe you can do it, you wonder if it's worth it to make the effort. And this is dangerous, because - by accepting it - you put yourself on the direct route towards depression, i.e. feeling that such kind of life isn't what you want, feeling a victim and so on. But, in truth, isn't this the only kind of life available to you? You simply have to choose how to manage it, what to do with it.

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